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April Foolishness 2024 'Signup Thread'

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Category: Dyxum Photographs
Forum Name: Dyxum Challenges
Forum Description: Photographic challenges for fun and development
Printed Date: 09 February 2025 at 17:39

Topic: April Foolishness 2024 'Signup Thread'
Posted By: pegelli
Subject: April Foolishness 2024 'Signup Thread'
Date Posted: 10 March 2024 at 13:30

Sign Up Now for 2024 April Foolishness

01. pegelli
02. Harm vb
03. gregja
04. Mestari
05. darosa
06. minolta_mutley
07. Dopol
08. addy landzaat
09. ffrolvaag
10. jarenas
11. Phil Wood
13. fennetje
14. bonneville
15. onplekkie
16. alpha_in_exile
17. ...
XX. There is room for you too

The season of April Foolishness is almost upon us.
This thread is to invite you to sign up for the 2024 version of one of Dyxum's classic challenges.


April Foolishness is a month-long photographic challenge that is part of the rich Dyxum Challenge tradition. Please read the guidelines below before you start.
If you do not understand the guidelines, do not worry. You will understand when you see - just sign up.

April Foolishness is definitely challenging. However the challenge is not from Dyxum to you. You challenge yourself! The objectives are: (i) to get you out shooting more pictures; (ii) to develop your photographic skills; (iii) to enjoy photography; (iv) to enjoy photography; v) to get to know the other photographers and fellow Dyxumers in the challenge.

This challenge is for everyone! It does not matter if you are a professional, seasoned amateur or a beginner. Everyone will learn something and everyone can enjoy it.

1) Take photographs every day and post one picture for each day in the thread. Pic-a-day (but 7/week or 5/week or 3/week is okay - see FAQ below).

2) Shoot for the whole month with one (or two), prime lens(es) (if you do not have a prime (=fixed focal length), you can use a zoom, fixed to one focal length; but you cannot change the focal length). Any lens is okay, but you should decide in advance.

3) Use only Sony/ Minolta “A-mount” or Sony E-mount bodies; but the old Minolta mount (SR-mount) bodies are allowed too because in a way that’s where we come from. Any brand/style/mount lens is allowed (directly mounted, via an adapter or even free-lensing if you're into that way of shooting)

4) Because the point is to shoot only one point of view, only minimal cropping is allowed to straighten, etc. However, you may crop ONE SIDE in order to present a picture in a square, panoramic or other format planned when you took the shot (the point is that you compose in the viewfinder/LV and not on the computer). Occasional stitching of photos is allowed to show a "broader view"

5) You are expected to comment on the photographs posted by others – there will be a Talk Thread for this purpose.

6) State your challenge when you sign up. Add as many details and conditions as you want. You can change it up until the start date. A perfect challenge will be difficult but not impossible.

7) Read the Talk Thread every time you post in the Photo threads, so that you do not miss out on announcements or comments – please try to join in.

8) If you cannot post frequently due to problems with internet access that is okay. You can still join and catch up with posts when you can. If you do not have time to process your photos fully, don’t worry – post them with minimal processing. This is not a beauty contest.

Trust me, it is both a great learning experience and good fun...

Please ask questions below - they are very welcome! But here are some answers to some common questions... numbers relate to the guidelines above.

1) If you cannot shoot every day (aka pic-a-day), you can choose to shoot 7 pics-a-week or even 5 or 3 pics-a-week instead. But challenge yourself to shoot much more than usual. If you need to use another lens for an event like a wedding or to make a living, or because the bear living in your toolshed has decided to cut the grass for you, you can claim an “event pass”. However, try to shoot with only one (or 2) lens(es) if you can – it is a good challenge (e.g. if you are not the paid photographer at the wedding try to do it with only your chosen lens first).

2) One or 2 lens(es) only – do not change. If you use a zoom, we suggest you tape it to fix it at the focal length you choose (but don’t use tape that will pull the paint off your 70-200G!).

3) If you need to crop more than a “minimal amount” you can post those pictures in the “Outtakes” thread with a notice “cropped”. For your daily picture, use your feet to zoom and compose more carefully. Cropping to straighten is fine. Cropping to remove distortion is okay sometimes – but don’t do it every day ; learn to include the distortion in the composition. If you want to post in a non-standard format do it in the Outtakes.

