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Benelux Dyxum meeting October 2021 poll

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Category: Dyxum Community
Forum Name: Meetings
Forum Description: Get Together with other photographers and have fun
Printed Date: 09 February 2025 at 21:03

Topic: Benelux Dyxum meeting October 2021 poll
Posted By: pegelli
Subject: Benelux Dyxum meeting October 2021 poll
Date Posted: 06 August 2021 at 16:02
Let's have a vote where we go, everyone can vote multiple times, but pls. don't misuse that ability and only vote once for every option you prefer and only vote if you're considering to join the meeting.

If you're OK with all three, vote for all of them once, if you only prefer two of the three just vote for those two and if you have one clear preference just vote for that option alone.

Possible dates are still okt 3, 24 or 31.

All other comments can be posted below.

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: @Jetsplace
Date Posted: 06 August 2021 at 16:16
I have never ever been to Dordrecht so would like that a lot.. but Woudrichem en Slot Loevestein or the steamtrain (Gouda would be a backyard location for me ) are fine to - my vote is Dordrecht.

I have put all dates available - so if you cut/past and put your name on the dates we can take the one with the most votes.

Okt 3

Okt 24

Okt 31

Without deviation from the norm progress is not possible .. Zappa
I use google translator to help me with my English

Posted By: overeema
Date Posted: 06 August 2021 at 16:17
I voted for the Steam train if it will be 3 oktober or for dordrecht otherwise

minolta owner since 1969;A350-CZ1680-G70300-Tamron60F2-Minolta100F2-35105-28135-50F1.7; NEX6-E1650-E18105G (& 5 x minolta MC/MD)

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 06 August 2021 at 16:30
Thanks for voting Arnold and Jet,

I forgot to add Luik and/or Antwerp to the poll, let me know if someone feels strong about adding a "Belgian option" . I think I can edit the poll if needed.

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: Harm vb
Date Posted: 06 August 2021 at 19:12
I can go by bike, because I live "under the smoke of Woudrichem"

But Luik and Antwerp are a possibility.

All dates fit me.

Harm with 2 camera's and too many lenses. - Flickr

Posted By: minolta_mutley
Date Posted: 06 August 2021 at 19:58
Dear Dyxum-beneluxers,

Steam??? - i see a beautiful large engine - with speed, wind, smoke, burning coal... An unforgettable event!

It's the only thing i need to make me feel a lot better!!!

Dear Pieter, thank you so much for adding that option.

Posted By: Fred_S
Date Posted: 06 August 2021 at 20:17
Originally posted by @Jetsplace @Jetsplace wrote:

I have put all dates available - so if you cut/past and put your name on the dates we can take the one with the most votes.

I voted for all three options, all dates suit me too

Okt 3
Jet, Fred

Okt 24
Jet, Fred

Okt 31
Jet, Fred

------------- - My Flickr - My Instagram

Posted By: Harm vb
Date Posted: 06 August 2021 at 20:47
Originally posted by @Jetsplace @Jetsplace wrote:

I have put all dates available - so if you cut/past and put your name on the dates we can take the one with the most votes.

Okt 3
Jet, Fred, Harm

Okt 24
Jet, Fred, Harm

Okt 31
Jet, Fred, Harm

I voted for Dordrecht as well, because I've been to the mill in Woudrichem today. A steam train, not my preferred subject, however smoke and steam seem attractive...

Harm with 2 camera's and too many lenses. - Flickr

Posted By: darosa
Date Posted: 06 August 2021 at 21:02
Okt 3
Jet, Fred, Harm, Leo

Okt 24
Jet, Fred, Harm, Leo

Okt 31
Jet, Fred, Harm, Leo

If possible, select more than one option. It's nice to have a spare one in case the weather is very bad on the first one.

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 06 August 2021 at 21:33
Originally posted by darosa darosa wrote:

If possible, select more than one option. It's nice to have a spare one in case the weather is very bad on the first one.
Good thought

Okt 3
Jet, Fred, Harm, Leo, Pieter, Arnold (only steam train)

Okt 24
Jet, Fred, Harm, Leo, Pieter, Arnold

Okt 31
Jet, Fred, Harm, Leo, Pieter, Arnold

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: Snegren
Date Posted: 06 August 2021 at 21:34
Okt 3
Jet, Fred, Harm, Leo, Pieter, Arnold (only steam train), Paul

Okt 24
Jet, Fred, Harm, Leo, Pieter, Arnold, Paul

Okt 31
Jet, Fred, Harm, Leo, Pieter, Arnold, Paul

“People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use.” Søren Kierkegaard - My Flickr

Posted By: overeema
Date Posted: 06 August 2021 at 22:30
Originally posted by minolta_mutley minolta_mutley wrote:

Dear Dyxum-beneluxers,

Steam??? - i see a beautiful large engine - with speed, wind, smoke, burning coal... An unforgettable event!

It's the only thing i need to make me feel a lot better!!!

Dear Pieter, thank you so much for adding that option.

