A-Mount Teleconverters Guide
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Topic: A-Mount Teleconverters Guide
Posted By: eccl
Subject: A-Mount Teleconverters Guide
Date Posted: 05 February 2006 at 07:29
A-Mount Teleconverters Guide Updated May 19 2014
Most A-Mount users will be looking at a teleconverter to extend the reach of their lenses. Since there are quite a few teleconverters in the market and not many user are aware of the compatibility issue between the teleconverter and their lens, the following is an attempt to use as a quick reference guide until Dyxum website is updated with lens and teleconverter cross reference functionality.
Note: Please let me know if you have any question or found error in the guide and I'll continue to update it with latest information. |
Common Information
When adding a teleconverter to your lens, the effective aperture will be reduced by 1, 1.5, 2 or 3 stops and the resulting focal length will be muliplted by the factor of the teleconverter. The following list the factor, F stop loss and the resulting focal length using a 100/2 lens.
1.4X 1 stop 140/2.8
1.5X 1 stop 150/2.8
1.7X 1.5 stop 170/3.5
2X 2 stops 200/4
3X 3 stops 300/5.6 |
Minolta AF system requires a minimum aperture of F6.3 (except 500/8 AF) to function effecitely. If you have a lens with variable aperture such as F3.5-4.5, F4-5.6, if the smallest F stop is not faster than the minimum required aperture, AF will not function. You can always use manual focus if AF does not work. The following chart lists the aperture you should have on your original lens to get AF working in the resulting combination:
F4.5 1.4X or 1.5X TC
F4.5 1.7X TC
F4 2X TC
F2.8 3X TC |
1.4X teleconverter + 24-105/3.5-4.5: AF works because minimum aperture F4.5
1.4X teleconverter + 75-300/4.5-5.6: AF does not work because minimum aperture F5.6 is smaller than F4.5
~ Most 1.4X, 1.5X or 1.7X teleconverter has only 4 elements or 5 elements. While some 2X teleconverter has either 4 or 7 elements. 7 elements model is supposed to have better image quality than the 4 or 5 elements version.
~ Most A-Mount Teleconverters will either have 5 pins or 8 pins. Both 5 pins or 8 pins teleconverter will work with all Minolta Sony AF screw drive lenses. Based on my observation, the number of pin does not affect AF operation (including AS/SSS (Antishake/SuperSteadyShot). ADI flash function may be affected if you need to use flash with your lens with a teleconverter.
If you have a powerzoom, xi, SAM, SSM, HSM or USD lenses you should get a teleconverter with 8 pins to maintain compatibility. If you use a 5 pins teleconverter with (xi, SAM, SSM, HSM, USD) lenses you will only get - - on the LCD aperture display (lens not recognized) and you can only shoot wide open in MF (Manual Focus) mode.
5 Pin vs 8 Pin Comparison:
Types of Teleconverters
There are 2 types of AF Teleconverters.
1. Generic
2. Matched (dedicated)
Generic teleconverters are compatible with all lenses. Matched teleconverters might be limited to a group of lenses, please read on. |
Generic Teleconverters
Generic teleconverter can be used with any lenses (from fisheye 16/2.8 to 600/4 and include any lens in between). Usually a generic teleconverter has the first element flushed to lens assembly and has about 8-9mm of clearance (from the glass to the lens mount). This is good enough to physically mated with any lens.
Generic TC brands: Bower, CPC, Kalimar, Kenko, Phoneix, Promaster, Quantary, Magnicon, Rokunar, Sakar, Soligor, Tamron, Tokina, Vivitar etc.
Common focal length multipliers: 1.4X, 1.5X, 1.7X, 2X, 3X
Vivitar 1.4X AF TC

Sakar 1.7X AF TC

Vivitar 2X AF TC
Dedicated or Matched Teleconverters
Dedicated or matched teleconverters are specially design for certain lenses to achieve optimum performance. There are only 3 dedicated/matched teleconverters for Minolta AF:
1. Minolta APO / Sony APO
2. Kenko Pro 300 (Pro 300 DG) / Tamron SP
3. Sigma EX / EX DG / EX DG HSM Compatible |
Dedicated/Matched teleconverters are only for specific lens because the distance between the first element and the mount is much shorter than 8-9mm therefore it will not physically fit with all lenses.
Minolta APO Teleconverter (1.4X or 2X)
There are 3 versions APO, APO-II and APO (D), there are lots of information regarding the Minolta APO TC on Dyxum and Minolta own website.
1) Minolta APO Original -- has 5 contact pin (for non-HS APO lenses)
2) Minolta APO II -- has 5 contact pin (for HS APO lenses)
3) Minolta APO (D) -- has 8 contact pin, will AF with SSM lenses and (D) lenses compatible.
Minolta APO teleconverters are designed specifically for certain Minolta lenses only, all of the Minolta AF Telephoto G lenses such as 135/2.8 STF, 200/2.8, 300/2.8, 300/2.8 SSM, 300/4, 400/4.5, 600/4, 200/4, 70-200/2.8 SSM etc.
Minolta APO Teleconverter has the first element almost flushed to the lens mount, the clearance is only 1mm therefore it is not possible to use Minolta APO teleconverter with other lenses.
Picture of Minolta APO 1.4X Teleconveter - II

Sony Teleconverter (1.4X and 2X)
Sony has two teleconverters, SAL-14TC and SAL-20
Both of them are similar to the Minolta APO (D) version.
Sony teleconverters also have 8 pins and are SSM and (D) compatible.
Sony webite has listed the following Sony lenses to be compatible with Sony 1.4X and 2X teleconverters:
Sony 135mm F2.8
Sony 70-200mm F2.8
Sony 70-200mm F2.8 ver II
Sony 300mm F2.8
Sony 300mm F2.8 ver II
Sony 500mm F4
Sony 70-400mm F4-5.6
Sony 70-400mm F4.-5.6 ver II
Sony teleconverters can also be used with with older Minolta lenses such as 135/2.8 STF, 200/2.8, 300/2.8, 300/2.8 SSM, 300/4, 400/4.5, 600/4, 200/4, 70-200/2.8 SSM
Kenko Pro 300 / Tamron SP (Same teleconverter, different name) or Kenko Pro 300 DG (Black color only)
Kenko Pro 300 teleconverter comes in 1.4X, 2X and 3X
http://www.thkphoto.com/products/kenko/slrc-01.html - http://www.thkphoto.com/products/kenko/slrc-01.html
Kenko Pro 300 DG teleconverters comes in 1.4X, 2X and 3X. Major difference is the DG version has digital coating applied and the teleconverter is now in black color. More information for http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?ci=1&sb=ps&pn=1&sq=desc&InitialSearch=yes&O=productlist.jsp&A=search&Q=*&bhs=t&shs=pro+300+DG+minolta - Kenko Pro 300 DG
The latest Kenko pro Pro 300 DGX version is not available in Sony mount.

Tamron SP teleconverters comes in 1.4X and 2X only.
http://www.tamron.com/lenses/prod/teleconverters.asp - http://www.tamron.com/lenses/prod/teleconverters.asp
Kenko Pro 300/Pro 300 DG/Tamron SP are also designed for certain Minolta lenses as well as Tokina ATX and Tamron SP lenses. Again the front element of the Kenk Pro 300/Pro 300 DG/Tamron SP teleconverter sticks out about 2mm outside the lens tube therefore the total clearance from the element to the mount is only about 5mm.