4) It is important to encourage other people during the challenge…. everybody benefits from a little help and positive feedback to get through it, and it is much more enjoyable when there is communication. If your English is not so good, don’t worry… nobody minds. This is an international forum and if you tell me “ I like your self-portrait very much but I think your bottom is underexposed “, I will know it is the fault of Google translator. If you do not like “chat” you can just post regular lists of your favorite pictures for the past few days.

5) For special events (eg. family gatherings, one-prime days, parties, weddings, DPC's etc.) that you have during the month and need to use other lenses you can give yourself an "event pass" and use any lens you need to cover that event. However you are encouraged to use your chosen prime(s) for all shooting that is not covered by an "event pass" for a special occasion.

Your challenge can be anything! Express it like this:
“I’ll do pic--a-day with the Minolta 16mm fish. Restrictions are no crops at all and at least 3 night-time shots a week taken without flash.
“I’ll use the Sony 50/1.8 and go 3 pics-a-week (I will try to shoot more if I can). Restrictions are minimal or square crop and that all pictures will be composed using the LV.”
“I’ll try 7 pic-a-week with the Minolta 500/8, but I will try to shoot every day. No restrictions.”[/QUOTE]

Note that these are Guidelines - participation is key and the main thing is to challenge yourself and take part.

Sign-up below with your challenge to yourself and try to be like Popeye:

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: Harm vb
Date Posted: 10 March 2024 at 13:50
Ok, I'll give it a try....

Which lenses? At the moment I'm feeling to use one of my MF lenses:
- AstrHori 18mm shift for APS-C
- Dörr 60mm f2,8 Macro 2:1 for APS-C
- Konica Hexanon 135mm f3,5 for film/full frame.

Anyone a preference?

Harm with 2 camera's and too many lenses. - Flickr

Posted By: Phil Wood
Date Posted: 10 March 2024 at 18:05
I'm in. I am tempted to include my 300mm f4, but am put off by the thought of carting it around for a month.

Lenses TBD.

Posted By: Wētāpunga
Date Posted: 10 March 2024 at 21:06
Ah, I must pass on this challenge. I'm going to be working in China for most of April and only bringing a phone.
While the Sony Xperia 1 IV uses the same Sony alpha menu system we do with E-mount cameras (and has an actual physical shutter button- yay), it doesn't qualify as an A-mount or E-mount camera.
I shall have to admire your work from afar.

α1, α7cii- Voigtländer 15/4.5, 110/2.5 M; Zeiss Loxia- 21/2.8, 35/2, 50/2 & 85/2.4, Zeiss Batis- 85/1.8 & 135/2.8; Sony 24-105/4 & 100-400/4.5-5.6; Sigma 70/2.8 M; Sony 135/2.8 STF

Posted By: LAbernethy
Date Posted: 10 March 2024 at 21:48
I'm in. No camera, no lens. Commenting Only. I'm a fool

Posted By: gregja
Date Posted: 12 March 2024 at 04:23
I'll join - Lens(es) TBD

------------- -

Posted By: Mestari
Date Posted: 12 March 2024 at 13:52
I am in, not sure about the lenses though. I was thinking of having the 200-600 @600 as one and something light as the other. Maybe the 35GM?
I am not sure though if I will be dedicated enough to drag that 200-600 everywhere with me. Then again, I do not have any other prime for E-mount, and all other for A mount are big and heavy, with the exception in 50/1.4 which is not that good until you close it to f4...

Posted By: darosa
Date Posted: 12 March 2024 at 16:06
I'm in 🥳
Lenses still tbd but atm I would say: Sony FE 70-200/4 II Macro, both ends.
Modest challenge: 3/week, one 70, one macro, one 200 🥰

Posted By: minolta_mutley
Date Posted: 12 March 2024 at 20:17
I need to get out of my winter sleep - so count me in - but all specifics are for the end of march to be filled in.

Posted By: Dopol
Date Posted: 13 March 2024 at 14:59
I’m in
Lenses tbd
Last year the BATIS 18&135 combo worked very well
I’ll look for something similar (xx-85)

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken

Posted By: addy landzaat
Date Posted: 13 March 2024 at 18:07
I guess this fits my 7x52 challenge. I'll join. 7 a week (duh). Lenses? Camera? Don't know yet, too many options.