There will be about 4 large steam engines under steam. Probably 3 in commuting cycle between Gouda and Rotterdam and a small one on which you can have a small run in the engine.
And at least one large engine more that is cold (due for renovation)

minolta owner since 1969;A350-CZ1680-G70300-Tamron60F2-Minolta100F2-35105-28135-50F1.7; NEX6-E1650-E18105G (& 5 x minolta MC/MD)

Posted By: Dopol
Date Posted: 07 August 2021 at 16:11
Okt 3
Jet, Fred, Harm, Leo, Pieter, Arnold (only steam train), Paul, domien

Okt 24
Jet, Fred, Harm, Leo, Pieter, Arnold, Paul, domien

Okt 31
Jet, Fred, Harm, Leo, Pieter, Arnold, Paul, domien

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 08 August 2021 at 13:38
I will take a week of vacation next week (probably w/o or with very little internet) but pls. keep the comments and votes coming. Based on all I see and read when I'm back we can probably make a final decision on venue and date.

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: Dirk
Date Posted: 08 August 2021 at 13:52
Originally posted by Harm vb Harm vb wrote:

I can go by bike, because I live "under the smoke of Woudrichem".

I checked out the ferry's to check possible inclusion of Gorinchem, but it appears that the ferry's close from sep 30th except saturdays

"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera" - Dorothea Lang

Posted By: Dirk
Date Posted: 08 August 2021 at 13:55
I only have possibility at Oct 3.

Okt 3
Jet, Fred, Harm, Leo, Pieter, Arnold (only steam train), Paul, domien, Dirk

Okt 24
Jet, Fred, Harm, Leo, Pieter, Arnold, Paul, domien

Okt 31
Jet, Fred, Harm, Leo, Pieter, Arnold, Paul, domien

"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera" - Dorothea Lang

Posted By: der dickgg
Date Posted: 08 August 2021 at 15:22
Hope to join you in Dordrecht the 3rd, but no scedule yet for oktober. I know the next weekend I'll be in Switzerland, so small chance I can make it.

Quit a lot of ALPHA and NEX gear, a nice collection of Sigma lenses, Dynax and M42 stuff, Gitzo's, Visico's and lots of video-equipment

Posted By: Harm vb
Date Posted: 08 August 2021 at 16:51
Just for information...

Harm with 2 camera's and too many lenses. - Flickr

Posted By: Harm vb
Date Posted: 12 August 2021 at 22:49
Originally posted by Dirk Dirk wrote:

I only have possibility at Oct 3.

Okt 3
Jet, Fred, Harm, Leo, Pieter, Arnold (only steam train), Paul, domien, Dirk

Okt 24
Jet, Fred, Harm, Leo, Pieter, Arnold, Paul, domien

Okt 31
Jet, Fred, Leo, Pieter, Arnold, Paul, domien

31 october I do have a ticket for P. I. In Nijkerk. Forgot almost...

Harm with 2 camera's and too many lenses. - Flickr

Posted By: der dickgg
Date Posted: 13 August 2021 at 08:09
Yes! The 3rd of oktober is possible for me.... count me in.

Quit a lot of ALPHA and NEX gear, a nice collection of Sigma lenses, Dynax and M42 stuff, Gitzo's, Visico's and lots of video-equipment

Posted By: minolta_mutley
Date Posted: 13 August 2021 at 19:59
I'll decide as late as possible. Steam or the virus? Who may win? Cast your votes!

(as long as it's steam i'm in).

The dates are no issue at this moment. All dates are free.

And having two la-ea4r's version 4 + 5 (firmware) there's lots to try out!

Posted By: der dickgg
Date Posted: 14 August 2021 at 01:57
A-mount or E-mount.... what to choose for the meeting?

Quit a lot of ALPHA and NEX gear, a nice collection of Sigma lenses, Dynax and M42 stuff, Gitzo's, Visico's and lots of video-equipment

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 14 August 2021 at 19:07
Originally posted by der dickgg der dickgg wrote:

A-mount or E-mount.... what to choose for the meeting?
Both of course

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: Harm vb
Date Posted: 14 August 2021 at 19:08
Haha, A7iii or A7rii??

Difficult choice as well...

Harm with 2 camera's and too many lenses. - Flickr

Posted By: PieterB
Date Posted: 16 August 2021 at 20:39
I want to be able to follow this discussion.

Sony A7mk3
Sony 24-105/f4

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 16 August 2021 at 21:19
Originally posted by PieterB PieterB wrote:

I want to be able to follow this discussion.
What's the problem Pieter, I thought that you mostly think we move too slow and now you can't keep up

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 16 August 2021 at 21:31
Looking at votes and when most people are available it seems oktober 3 in Dordrecht gets the majority (sorry Arnold and Ivo). So let's pencil that in and use oktober 24 in case we need a weather-delay.

For the train lovers no problem to "bolt on" a visit there on saturday oktober 2. I might do that anyway (depending on the weather) and will try to catch the train underway (for instance at the Tweede Tochtweg and/or when it crosses the Gouwekanaal) and visit the depot before or after.

Unless there are major objections I will close this poll/thread tomorrow and start a dedicated meeting thread for a Dordrecht meeting on oktober 3.

Depending on interest I will start another one for a steam train meeting saturday oktober 2, since it will be a lot more clean not to mix the two.

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: rvangompel
Date Posted: 17 August 2021 at 19:23
I'm curious what the choice will be. I definitely plan to come if my health allows.

Roel van Gompel

I'm using Sony and Minolta equipement

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 19 August 2021 at 15:15
This thread/poll is now closed, further discussion on this meeting - can be found here

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

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