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Dordrecht Meeting, okt 24 moved from okt 3, 2021

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Category: Dyxum Community
Forum Name: Meetings
Forum Description: Get Together with other photographers and have fun
Printed Date: 19 February 2025 at 13:52

Topic: Dordrecht Meeting, okt 24 moved from okt 3, 2021
Posted By: pegelli
Subject: Dordrecht Meeting, okt 24 moved from okt 3, 2021
Date Posted: 18 August 2021 at 20:06
As determined and discussed - here the first choice for our next Benelux meeting date was october 3 (backup october 24 in case of bad weather) and as a venue Dordrecht got the most votes.

I suggest we meet between 10:30 and 11:00 in "Dordts Genoegen", Voorstraat 256, 3311 ET Dordrecht for coffee (and cake), that's nice and central for starting our walk. But if there are other ideas on that just post them here, these are just suggestions to get the discussion going.

We could follow " - Rondje Dordt " or any of the other dedicated walking routes that can be found lower on the page (street art/hoogwater/leermonumenten/hofjes/bier en wijn.....) or combine some in our own route. Suggestions welcome

As far as I could determine from the other thread the participants so far are:

- @Jetsplace + Marcel
- Snegren
- Fred_S
- darosa
- rvangompel
- Harm vb
- Dopol
- Dirk
- der dickgg (guide?)
- pegelli

Pls. post below if you would get your name added or removed from the list and any other suggestions (starting time/meeting place/route to walk/equipment to take or anything else that's on your mind regarding this meeting).

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: Snegren
Date Posted: 19 August 2021 at 08:56
October 3rd has been penciled in. Now starts the big struggle what to bring (aka do I need a mule or do I go light). I fear neither of those options. I have three certainties:
A7iii with Meyer Optik Domiron 2/50
A7RM4 with LA-EA5 and Minolta 100/2
Laowa Zero-D 12/2.8 (17/4 with shift converter)

“People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use.” Søren Kierkegaard - My Flickr

Posted By: Fred_S
Date Posted: 19 August 2021 at 09:52
3 October has been noted down in the agenda :-).
We'll see what to carry, probably a full bag

------------- - My Flickr - My Instagram

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 19 August 2021 at 15:32
What to carry, for the lensaholics among us always the most difficult question before a meeting

Certain is two bodies (A7ii and A7Rii) and my walk around zoom (Tamron 28-200 Di III RXD) but I need to add some fun lenses to that. Still time to think it all over......

Another consideration is that oktober 3 is week 39 for primes/zoom ends between 270 and 276 mm. So a 135 mm with a 2x converter would work but I would need an Olympus OM 2x converter which I don't have , does anybody else have one I could borrow for the day?

And it will be oktoberfest as well, which dictates at least one prime lens added to the bag.

Why is life so complicated?

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: @Jetsplace
Date Posted: 19 August 2021 at 16:17
Probably Marcel will join as well

Without deviation from the norm progress is not possible .. Zappa
I use google translator to help me with my English

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 19 August 2021 at 16:19
Originally posted by @Jetsplace @Jetsplace wrote:

Probably Marcel will join as well

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: overeema
Date Posted: 19 August 2021 at 16:31
Originally posted by pegelli pegelli wrote:

As determined and discussed - here the first choice for our next Benelux meeting date was october 3 (backup october 24 in case of bad weather)
If for weather reasons the backup of October 24 is used you can also count me in
Originally posted by pegelli pegelli wrote:

and as a venue Dordrecht got the most votes.

I suggest we meet between 10:30 and 11:00 in "Dordts Genoegen", Voorstraat 256, 3311 ET Dordrecht for coffee (and cake), that's nice and central for starting our walk. But if there are other ideas on that just post them here, these are just suggestions to get the discussion going.

We could follow " - Rondje Dordt " or any of the other dedicated walking routes that can be found lower on the page (street art/hoogwater/leermonumenten/hofjes/bier en wijn.....) or combine some in our own route. Suggestions welcome

As far as I could determine from the other thread the participants so far are:

- @Jetsplace + Marcel
- Snegren
- Fred_S
- darosa
- rvangompel
- Harm vb
- Dopol
- Dirk
- der dickgg (guide?)
- pegelli

Pls. post below if you would get your name added or removed from the list and any other suggestions (starting time/meeting place/route to walk/equipment to take or anything else that's on your mind regarding this meeting).

minolta owner since 1969;A350-CZ1680-G70300-Tamron60F2-Minolta100F2-35105-28135-50F1.7; NEX6-E1650-E18105G (& 5 x minolta MC/MD)

Posted By: Harm vb
Date Posted: 19 August 2021 at 16:55
Sounds good to me...