Tamron SP 1.4X Teleconverter

According to Kenko website, the following lenses are officially supported:
Minolta AF lenses:
AF85mm F1.4G
AF100mm F2.8 Macro
AF100mm F2.8 Softfocus
STF135mm F2.8 [T4.5]
AF 200mm F2.8G
AF 300mm F2.8G
AF 300mm F4G
AF 400mm F4.5G
AF 600mm F4G
AF 200mm F4G Macro
Tokina AF lenses:
AT-X M100 AF100mm F2.8 MACRO (IF)
EMZ M100 AF100mm F3.5 MACRO
AT-X300 AF PRO 300mm F2.8
AT-X304 AF300mm F4
EMZ 282 AF28-210mm F4.2-6.5
AF 353 AF35-300mm F4.5-6.7
AT-X828 AF PRO 80-200mm F2.8
EMZ 130 AF II AF100-300mm F5.6-6.7
AT-X340 AF II AF100-300mm F4(IF)
AT-X242 AF AF24-200mm F3.5-5.6(IF)
I have tried the following lenses and they are compatible with Kenko Pro 300/Tamron SP Teleconverters:
AF 50mm F2.8 Macro
AF 100mm F2
AF 135mm F2.8
AF 28-70mm F2.8
AF 35-70mm F3.5-4.5
AF 35-105mm F3.5-4.5 restyled
AF 35-70mm F4
AF 70-210mm F4
AF 75-300mm F4.5-5.6 (First model with limit switch)
Tokina AF SD 400mm F5.6
Tokina ATX 24-200mm F3.5-5.6
Tokina AF SD 70-210mm F4-5.6
Tamron SP 24-135mm F3.5-5.6
Tamron SP 35-105mm F2.8
Tamron XR 28-200mm F3.5-5.6
Tamron XR 28-300mm F3.5-6.3
Sigma 18-125mm F3.5-5.6 DC
Sigma 24mm F2.8
Sigma 180mm F3.5 Macro
Sigma 300mm F4 APO TELE MACRO
Sigma 400mm F5.6
Sigma 400mm F5.6 APO
Sigma 400mm F5.6 APO TELE MACRO
Note: There has been report of AF hunting issue when using Pro 300 1.4X and 2X TC with Minolta/Sony 70-200/2.8 SSM
When using the 70-200/2.8 SSM lenses and 1.4X, AF will hunt for a while and eventually lock focus. This is probably due to the fact that there is no ROM/Chip inside the 1.4X TC and the camera has difficulty determining the actually focusing point based on the focal length reported by the lens. For the 2X TC AF also hunts but it will not lock focus. MF (Manual focus) is probably a better option if your Pro 300 does not work properly. For the best SAM/SSM compatibility get the Kenko DGX series 1.4X or 2X Teleconveter. These teleconverter will work properly with SAM/SSM lenses and report correct EXIF information so AS/SSS is more effective.
Sigma APO EX Teleconverter
Sigma APO EX teleconverter or APO EX DG is a dedicated teleconverter designed for Sigma EX series telephoto and telephoto lenses:
http://www.sigmaphoto.com/lenses/lenses_tele.asp#minolta - http://www.sigmaphoto.com/lenses/lenses_tele.asp#minolta
Like other dedicated/matched teleconverter, it's front element also stick out of the lens tube. I have received some pictures of the Sigma APO EX DG teleconverters and it appears that the lens element actually stick out between 2-3mm beyond the lens mount (Special thanks to Nikola for supplying the detail Sigma TC pictures) and therefore it will not fit all lenses.
Sigma now has HSM lenses for Sony and you can use older EX or DG EX teleconverter with HSM lenses but only in MF mode. Ie older Sigma APO EX EX DG teleconverters are not compatible with HSM lenses.
If you have a Sigma HSM lenses make sure you purchase the HSM compatible teleconverter. Ie Serial number on the teleconverter is higher than 5000001
For more information regarding Sigma teleconverter compatibliy please see . http://www.sigmaphoto.com/teleconverter-compatibility%20 - http://www.sigmaphoto.com/teleconverter-compatibility

Correct F Stop and Focal Length Information With A Teleconverter
If a teleconverter has an IC chip (ROM) inside, it should display the correct F stop and focal length information to the camera body and EXIF data.
50mm F1.4 + 1.4X TC = 75mm F2
50mm F1.4 + 2X TC = 100mm F2.8
50mm F1.4 + 3X TC = 150mm F4 |
Based on my observation, most 2X teleconveters (except Sigma EX and EX DG) report the correct F stop and focal length information.
For 1.4X and 1.7X teleconverter, it depends on the particular make and model. Minolta APO 1.4X, Sony 1.4X and Vivitar 1.4X TC report the correct information while some other 1.4X TC does not. Apparently some manufacturer has decided to design their TC without any IC Chip. This has resulted in incorrect information being displayed in the viewfinder and EXIF data. Other than the incorrect information, there is no issue of using the teleconverter except AS/SSS may not be as effective.
The following 1.4X, 1.7X and 2X teleconverters (partial list) do not have chip inside therefore it will not report the correct F stop or focal length information to the camera.
Kenko Pro 300 1.4X (dedicated)
Kenko Pro 300 DG 1.4X (dedicated)
Promaster Spectrum 7 1.7X (generic)
Soligor 1.4X Pro (Probably a rebadged Kenko Pro 300)
Soligor 1.7X C/D4 AF (generic)
Sakar MC4 1.7X (generic)
Tamron SP 1.4X (dedicated)
Tamron MC4 1.4X (generic)
Sigma APO EX 1.4X (dedicated)
Sigma APO EX DG 1.4X (dedicated)
Sigma APO EX 2X (dedicated)
Sigma APO EX DG 2X (dedicated) |
The camera just ignores the presence of the teleconverter although you still have correct exposure since exposure is based on actual amount of light passing through the lens. You'll also notice the viewfinder is dimmer and the focusing is slower because of the reduction of light to the camera.
One side benefit of using non-chip passthrough TC is the camera will attempt to AF with a slower lens previously not possible.
75-300mm or 100-300mm F4.5-5.6 with a 1.4X TC will normally not AF, but with a non-chip 1.4X or even 1.7X TC, it will try to AF but whether it can lock focus is another story :) |
Q&A Section
My camera has CIZ (Clear Image Zoom) do I still need a teleconverter?
If you are a RAW shooter, CIZ will not work so to get closer (other than using your feet) you will need a teleconverter. If you shoot JPG, CIZ may provide similar teleconverter effect but whether the final image quality is comparable or better than using a teleconverter is subject to debate. Remember CIZ uses software to interpolate and therefore there will be some quality loss compare to the original image. If you are not picky about image quality CIZ can be an alternative to a physical teleconverter. However if you are serious about image quality I would still recommend using a teleconverter especially if you have fast telephoto prime/fast telephoto zoom lenses 200/2.8, 300/2.8, 400/4.5, 500/4, 600/4 or 70-200/2.8 etc.
Which teleconverter should I buy for my lens?
All generic 1.4X, 1.5X, 1.7X or 2X teleconverter will fit ANY lenses. Majority of teleconverter owner will use it with their telephoto or telephoto zoom lenses to extend the reach. It doesn't make sense to use a teleconverter with a wide angle lens.
If your lens has a dedicated/matched teleconverter, use it, it will give you the best image quality.
As a general guide get 8 pin teleconverter for best compatiblity and get 5pin teleconverter if it has a chip and therefore AS/SSS will be more effective with older 5 pin prime/zoom lenses.
Minolta APO teleconverter for Minolta G telephoto lenses, (D) teleconveter for 70-200/2.8 SSM G D zoom and Sony TC for Sony prime telephoto SSM lenses, 70-200/2.8 or 70-400 SSM lenses.
Kenko Pro 300/Tamron SP if you have one of the supported lenses listed above. Kenko DGX 1.4X or 2X if you have SAM or SSM lenses Sigma EX or EX DG teleconverter for your Sigma EX lenses. Sigma EX DG HSM compatible teleconverter for your Sigma HSM lenses Vivitar 1.4X TC (5 Pin with chip) if you have a prime/zoom with 5 pin that is faster than F5.6 (Tokina 300/4, 400/5.6. 100-300/4 etc.)
How about teleconverter for Minolta AF 50/1.7, 50/1.4?
Only generic will fit.
How about teleconverter for Minolta 80-200/2.8 APO G?
Generic or Kenko Pro 300/Tamron SP will fit.
How about teleconverter for Minolta 70-210/4 or 75-300/4.5-5.6 (Original with limit switch)?
Generic or Kenko Pro 300/Tamron SP will fit.
1.4X, 1.7X or 2X will AF with 70-210/4 but 75-300/4.5-5.6 will not AF with either 1.4X or 2X teleconverter, manual focus only. 1.7X teleconverter will AF with 75-300/4.5-5.6 lens.
How about teleconverter for Minolta 70-210/3.5-4.5, 100-300/4.5-5.6 APO, 100-400/4.5-6.7 APO?
Only generic will fit.
1.4X AF will function with 70-210/3.5-4.5
2X is manual focus only.
100-300APO and 100-400APO will not AF with either 1.4X or 2X due to slower minimum aperture at 300mm/400mm.
100-300APO or 100-400APO will attempt to AF with a non-chip 1.4X or 1.7X TC but AF accuracy depends on lighting situation.