Why not follow me on Instagram? @Addy_101

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 23 March 2024 at 10:38
Welcome to all who signed up so far

For those who didn't sign up yet, there's plenty of space and we would welcome a much broader participation, it's fun, it's easy and you can set your own challenge as long as you pick one or two primes (or zoom ends) for the month.

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: addy landzaat
Date Posted: 24 March 2024 at 11:00
Did some thinking. First camera - The A6400 or A7r4? I lean towards the A6400 because it and its lenses are smaller.

Lenses. I am considering the Sony 11/1.8 and Sony 50/1.8 OSS - I could replace the 11mm with the Sony 20/2.8 and/or the 50mm with the 35/1.8 OSS. Any thoughts?

Why not follow me on Instagram? @Addy_101

Posted By: Harm vb
Date Posted: 24 March 2024 at 14:45
I'm in doubt as well.

Can't choose which camera (both, I guess?) and which lenses:
- comparing a Sony 90mm f2,8 macro with a Dörr 60mm f2,8 2:1 macro?
- comparing 24mm with 28? or 18?
- or a greater spread in focal lengths?

Actually I won't be able to go to some spectacular landscapes or cities.

Any thoughts?
So far I'm trying 3 pics a week.

Harm with 2 camera's and too many lenses. - Flickr

Posted By: addy landzaat
Date Posted: 24 March 2024 at 15:56
Originally posted by Harm vb Harm vb wrote:

comparing a Sony 90mm f2,8 macro with a Dörr 60mm f2,8 2:1 macro?
Macro is versatile for a challenge, giving you options. Would be an interesting comparison.

Originally posted by Harm vb Harm vb wrote:

comparing 24mm with 28? or 18?
Compare 24mm to 28mm and experience that 28mm is the superior focal length

Originally posted by Harm vb Harm vb wrote:

a greater spread in focal lengths?
Makes your challenge easier. 28mm and 90mm would work for most kinds of photography. That is why I am looking at the 11mm with the 50mm (on crop).

Why not follow me on Instagram? @Addy_101

Posted By: ffrolvaag
Date Posted: 24 March 2024 at 19:43
Yeah,in for sure. Not so sure what I will take. Perhaps I will use the RD-175 as that feels adequately foolish, but I have a whole stable of Zeiss lenses to try, but the RD-175 will definitely limit what I can use (no SSM and min aperture of f6.7). Ultimate decision TBD.


a99ii, Hassy HV, a900, 1200 (w/MFC-1000), 3x converted f1.2 (Rokkor 58, Nikon 50 ais, and Pentax 50), and assorted lenses from 8mm f4 - 1000mm f8

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 24 March 2024 at 20:51
Welcome Franz, the RD-175 is indeed quite foolish and certainly a challange. So it ticks all boxes for April. However you can choose two primes and any body you like so to keep your sanity it doesn't have to be 30 days of RD-175

I've made my lens choice, it will be a Tamron 20/2.8 Di III and a Voigtländer Nokton 50/1.2. Bodies will be a mix of A7ii, A7Rii and A6000.

For the rest my classic challenge of 7/week, go out photographing at least 3 days per week and never post an image taken more than 7 days before the posting day.

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: jarenas
Date Posted: 25 March 2024 at 06:20
Greetings All,

This is my 1st ever sign up and am very excited to the challenge and hear all of your feedback. I'll be shooting with an a99ii and use two prime lenses; Sony 35mm 1.4G and Minolta 200mm F2.8G. Both lenses are new to me so I'll take this opportunity to learn their nuances.

My classic challenge will be to post 5 days/wk with no cropping. Images will be straight from camera which will force me consider in-camera colors profiles. Think that's enough so good luck everyone and happy shooting.

Posted By: Harm vb
Date Posted: 25 March 2024 at 06:43
Welcome John in this challenge. Wish you good luck.

I'm going for my 24/1,8 and 85/1,8, both Viltrox. Some shots will be compared with a Sony 28/2.
Camera: both, the A7iii and the A7iv, but that is a no-brainer.

Harm with 2 camera's and too many lenses. - Flickr

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 25 March 2024 at 07:06
Welcome John, it's great to see people who have been a member from the beginning of Dyxum join the challenge! The two A-mount classics you're going to use are very fitting in that regard.