Harm with 2 camera's and too many lenses. - Flickr

Posted By: der dickgg
Date Posted: 19 August 2021 at 18:30
Knowing Dordrecht 'on my little thumb' it will be a privilege to be your guide.... sort of.   

Quit a lot of ALPHA and NEX gear, a nice collection of Sigma lenses, Dynax and M42 stuff, Gitzo's, Visico's and lots of video-equipment

Posted By: Harm vb
Date Posted: 19 August 2021 at 19:43
What to take with me? All, except my telelenses, I guess, and soms other stuff.

However, I can shoot with one camera at a time so, taking two with me, dunno yet.

I'll travel by train, just 1/2 hour away .

For the ones coming by car: Spuiboulevard is easy to reach from the highway.

Harm with 2 camera's and too many lenses. - Flickr

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 19 August 2021 at 20:37
Did we choose the right place?

I found this little rhyme:
“Tiel is niet viel, Bommel is rommel en hoe dichter bij Dordt, hoe rotter het wordt.”

I guess we'll fit in nicely there

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: Harm vb
Date Posted: 19 August 2021 at 20:39
It starts with: in Nijmegen beginnen ze te vegen.

I grew up in Tiel

Harm with 2 camera's and too many lenses. - Flickr

Posted By: der dickgg
Date Posted: 20 August 2021 at 08:25
"Dichter bij Dordt, hoe rotter het wordt. Maar zit je er eenmaal in, dan heb je 't naar je zin".....
To complete the rhyme!

Quit a lot of ALPHA and NEX gear, a nice collection of Sigma lenses, Dynax and M42 stuff, Gitzo's, Visico's and lots of video-equipment

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 06 September 2021 at 15:50
Originally posted by pegelli pegelli wrote:

Another consideration is that oktober 3 is week 39 for primes/zoom ends between 270 and 276 mm. So a 135 mm with a 2x converter would work but I would need an Olympus OM 2x converter which I don't have , does anybody else have one I could borrow for the day?
Found a cheap Panagor 2x converter for Olympus OM in a second hand shop. And for oktoberfest I was considering the OM Zuiko 135/2.8 anyway, so I guess this now solidifies part of the plan.

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 28 September 2021 at 19:43
We need to start watching the weather forecast, and looking today it doesn't look very good for next sunday: - Buienradar 14 daagse voor Dordrecht

Looking at the details it seems all rain is falling between 10h and 17h

I have a couple of thoughts about this (in random order)

1: There's also a lot of wind forecasted, so it still could blow over or get there much faster, it's still 5 days away
2: We still have a back-up date of oktober 24 "pencilled in"
3: There's no bad photography weather, only insufficient gear protection
4: Weather forecast for the 2019 Haarlem meeting was also very bad, but we went ahead and had a gorgeous day

I think it's too early to take a decision at this moment, but it's definitely something we need to discuss here further. Any other thoughts are very welcome.

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: Fred_S
Date Posted: 28 September 2021 at 20:09
I had a look at the forecast too.
However, the forecaster's hall of fame is an empty building.
Let's keep an eye on the outlook and make the decision towards the 3rd.

------------- - My Flickr - My Instagram

Posted By: Harm vb
Date Posted: 28 September 2021 at 20:12
17°C, about 16mm of rain

Doesn't look good...

We'll see friday?

Harm with 2 camera's and too many lenses. - Flickr

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 28 September 2021 at 20:19
Thanks Harm and Fred, I agree we can decide friday or even saturday. My post was just a "schot voor de boeg".

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 29 September 2021 at 20:42
Currently Buienradar gives most rain in the early morning with even some sun in the afternoon with only one occasional shower. Let's keep our fingers crossed it remains that way.

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: @Jetsplace
Date Posted: 30 September 2021 at 00:57
I just bought a very yellow raincoat today.. so I am up to it

Without deviation from the norm progress is not possible .. Zappa
I use google translator to help me with my English

Posted By: darosa
Date Posted: 01 October 2021 at 14:24
That's great Jet, then I can always find you when I get lost! 👍

Posted By: darosa
Date Posted: 01 October 2021 at 14:26
Where do we meet and greet, and what time

Posted By: Harm vb
Date Posted: 01 October 2021 at 14:28
The weather forecast doeesn't look very good.