How about teleconverter for Minolta 24-85/3.5-4.5, 24-105/3.5-4.5?
Only generic will fit.
How about teleconverter for Minolta 28-135mm F4-4.5?
Only generic will fit.
How about teleconverter for Minolta 500mm F8 reflex, mirror lens?
Only generic will fit.
How about teleconverter for Sony SAM 50/1.8, SAM 85/2.8 lenses?
Only generic with 8 pin will fit. Get Kenko DGX for best results.
How about teleconverter for Sony 18-70mm, SAM 18-55mm, 55-200mm, 55-300mm or SSM 70-300G, 70-400G lenses?
Only generic with 8 pin will fit. For SAM or SSM lenses use Kenko Pro 300 or Kenko DGX for best results.
If you are using a 1.4X teleconverter, AF may work at 55mm/70mm if aperture is faster than F4.5 When using a 2X teleconverter it will straightly be MF only unless the lens is faster than F4
How about teleconverter for Tamron USD lenses (18-270, 24-70, 70-200 etc. ?
Only generic with 8 pin will fit. For best results use Kenko Pro 300 or Kenko DGX. AF may not function if your lens is slower than 5.6 for 1.4X teleconverter or slower than F4 for 2X teleconverter
Can I stack multiple teleconverter to increase the magnification?
Yes, generic and Kenko Pro 300/Tamron SP can be stacked together. Minolta APO cannot be stacked.
If you need to stack a 1.4X and a 2X it is better to get a 3X as it is lighter and yield better image quality. |
Manual Focus Lens Section
I have a Sony NEX or Alpha ILCE E mount camera can I use a teleconverter?
In order to use Alpha lenses on NEX or E mount body, you will need a Sony LA-EA1, LA-EA2, LA-EA3 or LA-EA4 A mount to E adapter. Sony said teleconverter is not supported with any of the LA-EA adapter. When you try a lens with a chipped teleconverter with any of the LA-EAx adapter the camera will just report - - on the aperture display indicating lens not recognized.
If you are using a teleconveter with no IC (chip) inside (example: Kenko Pro 300 1.4X, most 1.7X, Sigma 1.4X or 2X EX, EX DG etc.) the camera will still AF with the lens (provided there is enough light to AF).
Note: In most cases, unless you are using a lens with F4 or faster aperture, using any of the LA-EAx adapter with a 1.4X or 2X teleconverter will result in MF manual focus only. If you are using SAM or SSM lenses with F4 or faster (example: 35mm F1.8, 50mm F1.8, 95mm F2.8 SAM lenses etc.) you can get AF with LA-EA1 or LA-EA3 however AF will be slower than using LA-EA2 or LA-EA4
Can I use manual focus lenses on my 5D/7D or Sony Alpha or Sony SLT DSLR?
There are 2 official Minolta MD->AF adapter: 2X M/A teleconverter L and 2X M/A teleconverter S.
These adapter allows you to use a Minolta MC MD mount lens on a Minolta AF body or Sony A mount body.
2X M/A S is for lenses shorter than 300mm and 2X M/A L is for lenses longer than 300mm
Minolta 2X M/A Converter S and L Front

Minolta 2X M/A Converter S and L Back

Note that only stop down metering is possible and you must disable your camera lens lock.
There are also generic brand MD->AF adapter:
Generic brand MD/AF 9000 adapter

This has an optical element inside the adapter and allow the lens to focus to infinity. Magnification is around 1.2X so the total magnification factor will be around 1.2X + 1.5X = 1.8X so a 50mm lens become 135mm
It can be used with most Minolta manual focus lenses (as long as they can be fit together physically).
Note: There are now chipped MD-AF adapter that provide focus confirmation and also allow A200, A300, A350 and A900 to operate in A mode.
Ther are also 2 rare MD-AF adapters from Sigma that allows autofocus of MD lenses or Nikon F/AI lenses on certain Minolta AF body.
Sigma 1.6X MD/MAF adapter and Sigma 1.6X Nikon/MAF adapter. These adapter will only AF with lenses faster than F3.5
These 2 adapters achieve autofocusing by moving the lens element inside the adapter similar to the early Nikon AF TC-16A. It has 5 contact pins on the back and support full metering.
These 2 adapters were designed for the Maxxum 5000/7000/9000 camera and will not function on new AF body such as 5D/7D.

How about using other brand manual focus lens on Minolta AF body?
Generic brand adapter is available in the following mount:
Canon FD
Nikon F
Olympus OM
Pentax K
Pentax M42 screw (Universal)
Tamron adaptall
T mount
Hasselbad C F adapter
Kiev/Pentacon adapter
Generic brand Canon, Nikon, Olympus, Pentax -> Minolta AF adapters
More information http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?A=search&Q=&b=839&mnp=0.0&mxp=0.0&shs=minolta+adapter&ci=1&ac=&Submit.x=7&Submit.y=9 - click here .
The Canon FD, Nikon F, Olympus OM, Pentax K adapters are similar to the Minolta MD-AF adapter, it has an optic in it to allow for infinity focusing.
The magnification factor is around 1.2X
Note that you must use a lens that has an aperture ring othewise you'll not be able to adjust the aperture. (Example Nikon F/AI not G)
Pentax M42 screw (Universal) adapter
This M42 adpater will allow any M42 screw mount lenses to be used on a Minolta AF body. Stop down metering and manual focus only.
Note there are different versions of M42-AF adapter and there were some report of infinity focusing problem or physical compatiblity issue.
I am using a Made in Japan M42-MAF adapter on both 5D and 7D without any problem.
Pentax M42 screw chipped adapter
This adapter is the same as a regular M42-Minolta AF adapter but with the addition of a chip. This adapter will provide AF confirmation and also allow A200, A300, A350 and A900 to use M42 lenses in A mode.
(Chipless lenses can only be operate in M mode on A200, A300, A350 and A900).
There are 2 version of chipped adapter
1) Fixed focal length and aperture (example: 50mm F1.7)
2) Multiple focal length and aperture (Pre-programmed and user selectable, example: 28mm, 50mm, 135mm all in one chip)
More information on chipped adapter can be found in the M42 section of Dyxum.
Tamron adaptall to Minolta AF adapter:
This Tamron adaptall will allow all Tamron adaptall lenses to be used on Minolta AF body, there is no optic inside the adapter and it support stop down metering and manual focus only.
T mount adapter
This adapter allows you to use any T adapter lens on the Minolta AF body, there is no optic inside the adapter.
Stop down metering and manual focus only.
Hasselblad C F adapter
This adapter allows you to use any Hasselblad C or F medium format lens on the Minolta AF body, there is no optic inside the adapter.
Stop down metering and manual focus only.
Kiev/Pentacon adapter
This adapter allows Pentacon 6, Exakta 66, Kiev 60, Kiev 88CM medium format lenses to be used on a Minolta AF body.
There is no optic inside the adapter. Stop down metering and manual focus only. |
------------- 16/2.8 24/2.8 28/2 28/2.8 35/2 50/1.4 50/1.7 50/2.8 85/1.4 100/2 100/2.8 180/3.5 200/2.8 300/4 400/5.6 500/7.2 500/8
Zoom, TC and other lenses too numerous to list!
Posted By: brettania
Date Posted: 05 February 2006 at 07:38
Great work Ed. Can't see anything to question on a quick read, but I have learnt a few things.
Thanks! Thanks!!
------------- http://www.dyxum.com/dforum/posting-images-and-links-faqs_topic28010.html - Posting Images and Links | http://tinyurl.com/oz62mfp - Posts awaiting answers
Posted By: brettania
Date Posted: 05 February 2006 at 08:37
OK -- one little question -- where does the Teleplus SHQ 1.7x M-AF fit in? (Is it a Kenko generic?)
------------- http://www.dyxum.com/dforum/posting-images-and-links-faqs_topic28010.html - Posting Images and Links | http://tinyurl.com/oz62mfp - Posts awaiting answers
Posted By: ab012
Date Posted: 05 February 2006 at 10:30
Wow thanks for putting all together (much easier then having to search through all your dpr threads! ;) )
One addition - the Minolta APO TCs are also dedicated for the STF135.
------------- Bernard
fun fun fun
Posted By: gsaronni
Date Posted: 05 February 2006 at 11:30
Great work
You come with a very big knowledge, and we are happy you share with us.