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: jarenas
Date Posted: 25 March 2024 at 14:24
Thank you Harm vb and Pegelli. I'm about to retire from Active Duty plus with soo many A mount deals, it made sense to get back into photography. Like others, I've used many systems but I'll always return to Minolta and the dyxum community.

Posted By: Phil Wood
Date Posted: 25 March 2024 at 17:34
I've been suffering from a shoulder problem recently and the Birmingham DM when I carried a camera for about 7 hours exacerbated it - forcing me to conclude that my habitual camera toting technique will have to change. So I shall abandon the idea of the 300mm f4 for April and stick with a couple of lighter primes

I checked back at past choices - Minolta AF 20/2.8 (twice), 20/2.8 RS, 50/2.8 RS macro, 50/3.5 macro, 85/1.4 135/2.8, 200/2.8 and Sigma 24/2.8, 90/2.8 macro - and am wondering why I felt drawn to 20mm so often?

So, something different this year, and not too heavy: Minolta AF 35mm f2 & Tamron 90mm f2.8 macro (72E).

Both great lenses, so the real challenge is keeeping going for a pic-a-day. If I stumble I shall use an image for earlier in the month, but I shall post every day unless disaster strikes.

Posted By: Dopol
Date Posted: 27 March 2024 at 11:44
300 mm seems far too much for a shoulder problem. 35mm seems a better plan, Phil

I've decided to use a Voigtlander 21mm F/5 Skopar on an ILCE-1, B/W,
and my A6700 with a SEL85mmF18.
7 days a week, I try shoot each day, but I'll probably miserably fail in this goal.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken

Posted By: C_N_RED_AGAIN
Date Posted: 27 March 2024 at 11:52
I’ll join. I’m somehow working more than ever which is why I was leery of participating. I will post as many as possible. Definately won’t be 7 per week. I will choose 3 lenses. The batis 85 the tamron 17-28 at 17mm and the 200-600 at 600 mm

Posted By: Mestari
Date Posted: 27 March 2024 at 12:33
Originally posted by Mestari Mestari wrote:

I am in, not sure about the lenses though. I was thinking of having the 200-600 @600 as one and something light as the other. Maybe the 35GM?
I am not sure though if I will be dedicated enough to drag that 200-600 everywhere with me. Then again, I do not have any other prime for E-mount, and all other for A mount are big and heavy, with the exception in 50/1.4 which is not that good until you close it to f4...

OK, I think I know.
Body will be A7RV.
Lenses will be:
35 1.4 GM
A mount Tamron 180 3.5 macro via LA-EA5.

I will try 3 pics a week. My garden will hopefully provide for some macro opportunities and GM is light enough to bring with me to work and then maybe have some cityscapes. This worked quite well last year, although no STF this time around and bodies will be different.

Posted By: fennetje
Date Posted: 28 March 2024 at 20:34
Count me in ! GAS made its mark on my lens collection (and bank account) during the winter months. Time to switch it around, and start creating more images. Amongst the purchases, a nice 135mm STF lens came along. Somebody whispered that a 135 STF would be a good candidate for april fools, and so this will be lens nr 1 for the next month.

I'll use the A99II with the STF. Other lens will be a Konishiroku Hexanon 47mm 1.9, adapted to e mount. I'll use it on a A7II.

I intend to shoot at least 3 days a week and have 4-5 images per week posted.    

Posted By: ffrolvaag
Date Posted: 29 March 2024 at 02:25
Originally posted by pegelli pegelli wrote:

Welcome Franz, the RD-175 is indeed quite foolish and certainly a challange. So it ticks all boxes for April. However you can choose two primes and any body you like so to keep your sanity it doesn't have to be 30 days of RD-175

If it functions, the RD-175 drives a lot of limitations, but the most noticeable is the workflow for files. Otherwise , I find it relatively easy to use once you understand the limitations. That being said, I will keep an a99ii in the mix if needed. I’ll spend some time checking batteries and functionality before I finalize my body selection. When l last checked, one of my two RD-175s had died.