I hate it to get wet by about 25mm of rain .

Harm with 2 camera's and too many lenses. - Flickr

Posted By: @Jetsplace
Date Posted: 01 October 2021 at 15:25
Originally posted by darosa darosa wrote:

Where do we meet and greet, and what time

Copy-past from Pieters message.

I suggest we meet between 10:30 and 11:00 in "Dordts Genoegen", Voorstraat 256, 3311 ET Dordrecht for coffee (and cake), that's nice and central for starting our walk. But if there are other ideas on that just post them here, these are just suggestions to get the discussion going.

Without deviation from the norm progress is not possible .. Zappa
I use google translator to help me with my English

Posted By: der dickgg
Date Posted: 01 October 2021 at 16:15
Weatherforecast isn't very hopefull. Long period of rain during daytime. What to do?

The rendez-vous adres is fine for me.

Hope te see you all coming sunday!

Quit a lot of ALPHA and NEX gear, a nice collection of Sigma lenses, Dynax and M42 stuff, Gitzo's, Visico's and lots of video-equipment

Posted By: Harm vb
Date Posted: 01 October 2021 at 16:17
imho we postpone it to the 24th...

Harm with 2 camera's and too many lenses. - Flickr

Posted By: Snegren
Date Posted: 01 October 2021 at 17:05
Weeronline predicts 21.8 mm rain on Sunday. Buienradar gives reasons for hope after 16:00, before that 1-2 mm/hr of rain. In my opinion it is not worth it.

“People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use.” Søren Kierkegaard - My Flickr

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 01 October 2021 at 18:23
Let's look tomorrow around noon and take a final decision then. Prediction for sunday has been up and down all week so it might look better again tomorrow. But if it remains "as is" I agree it's better to postpone until the 24th.

So "watch this space"

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 01 October 2021 at 21:08
Another thought

If tomorrow weather forecast remains bad and we cancel (probability of that seems high) we will move the meeting to oktober 24 (as agreed before)

But in addition we could meet with those who feel like it around 15:00, have coffee/tea/other and by the time it's dry (probably around 15:30/16:00) we go out and do a late afternoon stroll, have dinner and afterwards do some evening/night shots in the harbour area.
Might be too late for people who have to work the next day but in case there's a few others interested in such a plan I would drive to Dordrecht for this.

This would be in addition to oktober 24, not instead of, and would only be if we have to cancel the normal meeting tomorrow.

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: Dopol
Date Posted: 02 October 2021 at 08:06
I would visit Dordrecht for such a plan.
The weather forecast certainly allows for it.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken

Posted By: Harm vb
Date Posted: 02 October 2021 at 08:27
Yep, agree. But another appointment makes it impossible to join

Harm with 2 camera's and too many lenses. - Flickr

Posted By: Fred_S
Date Posted: 02 October 2021 at 08:34
Sounds like a plan to me (even if I have to work the next day )

------------- - My Flickr - My Instagram

Posted By: der dickgg
Date Posted: 02 October 2021 at 09:39
Sorry to say, but I can't visit Dordrecht and join you in the second half of the afternoon and evening. Due to family (wining & dining) obligations.

Quit a lot of ALPHA and NEX gear, a nice collection of Sigma lenses, Dynax and M42 stuff, Gitzo's, Visico's and lots of video-equipment

Posted By: darosa
Date Posted: 02 October 2021 at 10:49
I like your late afternoon plan Pieter; I'm looking forward to 'Dordrecht after the rain'! My only worry is that there's not much wind tomorrow so chances are the rain will linger for a few hours more. In that case it's a no go I'm afraid. So for me it's a: yes, unless ... We can make it definite tomorrow morning, can't we?

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 02 October 2021 at 11:14
Here's the weatherforecast for tomorrow in Dordrecht">

Basically continuous rain until about 15:00 but after that even a little sunshine.

Even though the weather foracasters hall of fame is an empty building (great quote Fred ) I think most forecasts I've heard on radio/television say it's clearing up in the afternoon.

So I think it's wise to postpone the normal meeting planned for tomorrow to oktober 24, I think the chances that the rain will move away faster are zero to none.

The late afternoon/dinner/evening plan still looks feasible and we have Fred, Domien, Leo and myself as potential participants, but of course everybody is welcome to join.
In case Leo's fear (rain staying around much longer) we can still cancel that tomorrow around noon.