I will read it slowly this evening.
I have the chance of buying an almost new Tamron 2x, 7 elements, for a good price (50€). I suppose it can be used with my macro 100 2.8, and with 50 f1.7. And according of your text, with 100-300 APO, only Manual Focus.
------------- 35/1.8 | 50/1.4 | 50M | 100/2 CZ 16-80 | Tamron 70-300 USD XZ-2 | A700 | A77 M2 http://www.flickr.com/photos/gsaronni/
Posted By: Coltrin
Date Posted: 05 February 2006 at 12:45
I'm embarrassed to ask one further question, re: the best TC for my KM AF100-300 4.5-5.6 (D) APO lens.
You indicated that with a D lens, the teleconverter must have 8 pins for the AF to work properly.
Auto focus is important to me, and I want to buy a 1.4X or 1.5X TC, but how can I be sure - when the specs are often unavailable - whether a particular converter has 8 pins?
Could you mention one or two names/models that have 8 pins?
Posted By: eccl
Date Posted: 05 February 2006 at 15:35
brettania wrote:
OK -- one little question -- where does the Teleplus SHQ 1.7x M-AF fit in? (Is it a Kenko generic?) |
Yes, this is a Kenko generic. Easiest way to find out is look at the distance between first element and lens mount, if it is more than 8-9mm it can be considered as a generic.
Posted By: eccl
Date Posted: 05 February 2006 at 15:35
ab012 wrote:
Wow thanks for putting all together (much easier then having to search through all your dpr threads! ;) )
One addition - the Minolta APO TCs are also dedicated for the STF135.
Thanks! I have updated the 135 STF in the list.
Posted By: eccl
Date Posted: 05 February 2006 at 16:55
Coltrin wrote:
I'm embarrassed to ask one further question, re: the best TC for my KM AF100-300 4.5-5.6 (D) APO lens.
You indicated that with a D lens, the teleconverter must have 8 pins for the AF to work properly.
Auto focus is important to me, and I want to buy a 1.4X or 1.5X TC, but how can I be sure - when the specs are often unavailable - whether a particular converter has 8 pins?
Could you mention one or two names/models that have 8 pins?
No. AF will function with either 5 pins or 8 pins. 8 pins is only required to keep the D function for (ADI) flash only.
Of all the 1.4X generic TC that I have used (CPC, Vivitar, Tamron etc.) they all have 5 pin. I'm not aware of any 1.4X TC (generic) one that has 8 pins.
The only generic I have tried with a 100-300APO and AF successfully is a Sakar 1.7X which has 8 pins. The reason it works is because there is no IC inside the teleconverter and it just passes through the information to the lens (same as the Kenko Pro 300/Tamron SP 1.4X). The camera thinks that there is no TC present and the effective aperture is still brighter than F6.3 therefore AF works. The EXIF data will not display the correct F stop or focal length.
If you must have AF with your 100-300 APO (D) with a teleconverter, get a Sakar 1.7X TC.
Hope this help.
Posted By: kleptolux
Date Posted: 05 February 2006 at 17:47
Excellent compendum!
------------- http://www.pbase.com/kleptolux - http://www.pbase.com/kleptolux/
"To love beauty is to see light." "To think of shadows is a serious thing."
- Victor Hugo (1802-1885)
Posted By: X-R-M
Date Posted: 05 February 2006 at 18:32
Thank you ECCL for sharing your knowledge, excellent job.
I was following your TC advise on dpreview, but here you put everything together in very clear way and I can very easily determine which TC will work with my lenses.
Thanks again.
P.S. Now when we know which TC fits to particular lens,next question should be about image quality -how much difference between Minolta, Tamron and Kenko TC's.
Are Tamron and Kenko much worse than Minolta?
Posted By: eccl
Date Posted: 06 February 2006 at 05:03
X-R-M wrote:
Thank you ECCL for sharing your knowledge, excellent job.
I was following your TC advise on dpreview, but here you put everything together in very clear way and I can very easily determine which TC will work with my lenses.
Thanks again.
P.S. Now when we know which TC fits to particular lens,next question should be about image quality -how much difference between Minolta, Tamron and Kenko TC's.
Are Tamron and Kenko much worse than Minolta? |
I have done a lots of test comparing Minolta 1.4X and 2X APO teleconverter vs Tamron SP 1.4X, 2X as well as regular MC4, MC7 1.4X and 2X teleconverter.
In short the Kenko Pro 300/Tamron SP is quite good. 1.4X is about as good as the APO 1.4X in the center but not as good in the corner. For 2X, Minolta APO is better in both center and corner.
If you are interested, I can post some test results.
let me know.
Posted By: craigchinohills
Date Posted: 06 February 2006 at 07:02
I've got the Tokina AT-X 400mm f5.6, I see that you'd done a check for compatibility with the Kenko Pro 300/Tamron SP. Was this a fit check only? If not, do you have a subjective opinion or even objective results of how well it seems to work optically?
I've also got the 100-300 APO (D) but with the 400 am now less inclined to worry about a TC for it.
Posted By: eccl
Date Posted: 06 February 2006 at 16:41
I do have the Tokina SD 400/5.6 lens. I haven't done a test with teleconverter yet. I did some tests comparing 200G + APO 2X and Tamron SP 2X vs Tokina 400/5.6 and 100-400 APO @400mm. I'll get back to you later today with my results.
Posted By: craigchinohills
Date Posted: 06 February 2006 at 21:36
I think there was a thread over on Photo.net with that lens and some questions but I'm in no hurry.
Posted By: H_K_F
Date Posted: 07 February 2006 at 02:20
Thank you so much for the teleconvertor informations.
I had a Minolta 1.4X APO(D) version, there is hardly any optical loss noticeable, excellent TC. I was hesitate to get a 2X convertor... (D) version would be prefered, since I can also use it on both 70-200 SSM and a 300 f2.8; well, I hesitate a little too long and it's out of stock now... : (
I could still buy a non-(D) version in HK, and limited to use on the 300 f2.8 only. I wonder if there is any other differences in terms of optical and focusing performance? Also, a non-(D) version is US$100 cheaper...
------------- Dynax 7,9,A2,5D Sony A700,A900,A99 17-35G, 24-70Z, 28-70G, 70-200G, 35G, 50D, 85G, 100D, 300/2.8G, 600G NEX5,5R,A7Rii 10-18, 16, 18-200, 24-70Z, 35/2.8Z, 55/1.8Z, 85/1.8Z, 70-200/4
Posted By: X-R-M
Date Posted: 07 February 2006 at 02:40
ECCL, thank you for your response.
Yes, I would like to see some samples.
I was thinking about TC(s) for my 200/2.8 which is my longest lens and sometimes I could use longer optics.
I would love to get those Minolta APO TC's, as I prefer original equipment, but lately I spend too much for my photo stuff, that I doubt my wife and my budget would allowed me to get one of those APO - they are really expensive.
Anyway I would like to know which TC I should prefer in case if I can get one for reasonable price.
Is Kenko preferred over Tamron or vice versa, or they are identical?
What about build quality?
Kenko comes from Tokina group and I like Tokina build quality.
I also wonder how 200/2.8 image quality with TC 1.4x and 2x compares to 300/4.0 and 400/4.5(at 5.6).Do you have any experience with that?
I would appreciate if you can post some comparison images (I am sure I am not only interested here), but there is no rush, so post whenever you find some time.
It will be great having your great compendium with samples in one thread.
Thank you for your efford ECCL.
Posted By: eccl
Date Posted: 07 February 2006 at 17:38
H_K_F wrote:
Thank you so much for the teleconvertor informations.
I had a Minolta 1.4X APO(D) version, there is hardly any optical loss noticeable, excellent TC. I was hesitate to get a 2X convertor... (D) version would be prefered, since I can also use it on both 70-200 SSM and a 300 f2.8; well, I hesitate a little too long and it's out of stock now... : (
I could still buy a non-(D) version in HK, and limited to use on the 300 f2.8 only. I wonder if there is any other differences in terms of optical and focusing performance? Also, a non-(D) version is US$100 cheaper... |
I believe all the Minolta APO teleconverters has the same optical design. The difference is just the difference gearing in II version and (D) function in the latest (D) version to support SSM lenses.
If you already have the 70-200 SSM, you should get the APO 2X (D) version. However, if you can find a 2X APO at good price and you don't mind manual focus then go for it. I bought both the APO 1.4X and APO 2X TC about the same price as one APO 2X (D) that was several years ago when the prices are much more reasonable.
