DM: 26/27-May-07, Big Cats 1 & 2
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Topic: DM: 26/27-May-07, Big Cats 1 & 2
Posted By: IanMiddy
Subject: DM: 26/27-May-07, Big Cats 1 & 2
Date Posted: 27 May 2007 at 19:52
[This thread contains the photo output (and comment) of a Dyxum members meeting. To find out more about Dyxum meetings, visit the - meetings sub-forum !]
Thanks to Mark for setting up a great day - just a shame about the awful weather!
...anyway, in the couple of hours I spent at Santago I managed to get a few I was happy with, in spite of spending more time drying the camera than taking photos!
All with KM5D - PP in HeliconFilter
50/3.5 Macro - just before it lunged at me! [gave Craig a good laugh, anyway]:
Getting angry at Mark for running out of food!:
and trying for the "in the jungle" look - 50/1.4:
Looking forward to a return trip later in the year - Mark, I'm sure, will post details in this or a new thread - many thanks again...
[edited to reflect move of post in dCap's absence - Bob J]
------------- A350/580/65/700/900 15/2.8 24/2.8 28/2 35/1.8 50/1.4 50/3.5 85/1.4 105/2.8 135/2.8 180/5.6 300/2.8 500/8 600/8 10-20 17-35 18-50 18-250 24-70 35-70-210 35-105 50-150 70-200 100-200 170-500
Posted By: napo
Date Posted: 27 May 2007 at 20:09
Nice pics, worth the effort and bad weather I believe. Lovely
Posted By: IanMiddy
Date Posted: 27 May 2007 at 20:16
Thanks for setting up the thread & transferring, Bob...
Posted By: Bob J
Date Posted: 27 May 2007 at 20:16
Ian - Great shots - particularaly the third one...
These were from today?
------------- RBJ ~ - Moderation on Dyxum
Posted By: IanMiddy
Date Posted: 27 May 2007 at 20:23
Bob Janes wrote:
Ian - Great shots - particularaly the third one...
These were from today?
Bob |
Yes - jumping in & out between the worst of the showers! - I'm sure Mark will have better results - wasn't until I was packing up to leave that I realised I'd been shooting in AF-S rather than AF-C, so quite a few where the cats were moving towards me I have their back in focus rather than their head - DOH!!!
...also, after the first one lunged at me my nerves dictated not getting too close to the cages, so didn't get very good framing on some of the closer shots [like #3] - and for the 'jungle' shot there were two cats in the one cage, so keeping one eye peeled for the other cat 'out-of-frame'!
Posted By: cjc181166
Date Posted: 27 May 2007 at 23:05
ROTFLOL. Don't blame Ian for being a little nervous after that big boy lunged at the cage, almost had to catch Ian from falling on his backside. Very intimate photo shoot opportunity. I look forward to trying the next time.
Posted By: badlydrawnroy
Date Posted: 28 May 2007 at 00:01
Love the cats Ian, is it a clouded leopard ?
I am going to Santago on 7th jun, (hope my new 70-200 SSM gets here in time) I doubt there will be any rain left to fall on me, think you guys got it all today.
Posted By: badlydrawnroy
Date Posted: 28 May 2007 at 00:03
I forgot to ask Ian, what do you consider the best focal range lens for Santago.
Posted By: mtiller
Date Posted: 28 May 2007 at 00:31
badlydrawnroy wrote:
Love the cats Ian, is it a clouded leopard ?
I am going to Santago on 7th jun, (hope my new 70-200 SSM gets here in time) I doubt there will be any rain left to fall on me, think you guys got it all today.
Roy |
It was certainly pouring down today! They are Persian Leopards, which are the largest of the leopards. My suggested focal length range would be 28-200 and a macro.
This is one of the clouded leopards there, but the shot was not taken today. This is Harry who is a bit of a superstar as he appears in books by both Andy Rouse and Chris Weston.
Posted By: mtiller
Date Posted: 28 May 2007 at 00:36
Ian, great shots, I wasn't particularly happy with my shots today, but a couple are OK.
Sade looking unhappy that Ian doesn't have any food :) 70-200 SSM G
and Kahn a black (melanistic) leopard getting fed.
Posted By: IanMiddy
Date Posted: 28 May 2007 at 09:16
mtiller wrote:
badlydrawnroy wrote:
I forgot to ask Ian, what do you consider the best focal range lens for Santago.
Roy |
...they are Persian Leopards, which are the largest of the leopards. My suggested focal length range would be 28-200 and a macro.
Thanks for the ID, Mark - I'm as bad at Leopard names as I am with peoples! - and would absolutely second Marks excellent advice for a macro - my favourite from the day was the shot with the 50/3.5 [even if it did cost me my nerves!] - was really surprised how close you can get with the paths close to the front of the cages - but I'd really advise having a "spotter/catcher" for those shots!
I tried using the Beercan, but was too concerned there was too much lens in the rain, so went for the shorter ones for most of the time - although Marks SSM looked ideal, I think there's a place for the slower, slimmer lenses to poke into the 'peepholes' in the netting - just watch out you don't lose it as per the cartoon on show...
Posted By: Bob J
Date Posted: 14 July 2007 at 18:53
BTW, for anyone seeing this posting new because of it moving over from the meetings subforum, another 'Big Cat' meet is planned for August - details - here .
------------- RBJ ~ - Moderation on Dyxum
Posted By: dogears
Date Posted: 16 July 2007 at 07:01
I like this one a lot! Makes me drool for the great white lens :p

------------- - woof!