So in short:

1: The "official" meeting is postponed until oktober 24
2: A smaller group (but everybody welcome) will decide about a late afternoon/evening shoot tomorrow around noon
    In case it goes ahead I suggest we'll meet around 15:00 in "Dordts Genoegen", Voorstraat 256, 3311 ET Dordrecht and take it from there.

I would appreciate if everybody can post below that they have seen that the meeting is postponed until the 24th, I always worry someone still shows up at 10:30 in the meeting place and finds himself there alone. I really would like to avoid that at all cost.

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: Harm vb
Date Posted: 02 October 2021 at 11:24
Seen and noted it.

One restriction: I'm coming back on the 23th of october from a trip by 2CV from France, arriving late. I'm not sure whether I will join on 24th....

Harm with 2 camera's and too many lenses. - Flickr

Posted By: der dickgg
Date Posted: 02 October 2021 at 11:34
No.... another wining & dining the 24th. But the rest of the day I'll join the group! Dyxum forever!

Quit a lot of ALPHA and NEX gear, a nice collection of Sigma lenses, Dynax and M42 stuff, Gitzo's, Visico's and lots of video-equipment

Posted By: Snegren
Date Posted: 02 October 2021 at 11:51
I will put 24th in the agenda. If we're on for Sunday 15:00 I'll be there. It allows me to go speed-cycling in the morning (yes, 50 km in the pouring rain, nothing a hot shower cannot fix) and I will check this thread around noon.

“People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use.” Søren Kierkegaard - My Flickr

Posted By: Snegren
Date Posted: 02 October 2021 at 11:55
By the way, weeronline predicts rain until 18:00. But it remains a guessing game.

“People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use.” Søren Kierkegaard - My Flickr

Posted By: Dopol
Date Posted: 02 October 2021 at 13:06
seen and noted
I'll show up tomorrow

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken

Posted By: @Jetsplace
Date Posted: 02 October 2021 at 13:51
Marcel cannot join tomorrow afternoon/evening - he will join 24th.
His work obligation on Monday is to big and so close after our holiday - he has loads of work waiting and is unable to postpone.

I would like to join both tomorrow and the 24th except when it rains very very hard.

Without deviation from the norm progress is not possible .. Zappa
I use google translator to help me with my English

Posted By: Roger Rex
Date Posted: 02 October 2021 at 14:48
I have been following this vicariously wishing I could be there to meet the group and shoot together. I have been rewarded with the "forecasters hall of fame is an empty building."    I usually shoot alone but I have a friend that I occasionally go out with to shoot. Here is a typical plan. Me - "Bob, let's try next Tuesday morning with Saturday as a back up for bad weather." Bob - "Sounds good." Bob (six days before the Tuesday)- "Roger, there is a rain chance of 70% for Tuesday so it's looking like Saturday." "Me - "Bob, and you believe that prediction. How old are you?"

Enjoy your day together (or day and a half). Wish I was there, good or bad weather.

Hatred corrodes the container it is carried in.

Posted By: Bob J
Date Posted: 02 October 2021 at 14:56
Well if you ever get over this side of the pond I'm sure we could do you a good turnout Roger..

RBJ ~ - Moderation on Dyxum

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 02 October 2021 at 18:28
Originally posted by pegelli pegelli wrote:

Here's the weatherforecast for tomorrow in Dordrecht">

Basically continuous rain until about 15:00 but after that even a little sunshine.

Even though the weather foracasters hall of fame is an empty building (great quote Fred ) I think most forecasts I've heard on radio/television say it's clearing up in the afternoon.

So I think it's wise to postpone the normal meeting planned for tomorrow to oktober 24, I think the chances that the rain will move away faster are zero to none.

The late afternoon/dinner/evening plan still looks feasible and we have Fred, Domien, Leo and myself as potential participants, but of course everybody is welcome to join.
In case Leo's fear (rain staying around much longer) we can still cancel that tomorrow around noon.

So in short:

1: The "official" meeting is postponed until oktober 24
2: A smaller group (but everybody welcome) will decide about a late afternoon/evening shoot tomorrow around noon
    In case it goes ahead I suggest we'll meet around 15:00 in "Dordts Genoegen", Voorstraat 256, 3311 ET Dordrecht and take it from there.

I would appreciate if everybody can post below that they have seen that the meeting is postponed until the 24th, I always worry someone still shows up at 10:30 in the meeting place and finds himself there alone. I really would like to avoid that at all cost.