One other option is to look at the Kenko Pro 300 and Tamron SP 2X, they are not as good as the Minolta APO but they are only about 1/3 the price and the quality is at least 70-75% of the APO TC in the center and 60-70% in the corner.
Posted By: eccl
Date Posted: 07 February 2006 at 17:43
X-R-M wrote:
ECCL, thank you for your response.
Yes, I would like to see some samples.
I was thinking about TC(s) for my 200/2.8 which is my longest lens and sometimes I could use longer optics.
I would love to get those Minolta APO TC's, as I prefer original equipment, but lately I spend too much for my photo stuff, that I doubt my wife and my budget would allowed me to get one of those APO - they are really expensive.
Anyway I would like to know which TC I should prefer in case if I can get one for reasonable price.
Is Kenko preferred over Tamron or vice versa, or they are identical?
What about build quality?
Kenko comes from Tokina group and I like Tokina build quality.
I also wonder how 200/2.8 image quality with TC 1.4x and 2x compares to 300/4.0 and 400/4.5(at 5.6).Do you have any experience with that?
I would appreciate if you can post some comparison images (I am sure I am not only interested here), but there is no rush, so post whenever you find some time.
It will be great having your great compendium with samples in one thread.
Thank you for your efford ECCL. |
If you are considering regular (white color) Kenko Pro 300 and Tamron SP, they are the same TC just different name (Probably both made by Kenko) so just pick the one that is less expensive.
If you are getting the latest Pro 300 DG (black color) then it is only available in Kenko version.
I'll post some comparison shots as soon as I have the chance.
Posted By: apchoo
Date Posted: 07 February 2006 at 22:24
Hi there,
Great work on the topic of TCs!
One issue that was briefly mentioned in this thread is the reporting the correct f/stop with a TC mounted. I have an 80-200mm f2.8 APO (black) and a Kenko Teleplus Pro 300 (white, non-DG version), and just like you say, my 7D reports f2.8 when it really is f4.
Which TCs that you know of correctly reports the resulting f/stop in EXIF? A friend who uses the Tamron SP 1.4X & 2X TCs (white, supposedly identical to the Kenko 300s) with his 80-200mm f2.8 APO HS (white) says that he gets the correct f/stop on his 7D. Does that suggest that the Tamron and Kenko TCs aren't that similar?
Posted By: eccl
Date Posted: 07 February 2006 at 22:32
I have both the Tamron SP 1.4X (white) and SP 2X (white)and only the 2X reports the correct F stop. 1.4X doesn't.
Can you check with your friend to confirm his Tamron 1.4X SP TC (white) reports the correct aperture.
Posted By: H_K_F
Date Posted: 08 February 2006 at 16:52
Thank you so much for your insight. In this case, I would buy the non-(D) version then. I seldom use a TC for 70-200 range anyway, it is most probaly use with the 300 only. I don't want to wait for the Sony version..., and can save some bucks. : )
BTW, the Minolta 1.4X APO is so good, I hardly take it off from the 300.
Thanks again.
------------- Dynax 7,9,A2,5D Sony A700,A900,A99 17-35G, 24-70Z, 28-70G, 70-200G, 35G, 50D, 85G, 100D, 300/2.8G, 600G NEX5,5R,A7Rii 10-18, 16, 18-200, 24-70Z, 35/2.8Z, 55/1.8Z, 85/1.8Z, 70-200/4
Posted By: PLLD69
Date Posted: 08 February 2006 at 18:11
Fab piece of work eccl. Of course unfortunately for me the area where you were unable to provide comprehensive detail was with the Sigma EX's. I have a 1.4EX (non DG) and may be forced into running it with a Tokina 80-200 f2.8ATX (not the Pro version, the one before that). Gheil mentioned using the 2x Sigma with a Tokina 80-200 does anyone have any information on a) compatibility and b) optical results if compatible. Many thanks.
Posted By: JST1
Date Posted: 08 February 2006 at 22:12
Verification please, the APO 1.4x will not work with the 70-200 2.8 SSM? Or is it that AF wil not work with that converter?
Much appreciation.
------------- JST- a99, a77II, a900, a700, RX1, 14 mm 2.8 tamron, 85 mm 1.4 ZA, 100 2.8 Minolta Macro, 135 mm 1.8 ZA, 70-200 2.8 G SSM, Minolta 300 2.8 G, Teleconverter 2X Minolta, 150mm-600mm Tamron.
Posted By: brettania
Date Posted: 08 February 2006 at 22:25
JST1 wrote:
Verification please, the APO 1.4x will not work with the 70-200 2.8 SSM? Or is it that AF wil not work with that converter?
Much appreciation. |
Minolta has made three APO converters. The first is just designated as APO Teleconverter, the second has II in its name, and the third says APO D.
Only the last will AF with the 70-200 SSM. I have successfully used the II in MF, but have not tried the "original" model although I believe it would also work in MF.
I will try to verify that later today.
------------- http://www.dyxum.com/dforum/posting-images-and-links-faqs_topic28010.html - Posting Images and Links | http://tinyurl.com/oz62mfp - Posts awaiting answers
Posted By: JST1
Date Posted: 08 February 2006 at 22:31
The 1.4x is backordered. I was hoping we could use it on the 70-210.
The 2x will do well on the 400mm. I can't wait to try it out.
Thnks for your help.
------------- JST- a99, a77II, a900, a700, RX1, 14 mm 2.8 tamron, 85 mm 1.4 ZA, 100 2.8 Minolta Macro, 135 mm 1.8 ZA, 70-200 2.8 G SSM, Minolta 300 2.8 G, Teleconverter 2X Minolta, 150mm-600mm Tamron.
Posted By: eccl
Date Posted: 09 February 2006 at 04:05
As promised 100-300 APO @300mm vs 100-400 APO @ 300mm vs 200G + 1.4X comparison:
Original image:
100% crop wide open center:
100% crop wide open corner:
100% crop stop down center:
100% crop stop down corner:
Posted By: ab012
Date Posted: 09 February 2006 at 04:12
very interseting stuff eccl!
that 100-400 center performance (even though it is at 6.3) is suprisingly good!!
------------- Bernard
fun fun fun
Posted By: eccl
Date Posted: 09 February 2006 at 04:19
As promised 400mm tests:
100-400 APO @ 400mm vs 200G + APO 2X vs 200G + Tamron SP (Kenko Pro 300) 2X vs Tokina SD 400mm comparison:
Original image:
100% crop wide open center:
100% crop wide open corner:
100% crop stop down center:
100% crop stop down corner:
Posted By: ab012
Date Posted: 09 February 2006 at 04:31
H_K_F wrote:
I had a Minolta 1.4X APO(D) version, there is hardly any optical loss noticeable, excellent TC |
Agree! That 1.4x APO (i got the II version) is SHOCKINGLY good! I use it with the STF and 400G and I notice hardly any degradation.
The foto tests show why - optically 10/10 for the minolta 1.4x (unmatched by any other TC tested for all brands in their tests)
------------- Bernard
fun fun fun
Posted By: ab012
Date Posted: 09 February 2006 at 04:46
very well done once again ECCL! thanks!
that 100-400 looks better and better!
ps - can you double check the Tokina results? the center crops seem to indicate that the f5.6 crop seems much better then the f11 crop... my experience with this lens is the opposite;)
------------- Bernard
fun fun fun
Posted By: brettania
Date Posted: 09 February 2006 at 11:28
Thanks again Ed. To me the contrast of the 100-400 and its centre sharpness is interesting but the 200 prime (without or with the "best" converters) is the clear overall winner.
------------- http://www.dyxum.com/dforum/posting-images-and-links-faqs_topic28010.html - Posting Images and Links | http://tinyurl.com/oz62mfp - Posts awaiting answers
Posted By: apchoo
Date Posted: 09 February 2006 at 11:43
eccl wrote:
I have both the Tamron SP 1.4X (white) and SP 2X (white)and only the 2X reports the correct F stop. 1.4X doesn't.
Can you check with your friend to confirm his Tamron 1.4X SP TC (white) reports the correct aperture.
I was mistaken ... my friend only has the Tamron SP 2X and it does report the correct f/stop for him. So it looks like the Tamron SP/Kenko Pro 300 1.4X does not report the correct f/stop.
