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DM: 26/27-May-07, Big Cats 1 & 2

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Topic: DM: 26/27-May-07, Big Cats 1 & 2
Posted By: IanMiddy
Subject: DM: 26/27-May-07, Big Cats 1 & 2
Date Posted: 27 May 2007 at 19:52
[This thread contains the photo output (and comment) of a Dyxum members meeting. To find out more about Dyxum meetings, visit the - meetings sub-forum !]

Thanks to Mark for setting up a great day - just a shame about the awful weather!

...anyway, in the couple of hours I spent at Santago I managed to get a few I was happy with, in spite of spending more time drying the camera than taking photos!

All with KM5D - PP in HeliconFilter

50/3.5 Macro - just before it lunged at me! [gave Craig a good laugh, anyway]:


Getting angry at Mark for running out of food!:

and trying for the "in the jungle" look - 50/1.4:

Looking forward to a return trip later in the year - Mark, I'm sure, will post details in this or a new thread - many thanks again...



[edited to reflect move of post in dCap's absence - Bob J]

15/2.8 24/2.8 28/2 35/1.8 50/1.4 50/3.5 85/1.4 105/2.8 135/2.8 180/5.6 300/2.8 500/8 600/8
10-20 17-35 18-50 18-250 24-70 35-70-210 35-105 50-150 70-200 100-200 170-500

Posted By: napo
Date Posted: 27 May 2007 at 20:09
Nice pics, worth the effort and bad weather I believe. Lovely

Posted By: IanMiddy
Date Posted: 27 May 2007 at 20:16
Thanks for setting up the thread & transferring, Bob...


Posted By: Bob J
Date Posted: 27 May 2007 at 20:16
Ian - Great shots - particularaly the third one...

These were from today?


RBJ ~ - Moderation on Dyxum

Posted By: IanMiddy
Date Posted: 27 May 2007 at 20:23
Originally posted by Bob Janes Bob Janes wrote:

Ian - Great shots - particularaly the third one...

These were from today?


Yes - jumping in & out between the worst of the showers! - I'm sure Mark will have better results - wasn't until I was packing up to leave that I realised I'd been shooting in AF-S rather than AF-C, so quite a few where the cats were moving towards me I have their back in focus rather than their head - DOH!!!

...also, after the first one lunged at me my nerves dictated not getting too close to the cages, so didn't get very good framing on some of the closer shots [like #3] - and for the 'jungle' shot there were two cats in the one cage, so keeping one eye peeled for the other cat 'out-of-frame'!



Posted By: cjc181166
Date Posted: 27 May 2007 at 23:05
ROTFLOL. Don't blame Ian for being a little nervous after that big boy lunged at the cage, almost had to catch Ian from falling on his backside. Very intimate photo shoot opportunity. I look forward to trying the next time.

Posted By: badlydrawnroy
Date Posted: 28 May 2007 at 00:01
Love the cats Ian, is it a clouded leopard ?
I am going to Santago on 7th jun, (hope my new 70-200 SSM gets here in time) I doubt there will be any rain left to fall on me, think you guys got it all today.


Posted By: badlydrawnroy
Date Posted: 28 May 2007 at 00:03
I forgot to ask Ian, what do you consider the best focal range lens for Santago.


Posted By: mtiller
Date Posted: 28 May 2007 at 00:31
Originally posted by badlydrawnroy badlydrawnroy wrote:

Love the cats Ian, is it a clouded leopard ?
I am going to Santago on 7th jun, (hope my new 70-200 SSM gets here in time) I doubt there will be any rain left to fall on me, think you guys got it all today.


It was certainly pouring down today! They are Persian Leopards, which are the largest of the leopards. My suggested focal length range would be 28-200 and a macro.

This is one of the clouded leopards there, but the shot was not taken today. This is Harry who is a bit of a superstar as he appears in books by both Andy Rouse and Chris Weston.

Posted By: mtiller
Date Posted: 28 May 2007 at 00:36
Ian, great shots, I wasn't particularly happy with my shots today, but a couple are OK.

Sade looking unhappy that Ian doesn't have any food :) 70-200 SSM G

and Kahn a black (melanistic) leopard getting fed.

Posted By: IanMiddy
Date Posted: 28 May 2007 at 09:16
Originally posted by mtiller mtiller wrote:

Originally posted by badlydrawnroy badlydrawnroy wrote:

I forgot to ask Ian, what do you consider the best focal range lens for Santago.


...they are Persian Leopards, which are the largest of the leopards. My suggested focal length range would be 28-200 and a macro.

Thanks for the ID, Mark - I'm as bad at Leopard names as I am with peoples! - and would absolutely second Marks excellent advice for a macro - my favourite from the day was the shot with the 50/3.5 [even if it did cost me my nerves!] - was really surprised how close you can get with the paths close to the front of the cages - but I'd really advise having a "spotter/catcher" for those shots!

I tried using the Beercan, but was too concerned there was too much lens in the rain, so went for the shorter ones for most of the time - although Marks SSM looked ideal, I think there's a place for the slower, slimmer lenses to poke into the 'peepholes' in the netting - just watch out you don't lose it as per the cartoon on show...



Posted By: Bob J
Date Posted: 14 July 2007 at 18:53
BTW, for anyone seeing this posting new because of it moving over from the meetings subforum, another 'Big Cat' meet is planned for August - details - here .

RBJ ~ - Moderation on Dyxum

Posted By: dogears
Date Posted: 16 July 2007 at 07:01
I like this one a lot! Makes me drool for the great white lens :p

------------- - woof!

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