A bump/repeat. Since we're on a new page

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: Fred_S
Date Posted: 02 October 2021 at 19:31
Any tips for reasonable parking options? One nearby is for 40min max, or €3,30 per hour?

------------- - My Flickr - My Instagram

Posted By: Harm vb
Date Posted: 02 October 2021 at 19:48
Go to station Baanhoek (A15, near Papendrecht/Sliedrecht) and take the train (every 30 minutes) to Dordrecht....

Or - this one....€1 per 25 minutes.

Harm with 2 camera's and too many lenses. - Flickr

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 02 October 2021 at 20:00
I was thinking - this one , 1 € per 28 minutes but max 20 € per day and close to the center so I can leave my tripod in the car and pick it up after dinner for the evening/night shots.

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: darosa
Date Posted: 02 October 2021 at 20:02
I'm looking at these two:

Garage Spuihaven 1,60 per uur 520 plaatsen
Garage Spuihaven
Spuiboulevard 304
3311 GR Dordrecht

garage Veemarkt (680 plaatsen):
•     je betaalt per minuut en alleen met pin
•     € 1,80 per uur
Garage Veemarkt
Van Godewijckstraat 11
3311 GX Dordrecht

Posted By: darosa
Date Posted: 02 October 2021 at 20:03
They are close to VVV where we could pick up some info (closes at 15:00!!)

Posted By: Fred_S
Date Posted: 02 October 2021 at 21:03
Thanks guys!
Pieter's link doesn't work, but I guess it's Drievriendenhof?
Otherwise Veemarkt looks fine to me.

------------- - My Flickr - My Instagram

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 02 October 2021 at 21:27
Originally posted by Fred_S Fred_S wrote:

Thanks guys!
Pieter's link doesn't work, but I guess it's Drievriendenhof?
Otherwise Veemarkt looks fine to me.
Yes, it's Drievriendehof.
I tried to correct the link but failed, don't know what's wrong

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: Dirk
Date Posted: 02 October 2021 at 22:51
Hi guys, thanks for the update. I'll check tomorrow if I would be able to join.
Otherwise I'll check the 24th.

"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera" - Dorothea Lang

Posted By: KoBra64
Date Posted: 03 October 2021 at 08:53
This weekend I am not able to join you but I would like to on the 24th.

Posted By: Dirk
Date Posted: 03 October 2021 at 09:10
I won’t be able to join today due to family matters. 24th is booked through!

"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera" - Dorothea Lang

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 03 October 2021 at 10:43 - Rain is projected to stop shortly after 14h

So I'll be in "Dordts Genoegen", Voorstraat 256, 3311 ET Dordrecht around 15h.

Hope to see many others there

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: darosa
Date Posted: 03 October 2021 at 10:59
See you there and then, voor een genoeglijke middag. 👍

Posted By: Fred_S
Date Posted: 03 October 2021 at 11:05
See you there

------------- - My Flickr - My Instagram

Posted By: Dopol
Date Posted: 03 October 2021 at 11:15
Tot straks

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 03 October 2021 at 11:32
Originally posted by Dirk Dirk wrote:

I won’t be able to join today due to family matters. 24th is booked through!

Originally posted by KoBra64 KoBra64 wrote:

This weekend I am not able to join you but I would like to on the 24th.

Great Peter and Dirk, I'll start a participant list for the 24th next week and I'll make sure you're on it. Hopefully less rain by then.

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: Snegren
Date Posted: 03 October 2021 at 11:52
CU at 15:00

“People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use.” Søren Kierkegaard - My Flickr

Posted By: @Jetsplace
Date Posted: 03 October 2021 at 13:02
Tot zo - Gouda is still horrible weather though...

Without deviation from the norm progress is not possible .. Zappa
I use google translator to help me with my English

Posted By: Harm vb
Date Posted: 03 October 2021 at 13:06
Yes, with better weather I planned to escape from my obligations, but now, no.

Cu at the 24th, when I'm not to exhausted from 2CV driving home...

Harm with 2 camera's and too many lenses. - Flickr

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 04 October 2021 at 07:51 - Images of the first/short meeting can be found in a dedicated Themed Views thread

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: overeema
Date Posted: 04 October 2021 at 12:31
Originally posted by pegelli pegelli wrote:

Originally posted by pegelli pegelli wrote:

Here's the weatherforecast for tomorrow in Dordrecht">

Basically continuous rain until about 15:00 but after that even a little sunshine.