Posted By: X-R-M
Date Posted: 09 February 2006 at 14:04
ECCL, thank you for great comparison.
I am going to take closer look when I get back from work.
Posted By: eccl
Date Posted: 09 February 2006 at 16:10
ab012 wrote:
very well done once again ECCL! thanks!
that 100-400 looks better and better!
ps - can you double check the Tokina results? the center crops seem to indicate that the f5.6 crop seems much better then the f11 crop... my experience with this lens is the opposite;) |
Yes, I'm keeping the 100-400 although I already have 100-300 and 200G. Sometime it is handy to have the range available especially when you do not have time to change/add a teleconverter.
I believe the images are correct but the Tokina is the only one that has unexpected results. It could be the lens or other factor. I'm planning to retest the Tokina 400mm together with 1.4X and 2X TC to confirm.
Posted By: eccl
Date Posted: 09 February 2006 at 16:26
brettania wrote:
Thanks again Ed. To me the contrast of the 100-400 and its centre sharpness is interesting but the 200 prime (without or with the "best" converters) is the clear overall winner. |
Totally agreed. 200G is the best lens in the 200mm focal length for Minolta and I intend to keep on using it.
Posted By: H_K_F
Date Posted: 09 February 2006 at 17:15
Excellent comparision! Many thanks!!
------------- Dynax 7,9,A2,5D Sony A700,A900,A99 17-35G, 24-70Z, 28-70G, 70-200G, 35G, 50D, 85G, 100D, 300/2.8G, 600G NEX5,5R,A7Rii 10-18, 16, 18-200, 24-70Z, 35/2.8Z, 55/1.8Z, 85/1.8Z, 70-200/4
Posted By: X-R-M
Date Posted: 11 February 2006 at 00:31
I wonder if anybody has experience with Kenko/Tamron 1.4x teleconverter on Minolta 70-210/4.0.
I am tempted to get that TC to use on 70-210/4, to get
100-300/5.6, and also use that TC with 200/2.8.
I wonder how 70-210/4 with 1.4x would hold against
Posted By: H_K_F
Date Posted: 12 February 2006 at 16:58
After reading the post, I rushed off to get a 2X APO II, and lucky I got the last one in stock.
The saleperson still honored the "bundle price" with the 300mm f2.8 even after a month. I paid HK$2200 (~US$280) instead of the ori. price of HK$2780 (~US$360). (D) version would cost HK$3480 (~US$450) if available now. I paid a total of HK$19000 (~US$2440) for a 300mm f2.8 and a 2X APO II.
With anticipated slight loss of quality, I'm quite pleased with the result. I had post some image in the Off Contest section.
------------- Dynax 7,9,A2,5D Sony A700,A900,A99 17-35G, 24-70Z, 28-70G, 70-200G, 35G, 50D, 85G, 100D, 300/2.8G, 600G NEX5,5R,A7Rii 10-18, 16, 18-200, 24-70Z, 35/2.8Z, 55/1.8Z, 85/1.8Z, 70-200/4
Posted By: Sanjuro
Date Posted: 13 February 2006 at 08:32
eccl, wonderful stuff, I had so many questions about this and thanks to you they got answered.
Thanks a lot for sharing and the effort of doing this!
------------- Rgds Sanjuro
"I paint objects as I think them, not as I see them." --Pablo Picasso
Posted By: X-R-M
Date Posted: 14 February 2006 at 05:14
Couldn't resist.After reading ECCL's great compendium and seeing all those sample images ordered and received Minolta TC APO II for 200/2.8 G.
Too bad we had terrible weather over the weekend - I got to deal with 20" of snow. Hopefully next weekend will let me try that combo.
I am still thinking of 1.4 Kenko.
Has anybody experience of using it on 70-210/4.0?
Could 70-210/4.0 with 1.4 TC be better in sharpness than Minolta 100-300 APO lens?
Posted By: damian.bradley
Date Posted: 19 February 2006 at 01:31
Is there any way to differentiate between 4 and 7 element generic converters? Some (like vivitar) I don't think are labelled, while others have MC4 or MC7 on the side.
Thanks, and again great work.
------------- Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's lens // http://dbradley.smugmug.com - Portfolio
Posted By: eccl
Date Posted: 19 February 2006 at 01:43
If it is not labelled with MC7 or 7E than it is only 4 elements. Also TC with 7 elements in most cases is thicker than TC with 4 elements.
Hope this help.
Posted By: X-R-M
Date Posted: 27 February 2006 at 05:30
There is comparison Tamron AF 1.4x TC and Kenko Teleplus Pro 300 http://www.pbase.com/fstopjojo/profile - here
Test was done with Tamron 100-400 lens in Canon mount.
There are also sample pictures of:
Sigma 10-20/4-5.6 EX DC HSM vs. Canon 10-22/3.5-4.5 USM
Sigma 24-70/2.8 EX DG Macro vs. Canon 24-70/2.8 L USM
Sigma 30/1.4 EX DC HSM
Posted By: Rambler358
Date Posted: 06 March 2006 at 07:45
eccl wrote:
Minolta AF system requires a minimum aperture of F6.3 (except 500/8 AF) to function. The following chart listed the aperture you should have on your original lens to have AF working in the resulting combination. If the resulting aperture is slower than the aperture listed, you will have to use manual focus.
F4.5 1.4X or 1.5X TC
F4.5 1.7X TC
F4 2X TC
F2.8 3X TC
Some really great info here! I've just recently acquired a rare Tokina AT-X 340 AF II 100-300mm f/4 lens and was looking for a good 2x TC. From what's stated above, and since this is a constant f/4 lens I should be able to use a 2x TC.
However, Tokina's website states the following for their Kenko PRO 300 2.0x TC:
"Full AF operation with PRO 300 2.0x is possible when using camera lenses with maximum aperture of F2.8 or brighter."
So now I'm a little confused - can anyone shed some light if I'll in fact be able to use a 2x TC and still have AF? Or will I need to drop down to a 1.4x TC in order to retain AF? Many thanks in advance!
------------- ~Ron Torrance, CA
Posted By: eccl
Date Posted: 13 March 2006 at 04:14
Rambler358 wrote:
Some really great info here! I've just recently acquired a rare Tokina AT-X 340 AF II 100-300mm f/4 lens and was looking for a good 2x TC. From what's stated above, and since this is a constant f/4 lens I should be able to use a 2x TC.
However, Tokina's website states the following for their Kenko PRO 300 2.0x TC:
"Full AF operation with PRO 300 2.0x is possible when using camera lenses with maximum aperture of F2.8 or brighter."
So now I'm a little confused - can anyone shed some light if I'll in fact be able to use a 2x TC and still have AF? Or will I need to drop down to a 1.4x TC in order to retain AF? Many thanks in advance! |
The Pro 300 2X will AF with your 100-300/4 lens since it will AF with a 70-210/4 lens. Since the effective aperture is F8, AF will only work in good light and subject with high contrast.
Hope this help.
Posted By: Jac.
Date Posted: 16 March 2006 at 13:00
Great work, EECL, nice thread.
Maybe one addition that I think nobody else mentioned yet:
The Minolta APO converters also work with the 200mm f4 APO macro lens.
Rgds. Jac
Posted By: eccl
Date Posted: 17 March 2006 at 21:35
I believe 200/4 was mentioned in the TC guide:
"Minolta APO teleconverters are designed specifically for certain Minolta lenses only, all of the Minolta AF Telephoto G lenses such as 135/2.8 STF, 200/2.8, 300/2.8, 300/2.8 SSM, 300/4, 400/4.5, 600/4, 200/4, 70-200/2.8 SSM. "
Posted By: H_K_F
Date Posted: 18 March 2006 at 12:58
After using a Minolta APO 2X converter on a 300mm 2.8, there are noticable loss of sharpness with a bit of shake, and reduction of contrast.
Since I have not use such combo before, I recognize my techniques is not good enough. Any recommendation / reading for this newbie in "teleland"?
------------- Dynax 7,9,A2,5D Sony A700,A900,A99 17-35G, 24-70Z, 28-70G, 70-200G, 35G, 50D, 85G, 100D, 300/2.8G, 600G NEX5,5R,A7Rii 10-18, 16, 18-200, 24-70Z, 35/2.8Z, 55/1.8Z, 85/1.8Z, 70-200/4
Posted By: eccl
Date Posted: 18 March 2006 at 23:49
Are you using a tripod or at least monopod with your 300/2.8 + APO 2X combination? Handheld is alrady difficult for 300/2.8, add a 2X it will be even tougher. You'll need a HEAVY DUTY tripod with a good ball head or heavy duty head. Mount the lens onto the tripod instead of the camera as you don't want the camera (mount) to support the weight of the heavy lens.
