Its always something...
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Printed Date: 16 February 2025 at 18:48
Topic: Its always something...
Posted By: Maffe
Subject: Its always something...
Date Posted: 07 January 2018 at 20:08
Work in progress with my TVR. Manifold gaskets needed to be replaced and of course one bolt snapped off. 8-9 broken drills later and my father can make a new thread.
[IMG]"> - 06012018-DSC03728.jpg by - Manfred Svärd , on Flickr[/IMG]
------------- - Flickr
Posted By: Fred_S
Date Posted: 07 January 2018 at 20:31
Great picture Maffe! You have captured the moment and the craftsmanship of your father very well in a nice BW conversion. He doesn't look frustrated yet, so he must be a patient man. TFS.
Posted By: owenn01
Date Posted: 07 January 2018 at 22:40
Ah; the joys of broken bolts in blocks. I used to have a Triumph 1850 Dolomite and had similar grief when replacing a head gasket - if you look it up I think you'll find that's half a Stag's V8 engine; and we all know what those were like if not treated kindly...
Anyway, the image is a great piece of work in progress and I really like the feeling of concentration this conveys; you are indeed lucky to have your father around and skilled in these 'arts'!
Good luck on the rebuild and best regards, Neil.
------------- My Mantra: "Comment on other's work as you would wish to have yours commented upon". Go on - it's fun!
Posted By: waldo_posth
Date Posted: 07 January 2018 at 23:56
Great mood in this image - the b/w processing for me contributes to a kind of "in a different province of time"-feeling. Reminds me of the work of Douglas Harper (on repairing tractors and other agricultural gear).
Great work! TFS!
------------- "Stare, pry, listen, eavesdrop. Die knowing something. You are not here long." (Walker Evans) -
Posted By: francis
Date Posted: 08 January 2018 at 00:08
a moment of high concentration excellent black and white
Posted By: Maffe
Date Posted: 10 January 2018 at 20:53
Thx for the comments Slow progress with work hope to get the engine back in before this week is over!
------------- - Flickr
Posted By: momech
Date Posted: 10 January 2018 at 21:15
A patient man indeed - and a wonderful image.
I put myself through school working as a machinist and you learned real fast how to replace a broken bolt. After 8-9 bits my foreman would be glaring a hole in the back of my head while I sweated it out.
------------- It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
Posted By: skm.sa100
Date Posted: 10 January 2018 at 22:51
Love it. And the square crop works. A man needs something to do...
------------- More Dyxumer, less photographer.
Posted By: brian33
Date Posted: 12 January 2018 at 10:11
Lovely shot, Maffe though I think I would have pulled back on the clarity a bit and lightened up the skin tones (maybe even whole image) just a bit. But that's just me.
------------- I detest bugs, especially spiders.