I am on the fence if I should do a 200mm f4 & 200mm f2.8 or a 200mm f4 & 600mm f4. The RD-175 has a max aperture of f6.7 at a static ISO800 with a 2x crop factor @ 1.75mp, so pretty much any lens I attach will be limited by the camera and will have more than enough resolution. I will report back by Monday on the final configuration after checking gear. The 1000mm f8 with a 2x crop is also enticing …


a99ii, Hassy HV, a900, 1200 (w/MFC-1000), 3x converted f1.2 (Rokkor 58, Nikon 50 ais, and Pentax 50), and assorted lenses from 8mm f4 - 1000mm f8

Posted By: Mestari
Date Posted: 29 March 2024 at 12:02
Originally posted by fennetje fennetje wrote:

Count me in ! GAS made its mark on my lens collection (and bank account) during the winter months. Time to switch it around, and start creating more images. Amongst the purchases, a nice 135mm STF lens came along. Somebody whispered that a 135 STF would be a good candidate for april fools, and so this will be lens nr 1 for the next month.

I'll use the A99II with the STF.

STF was my choice for April's Foolishness last year! I'm really curious what you will be able to produce with it with a99II - by dream camera that I never got due to its price.
It really is a good candidate for this challenge and seeing the location you're from it may be interesting to watch your entries :) I just love that lens ;)

Posted By: bonneville
Date Posted: 29 March 2024 at 17:40
Pieter, I have delayed long enough but looking back through my catalogues my last April Foolishness was 2020 and I never seem to have picked it up again after the pandemic. So it is about time I did, especially as Dyxum has always been so good to me and the April 2018 challenge turned in to a personal dedication on the - second day when there were many photos featuring the number 70 for my seventieth birthday. Still gives me a thrill to look through the inventive captures. And there were TWENTYSIX of us in that challenge

So, I shall commit to 3 per week, with the aim to post more if I can, and my choice of cameras and lenses is: NEX-6 with SamYang AF FE 35mm f2.8 and a7RM4A with Sony FE 90mm F2.8 Macro G OSS, two of my most under-used lenses. (Hopefully I am allowed to use more than one camera?)

And as always I shall contribute to the commenting as much as I can.

Posted By: onsplekkie
Date Posted: 29 March 2024 at 20:08

Great to see such a nice group of participants coming in.

I'll join the fun this Aprill.
Its a bit of a gamble realy, I'll do it mostly for my drive to make images on daily basis. I am travelling alot lately, not seeing a pc sometimes for weeks, so images will be late to the treads......

pic a day
Sigma 45i + 90i

Posted By: fennetje
Date Posted: 30 March 2024 at 22:41
Originally posted by Mestari Mestari wrote:

STF was my choice for April's Foolishness last year! I'm really curious what you will be able to produce with it with a99II - by dream camera that I never got due to its price.
It really is a good candidate for this challenge and seeing the location you're from it may be interesting to watch your entries :) I just love that lens ;)

I'm looking forward to it. I've been in 'spray and pray' mode for the best of last month, with another minolta legend, the 200 2.8 HS AF. See also the recent - dogs thread. I was hovering my lens and camera above the water for most of the time, to get as low as possible, not composing, only trying to get lizzy in focus and not drown the camera. It is rewarding when it works, but time to slow down a little. manual focus only for april.

Posted By: alpha_in_exile
Date Posted: 01 April 2024 at 02:59
Sign me up, please. I think I will do 135/1.8 GM and 24/2.8 Min(O), 5/week minimum.

I'll be traveling (just a 'short' 55 miles) for the eclipse. This will both give me some photographic opportunities and disrupt my schedule. The question is whether I will find time throughout the rest of the month to do this challenge justice.

-- Matt
A7RM4, Min 24/2.8, Min 50/1.4, FE 24/1.4 GM, FE 50/1.2 GM, FE 135/1.8 GM, FE 70-200/2.8 GM II - my web gallery

Posted By: addy landzaat
Date Posted: 01 April 2024 at 08:07
Going with the Sony 35/1.8 OSS and the Sony 11/1.8 for this challenge. Good luck to you all!

Why not follow me on Instagram? @Addy_101

Posted By: minolta_mutley
Date Posted: 01 April 2024 at 13:16
Still had to decide about the lenses:
Minolta 35mm f2.0 RS
Minolta 135mm f2.8

All A and E-mount camera's can be used (A77ii - Nex c3 - A7III or A7rii).

Minimum 3 a week we'll try to do better than that (5 a week).

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