Picture quality will be degraded with a 2X TC but the result should not be too bad (at least 70-75% of original).
Hope this help.
Posted By: H_K_F
Date Posted: 19 March 2006 at 08:39
With AS, I found using 1.4X with 300/2.8 handheld managable; 2X handheld still workable, result is a bit marginal. The following was handheld shot with enough light.
I mounted the lens combo on a Gitzo G1228 MKII and a Acratech Ultimate Ballhead. I did not tighten/secure the ballhead with AS on, since the subject floated on water and moved slightly.
100% crop
Another 100% crop
The result is not bad, at least 80% of original or with 1.4X. Just wondering if the result is normal and if any better gear (Gimble head), or technique should be involved from your experience?
------------- Dynax 7,9,A2,5D Sony A700,A900,A99 17-35G, 24-70Z, 28-70G, 70-200G, 35G, 50D, 85G, 100D, 300/2.8G, 600G NEX5,5R,A7Rii 10-18, 16, 18-200, 24-70Z, 35/2.8Z, 55/1.8Z, 85/1.8Z, 70-200/4
Posted By: spiritx
Date Posted: 28 March 2006 at 15:58
Hi all,
i would know your opinion on the use of a kenko Teleplus 300 1,4x with a sigma 135-400 4,5/5,6 ?
I think i'll lost AF (maybe can i keep it by hidding 3 pins ?) but what about the image quality ?
What is your opinion on this ?
Posted By: eccl
Date Posted: 28 March 2006 at 16:30
AF will work (at least try to lock focus on an object) since Kenko PRO 300 1.4X is simply passing through the signal. Your EXIF data will not be correct.
Quality wise you'll get about 80-90% of your original image but bear in mind your 135-400 is pretty big so adding a 1.4X will make it even longer and heavier. You'll probably need a monopod or tripod or high ISO for best result.
Hope this help.
Posted By: ballfresno
Date Posted: 31 March 2006 at 23:30
eccl, thanks very much for a very informative posting (especially for those of us new to the Minolta world).
One small question for you or anybody else that can help me: on the Minolta Yahoo! group, I found out about the Canon FD lens adaptor which would be perfect for me and you've alluded to it as well. However, the only link I've been given for actually acquiring such an adapter has been to BHPhoto in the US. I was wondering if anybody knows where in the UK one might get such an adaptor as the shipping charge from the US is as much as the adaptor itself.
PS - http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?A=details&Q=&is=REG&O=productlist&sku=97537 - Link to BHPhoto product page
------------- eric
KM 5D, various others from Canon, Kodak, Minox & Olympus.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/ballfresno/ - Flickr gallery
Posted By: eccl
Date Posted: 03 April 2006 at 20:57
Can't help you here as I do not know of any photo dealer/retailer in UK that carries this FD->Min AF adapter. You can also try your luck on ebay but price can be higher than B&H + shipping to UK.
Posted By: ballfresno
Date Posted: 04 April 2006 at 00:03
Thanks eccl. My findings so far have been that there does not seem to be anybody in the UK that deals with such. BHPhoto it will have to be. I guess the shipping costs are not that bad...
------------- eric
KM 5D, various others from Canon, Kodak, Minox & Olympus.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/ballfresno/ - Flickr gallery
Posted By: spiritx
Date Posted: 04 April 2006 at 10:43
About the adaptator mount, i should also be interested, but many people told me that you lose the AF, but also the light measurement, and many of the automatism.
What do you think of this ?
Posted By: eccl
Date Posted: 04 April 2006 at 16:52
When you use any one of the adapter (Canon FD, Nikon F, Pentax K, Pentax M42, Olympus OM or M42, Tamron adaptall -->Min AF) You must use manual focus, stop down metering (A or M mode).
I have conducted test using various adapter (Canon, Pentax K, Pentax M42 and Tamron Adaptall) on a 7D and 5D. AS seems to work and quite effective on shorter lens but whether you get the full 2-3 stops is anyone guess.
The reason for using older manual focus lenses on a 5D or 7D is cost and fun factor. You can purchase an entire collection of lenses (M42 for example) including exotic lenses such as macro, fisheye etc. for the cost of one single AF fisheye or AF macro lenses.
Hope this help.
Posted By: akb4
Date Posted: 13 April 2006 at 05:09
teleconverter taxonomy...
I'm going to break this up into a bunch of posts.
This will focus (ahem) on "generic" teleconverters that can fit on almost any maxxum/dynax/alpha lens.
For any TC you have, please tell us:
1) brand, model
2) model# if you know it
3) how many pins does it have on the body and the lens side, and which style? (see below)
4) does the viewfinder show the correct aperture
5) does the exif data for shots mention the tc, and does it list the correct focal length and aperture.
6) if the exif data mentions the TC, what does it call it?
7) what color is the release latch?
8) exactly what is written on the TC? in what colors?
Pin styles:
I've noted a bunch.
(1) five pins
(2) five pins on a surface feature sized for eight pins
(3) eight pins in a row on one surface feature
(4) eight pins with five on the base surface and a small raised plastic "island" for the other three
Posted By: akb4
Date Posted: 13 April 2006 at 05:12
for lens adaptors in the UK, www.srbfilm.co.uk is the usual best source.
alternatively, you could phone b&h and try to find out who makes the adaptor, then contact the manufacturer and find out who their UK importer is (if any).
Posted By: akb4
Date Posted: 13 April 2006 at 09:10
Notes on the "MC" teleconverters
These are the most common tc's around.
There are three models:
MC4 1.4x, 4 elements in 4 groups
MC4 2x, 4 elements in 4 groups
MC7 2X, 7 elements in 5 groups
I think they are made by Kenko/Tokina, but the brand name I see on them most often is Tamron. They also are rebranded by a huge number of importers and large chains; I've seen them labeled Jessops, Vivitar, Soligor, Kalimar, and CPC. I think the Phoenix adaptors are also rebranded MC's.
Kenko calls all of their tc's "Teleplus", like the "Teleplus Pro 300" or "AF Teleplus MC4 1.4x". I've seen people think this was the brand name of the tc itself.
I'm curious about getting a handle on the generations and what their capacities are.
The most recent models are the DG versions:
1.4x Kenko AF Teleplus MC4 DG, model MC4AFDGM
2x Kenko AF Teleplus MC7 DG, model MC7AFDGM
also known as Tokina AF2X7DGM
I'm not sure if they bother making a 2x MC4 DG version.
At large retailers, the DG's are currently replacing
1.4x Kenko AF Teleplus MC4, model MC4AFM
2x Kenko AF Teleplus MC7, model MC7AFM
some stores still have these "pre-dg" models in stock.
Going back further, things get kinda murky...
Some tc's are labeled "M/AUTO FOCUS" or "M-AF",
these seem to always have 5 contacts, though sometimes on a surface feature sized for 8 contacts.
I suspect these are the oldest types.
some tc's are labeled M-AFi or C-AFi,
these can have 5 contacts or the 5+3 contact arrangment
I wonder if the i means the 7000i-series (second generation) camera bodies.
some tc's are labeled Mx-AF or Mx/AF,
these seem to have 8 contacts
I suspect the "x" means they came out for the XI bodies and thus have the extra contacts for power zoom.
some tc's are labelled C/D7.
a user at minolta-forum.de reported that this 7-element tc would mount the 500/8 af mirror lens. many tc's can't.
he also reports it works with the 5D and 7D, but not how well.
Tamrons mostly just say "TAMRON-F AF TELE-CONVERTER".
On some models, the AF is in green, in others, it is white.
Newer MC7's are 36mm long, older ones 41mm.
Some say BBAR on them, which is a Broad Band Anti-Reflective coating.
Posted By: akb4
Date Posted: 13 April 2006 at 09:32
Notes on the 1.5x and 1.7x teleconverters...
Besides the MC's, the two common tc's seem to be a 1.5x made by Kenko, and a 1.7x of unknown manufacture.
The Kenko 1.5x has most of same sorts of variation as the MC series.
The current model is the "AF Teleplus SHQ DG", model# K15AFDGM. Layout is 5 elements in 4 groups.