Even though the weather foracasters hall of fame is an empty building (great quote Fred ) I think most forecasts I've heard on radio/television say it's clearing up in the afternoon.

So I think it's wise to postpone the normal meeting planned for tomorrow to oktober 24, I think the chances that the rain will move away faster are zero to none.

The late afternoon/dinner/evening plan still looks feasible and we have Fred, Domien, Leo and myself as potential participants, but of course everybody is welcome to join.
In case Leo's fear (rain staying around much longer) we can still cancel that tomorrow around noon.

So in short:

1: The "official" meeting is postponed until oktober 24
2: A smaller group (but everybody welcome) will decide about a late afternoon/evening shoot tomorrow around noon
    In case it goes ahead I suggest we'll meet around 15:00 in "Dordts Genoegen", Voorstraat 256, 3311 ET Dordrecht and take it from there.

I would appreciate if everybody can post below that they have seen that the meeting is postponed until the 24th, I always worry someone still shows up at 10:30 in the meeting place and finds himself there alone. I really would like to avoid that at all cost.

A bump/repeat. Since we're on a new page

Hi Pieter and others,
Yes I have seen this post, and can confirm that the weather on 3 October was awful in Rotterdam until about 3:30 pm.

Since you are moving to 24 October, you can also count me in.

minolta owner since 1969;A350-CZ1680-G70300-Tamron60F2-Minolta100F2-35105-28135-50F1.7; NEX6-E1650-E18105G (& 5 x minolta MC/MD)

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 15 October 2021 at 14:06
Reading the posts above (and some guessing) the group for the 24th looks to be:

- @Jetsplace + Marcel (depending on dog sitting/carrying capabilities)
- KoBra64
- overeema
- Fred_S
- der dickgg
- Harm vb (depending on the state of exhaustion after a long 2CV drive)
- Snegren
- Dirk
- rvangompel
- Dopol
- addy landzaat
- pegelli

Not 100% sure about darosa

Just post below if you want to join, there's plenty room for more, even if you're not mentioned in this post or I forgot to include you.

But now the bad news, weather for Dordrecht the 24th looks like ~4,5 mm of rain over the entire day at the moment, but too far away to see when it will fall. Also still far away, so it might still change. So watch this space for any updates. Let's keep our fingers crossed the late morning & afternoon is dry.

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: Dirk
Date Posted: 15 October 2021 at 16:15
Thanks Pieter, I will join excepts when it's raining cats and dogs.

"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera" - Dorothea Lang

Posted By: Dirk
Date Posted: 15 October 2021 at 16:19
Is there anyone joining with a serious long e-mount lens (like the 200-600) ?
I'm still hooked on my good old A900 and a A77II.
As I'm planning to expand to some more serious birding next spring, I consider to switch to e-mount.
(the alternative is long A-mount lenses but then it will be legacy MinO stuff like 400/4.5+TC or even longer.
The Somy 500/4 is extremely rare and expensive.
So E-mount is an option, but I'm quite unfamiliar with it
So I'm eager to hear some advises on gear, both body and lenses, during the meet.

"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera" - Dorothea Lang

Posted By: KoBra64
Date Posted: 15 October 2021 at 19:20
Thanks Pieter.

Dordrecht is fine by me (for a walk not a swim ), never been there but I can imagine that those who attended october the 3rd would like a different environment. But maybe Dordrecht is big enough for a second visit.
Just a thought.

Posted By: Dopol
Date Posted: 15 October 2021 at 19:37
The 24fh is long way off
The weather may change for the better.
Unless the weather is TERRIBLE I’ll loin.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken

Posted By: Dopol
Date Posted: 15 October 2021 at 19:39
Dirk, I can take the 100400GM, A very good e-mount lens

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken

Posted By: Dirk
Date Posted: 15 October 2021 at 19:40
Originally posted by Dopol Dopol wrote:

Dirk, I can take the 100400GM, A very good e-mount lens

"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera" - Dorothea Lang

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 15 October 2021 at 19:44
@Dirk, the person to ask that question is Ton Valk (digiton), he has a FE200-600 and uses it for birding, but sofar he has not signed up for the meeting. The other good advice you could get is from Domien (Dopol), he uses the FE100-400 with the 1.4x converter, also for birding.

@KoBra64, I think Dordrecht is big enough, we only started walking around 3:30 pm so only saw a very small piece, the whole area on the west- and southside are still unexplored.

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: Dirk
Date Posted: 15 October 2021 at 20:17
Thanks Pieter, i guess it will be quite a drive for Ton.

"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera" - Dorothea Lang

Posted By: Fred_S
Date Posted: 15 October 2021 at 20:31
24 October is noted in my agenda

------------- - My Flickr - My Instagram

Posted By: @Jetsplace
Date Posted: 15 October 2021 at 21:32
It is still on our agenda but today we received a puppy.
I have to look if he can join in a doggy-backpack but he might already be to big. He is to small to leave at home. This will be a last minute decision for us as we still have to get used to eachother.

Without deviation from the norm progress is not possible .. Zappa
I use google translator to help me with my English

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 18 October 2021 at 08:03
I hope Marcel and you can make it Jet. Don't you have a "bolderkar" or old buggy to cart the pup around at the times (s)he is too tired to walk by itself? Seems more comfortable than carrying it around in a backpack.

Weather forecast for the 24th is looking better every day, I hope that trend continues

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: @Jetsplace
Date Posted: 18 October 2021 at 13:04
Originally posted by pegelli pegelli wrote:

I hope Marcel and you can make it Jet. Don't you have a "bolderkar" or old buggy to cart the pup around at the times (s)he is too tired to walk by itself? Seems more comfortable than carrying it around in a backpack.

Not really - but I can look if it is possible to arrange something.
We have a doggybackpack - but the pup is bigger than expected. So it is not really a fit.
I am working on it to find a solution.

Without deviation from the norm progress is not possible .. Zappa
I use google translator to help me with my English

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 20 October 2021 at 14:59
Originally posted by pegelli pegelli wrote:

I suggest we meet between 10:30 and 11:00 in "Dordts Genoegen", Voorstraat 256, 3311 ET Dordrecht for coffee (and cake), that's nice and central for starting our walk. But if there are other ideas on that just post them here, these are just suggestions to get the discussion going.

Reposted from the first post in this thread to repeat where and and what time we meet the 24th. The weatherforecast is looking better and better from a photographic perspective (dry with sun and clouds) but also cold and windy so you better dress adequately for that.

Let's keep our fingers crossed the weather remains as currently forecasted, if it does I think we'll have a splendid afternoon walking around the old town.

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: addy landzaat
Date Posted: 20 October 2021 at 16:41
Put me on the list! It is about time I join one of these events

Why not follow me on Instagram? @Addy_101

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 20 October 2021 at 16:58
That's great Addy, you're on the list

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: Harm vb
Date Posted: 20 October 2021 at 18:51
I'm there too. We plan to drive on Friday from Limoges to Rouen, on Saturday from Rouen to home. That isn't an exhausting trip, so I'll join sunday!

Harm with 2 camera's and too many lenses. - Flickr

Posted By: KoBra64
Date Posted: 20 October 2021 at 19:23
Originally posted by addy landzaat addy landzaat wrote:

Put me on the list! It is about time I join one of these events

Originally posted by Harm vb Harm vb wrote:

I'll join sunday!

Nice! I am looking forward to meet familiar names next sunday.

Posted By: Fred_S
Date Posted: 20 October 2021 at 20:04
Originally posted by pegelli pegelli wrote:

Originally posted by pegelli pegelli wrote:

I suggest we meet between 10:30 and 11:00 in "Dordts Genoegen", Voorstraat 256, 3311 ET Dordrecht for coffee (and cake), that's nice and central for starting our walk. But if there are other ideas on that just post them here, these are just suggestions to get the discussion going.

Reposted from the first post in this thread to repeat where and and what time we meet the 24th. The weatherforecast is looking better and better from a photographic perspective (dry with sun and clouds) but also cold and windy so you better dress adequately for that.

Let's keep our fingers crossed the weather remains as currently forecasted, if it does I think we'll have a splendid afternoon walking around the old town.

Good place to start. We now the way now (and where to parc convieniently).
Sun and clouds sounds good

------------- - My Flickr - My Instagram

Posted By: Harm vb
Date Posted: 20 October 2021 at 20:10
Where was the best parking? I mentioned one once, that hasn't been used

Harm with 2 camera's and too many lenses. - Flickr

Posted By: Fred_S
Date Posted: 20 October 2021 at 20:20
Parking Veemarkt appeared to be a convienent place.

------------- - My Flickr - My Instagram

Posted By: Harm vb
Date Posted: 20 October 2021 at 20:34

Harm with 2 camera's and too many lenses. - Flickr

Posted By: darosa
Date Posted: 21 October 2021 at 23:01
Originally posted by pegelli pegelli wrote:

Reading the posts above (and some guessing) the group for the 24th looks to be:

- @Jetsplace + Marcel (depending on dog sitting/carrying capabilities)
- KoBra64
- overeema
- Fred_S
- der dickgg
- Harm vb (depending on the state of exhaustion after a long 2CV drive)
- Snegren
- Dirk
- Dopol
- addy landzaat
- pegelli

Not 100% sure about darosa

I won't be there Pieter. I feel this 2nd Dordrecht meet is a bit close to the first one; and the weather forecast is just too good :-) I'm sure you'll have a great time. Enjoy!

Posted By: Snegren
Date Posted: 22 October 2021 at 16:15
Cancelling for Sunday 24th. Got other priorities. Hope you have fun, looking forward to your results.

“People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use.” Søren Kierkegaard - My Flickr

Posted By: Dopol
Date Posted: 22 October 2021 at 17:07
Peter (KoBra64), do I still bring the 100400GM?

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken

Posted By: Harm vb
Date Posted: 22 October 2021 at 17:15
Or a Sigma 100-400 Contemporary?

Harm with 2 camera's and too many lenses. - Flickr

Posted By: Dirk
Date Posted: 22 October 2021 at 18:32
Originally posted by Dopol Dopol wrote:

Peter (KoBra64), do I still bring the 100400GM?

Hi Domien, for me this would be interesting, since I think about changing to e-mount and would need a long lens for birding

"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera" - Dorothea Lang

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 23 October 2021 at 09:24
Weather looks stellar for tomorrow, so I think we can go ahead with all the plans for tomorrow

Current participant list is:

- @Jetsplace + Marcel (depending on dog sitting/carrying capabilities)
- KoBra64
- overeema
- Fred_S
- der dickgg
- Harm vb
- Dirk
- rvangompel (not 100% sure due to his back condition)
- Dopol
- addy landzaat
- pegelli

I hope to see you all around 10:30 - 11:00 in "Dordt's Genoegen", I'm looking forward to it.

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: KoBra64
Date Posted: 23 October 2021 at 09:36
Originally posted by Dopol Dopol wrote:

Peter (KoBra64), do I still bring the 100400GM?

Not 'persé' Domien. I can fully understand if you don't considering the weight of it.
Although it is not the same as using it, your bird shots are showing what it is capable of.

Posted By: Dirk
Date Posted: 23 October 2021 at 10:22
See you All Tomorrow

"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera" - Dorothea Lang

Posted By: Fred_S
Date Posted: 23 October 2021 at 19:41
See you tomorrow. The weather forecast is nice

------------- - My Flickr - My Instagram

Posted By: @Jetsplace
Date Posted: 23 October 2021 at 20:46">

We do have a way to transport him (I could borrow a cart) - and made a test-drive (and took pictures).. but it is not really a success.
He keeps crying to get out and is really not happy with it. It needs far more time to have him used to it.
To bring him tomorrow will not be a good idea so I am sorry to say we are cancelling for tomorrow.

Without deviation from the norm progress is not possible .. Zappa
I use google translator to help me with my English

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 23 October 2021 at 20:54
That's a pity Jet, but giving Jip the best socialisation during these early times with you is very important for his further life so I understand the difficulty.

Weather around Gouda also looks splendid tomorrow, so plenty of opportunity for a long walk with some training

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: Dirk
Date Posted: 23 October 2021 at 22:02
Originally posted by @Jetsplace @Jetsplace wrote:

He keeps crying to get out and is really not happy with it. It needs far more time to have him used to it.
To bring him tomorrow will not be a good idea so I am sorry to say we are cancelling for tomorrow.

You'll get through Jet. We have the same puppy cart and used it with a few dogs. They get used to it, but need a little time, so no worries. It's a pity for tomorrow but 1st things 1st!

"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera" - Dorothea Lang

Posted By: der dickgg
Date Posted: 24 October 2021 at 07:14
For those who don't mind a walk: -

See you all at 11.00 for a coffee!

Quit a lot of ALPHA and NEX gear, a nice collection of Sigma lenses, Dynax and M42 stuff, Gitzo's, Visico's and lots of video-equipment

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 24 October 2021 at 07:35
OK, lenses and sensors clean, batteries loaded, so I'll be on my way in a little while and see you all between 10:30 and 11:00 for coffee and after that a nice walk through Dordrecht!

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

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