It has the 5+3 style contact pins.
The previous, non-DG model, was the K15AFM.
Mx versions with 8 contacts and
M-AFi versions with 5 contacts on a surface feature sized for 8 have also been seen.
The 1.7x is a bit more mysterious. All the ones I've come across are labeled "PROMASTER SPECTRUM 7 1.7X". Promaster is an importer, not a manufacturer. However, I suspect that these are also Kenko made because of two similarities to the other Kenko tc's.
One, the release latch is a dark teal blue colored plastic.
Two, mine says Mx-AF and has 8 contacts, which is similar to the other Kenko labeling notations.
Mine does not display the correct aperture in the viewfinder, but does focus just fine on my 5D. I have not yet had time to see whether ADI works, or what gets put in the exif data.
In summary, it seems every maxxum tc comes from Kenko, except for the ones from Minolta and Sigma. All the Minolta's and Sigma's seem to be "dedicated" for use on long lenses only, only the three Pro series Kenko's (1.4x, 2x, 3x) have that limitation.
I do wonder if maybe at some point in the past Sigma produced a non-dedicated tc; I have seen 5 contact APO Sigma tc's for sale online, but I do not know if they were long lens dedicated.
Posted By: brettania
Date Posted: 13 April 2006 at 09:46
This thread has become very long and I am not sure whether or not there are now contradictions between eccl's and akb4's listings? Would it be an idea to split akb4's posts off into a thread with "...cont." in the title? (which eccl could do)
Please note this is not intended to criticise all the hard work that has gone on, or dampen anyone's enthusiasm, but we need to have something that makes sense and is easy to use.
Comments from the two major posters please.
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Posted By: kadebo
Date Posted: 13 April 2006 at 23:22
In reply to akb4's appeal I'll describe my 1,4 converter:
1) Soligor AF 1.4x Pro teleconverter
2) 5 elements in 4 groups
3) eight pins in a row on one surface feature
4) the viewfinder shows the real (= original) aperture
5,6) the exif data do not mention the tc and list the original focal length of the lens and the aperture.
7) [what is meant with "release latch"?]
8) on the TC is written: SOLIGOR AF PRO TELE-CONVERTER 1.4x Mx/AF Japan (only "AF" in red letters)
Other features:
color: grey-white, diameter 65 mm, length 20 mm, weight 132 g (Soligor says 150 g !)
Clearance element-mouth ca. 7 mm.
Works well with Min. 100/2,8 macro and Tamron 200-500/5,0-6,3, but not with Min. 100-400/4,5-6,7.
Manual focussing works much more heavily than without converter.
Posted By: akb4
Date Posted: 14 April 2006 at 01:10
I have no problem splitting into a seperate thread.
It would be nice if we could keep it someplace where folks will continue to see it and give info though.
I'm pretty sure I didn't contradict anything; most of eccl's posts have been about "dedicated" tc's, while mine mostly addressed "generics". I didn't see anything in eccl's posts I thought was incorrect. (I also love love love the comparison test shots).
Collecting detailed info about regular lenses and accessory lenses would be cool (to me, anyway :)). A forum isn't really the best way to put together a chart/datbase/spreadsheet, but wiki spreadsheets aren't quite ready for prime time yet. Maybe another year or so. (I've been waiting about a decade for them so far, but too busy to write one. Sigh.).
Meanwhile, we could collect data. Are the surveys on this forum sw capable of having a form where folks type info in, and then displaying a chart of the results?
Posted By: kiklop
Date Posted: 14 April 2006 at 09:01
akb4 wrote:
I have no problem splitting into a seperate thread.
It would be nice if we could keep it someplace where folks will continue to see it and give info though.
Yes, we are thinking abot the best way / form to preserve all this info while providing it in a more appropriate form.
We already have a http://www.dyxum.com/lenses/TC/index.asp - tc database , and the database is linked to lens database so we can make lens+tc combinations. But we need to finish the whole thing.
akb4 wrote:
Collecting detailed info about regular lenses and accessory lenses would be cool (to me, anyway :)). A forum isn't really the best way to put together a chart/datbase/spreadsheet, but wiki spreadsheets aren't quite ready for prime time yet. Maybe another year or so. (I've been waiting about a decade for them so far, but too busy to write one. Sigh.).
Meanwhile, we could collect data. Are the surveys on this forum sw capable of having a form where folks type info in, and then displaying a chart of the results?
I'm more than interested to provide anything I can to collecting info. Just drop me an mail with your ideas and we can aranage something. I'm still recovering from one illness but I'm ready to do my best in this regard.
Thank you for all your efforts !
------------- We may have http://www.dyxum.com/dforum/unawsered_forum_topics_date-range13.html - questions waiting for answers !
Posted By: eccl
Date Posted: 14 April 2006 at 18:33
In the TC quick reference guide, I didn't break down the generic TC into more detail because any non-dedicated TC is considered generic and will fit ALL lenses. That was only a QUICK reference guide and I was hoping any particular TC detail will be captured in the upcoming TC review section. Also, most people only concern about compatiblity between a TC with a particular lens (ie 70-210/4, 100-300 APO, 50/1.4 etc.) and whether the combination will AF or MF. I believe the quick reference quide addresses the above questions.
I agree with akb4/kiklop that the only way to capture all this detail information of a particular TC is by collecting data from different users and tablulate them in some kind of database or table.
Posted By: eccl
Date Posted: 14 April 2006 at 18:45
akb4 wrote:
Notes on the 1.5x and 1.7x teleconverters...
Besides the MC's, the two common tc's seem to be a 1.5x made by Kenko, and a 1.7x of unknown manufacture.
The Kenko 1.5x has most of same sorts of variation as the MC series.
The current model is the "AF Teleplus SHQ DG", model# K15AFDGM. Layout is 5 elements in 4 groups.
It has the 5+3 style contact pins.
The previous, non-DG model, was the K15AFM.
Mx versions with 8 contacts and
M-AFi versions with 5 contacts on a surface feature sized for 8 have also been seen.
The 1.7x is a bit more mysterious. All the ones I've come across are labeled "PROMASTER SPECTRUM 7 1.7X". Promaster is an importer, not a manufacturer. However, I suspect that these are also Kenko made because of two similarities to the other Kenko tc's.
One, the release latch is a dark teal blue colored plastic.
Two, mine says Mx-AF and has 8 contacts, which is similar to the other Kenko labeling notations.
Mine does not display the correct aperture in the viewfinder, but does focus just fine on my 5D. I have not yet had time to see whether ADI works, or what gets put in the exif data.
In summary, it seems every maxxum tc comes from Kenko, except for the ones from Minolta and Sigma. All the Minolta's and Sigma's seem to be "dedicated" for use on long lenses only, only the three Pro series Kenko's (1.4x, 2x, 3x) have that limitation.
I do wonder if maybe at some point in the past Sigma produced a non-dedicated tc; I have seen 5 contact APO Sigma tc's for sale online, but I do not know if they were long lens dedicated.
I have a Sakar 1.7X TC, it also has 8 contact but it is just a pass through (like the Kenko Pro 300/Tamron SP 1.4X TC) and aperture doesn't show the correct aperture and EXIF doesn't show the correct EXIF.
Sigma did make a generic TC (early version), please see photo below:
This one will fit any lenses but probably MF only.
Sigma EX APO TC are dedicated
Posted By: ballfresno
Date Posted: 14 April 2006 at 23:36
Sorry to interrupt this thread again but I just wanted to thank all those that gave any input on my Canon FD lens to Minolta AF mount question... I ended up ordering the adaptor from B&H Photo and it arrived earlier this week (took 4 days including weekend which was amazing). I've been having a lot of fun using my Canon FD 50mm f/1.4 lens on my 5D!!
Thanks again.
------------- eric
KM 5D, various others from Canon, Kodak, Minox & Olympus.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/ballfresno/ - Flickr gallery
Posted By: kiklop
Date Posted: 15 April 2006 at 09:46
ballfresno wrote:
Sorry to interrupt this thread again but I just wanted to thank all those that gave any input on my Canon FD lens to Minolta AF mount question... I ended up ordering the adaptor from B&H Photo and it arrived earlier this week (took 4 days including weekend which was amazing). I've been having a lot of fun using my Canon FD 50mm f/1.4 lens on my 5D!!
Great to hear this.
I would like to see a new dedicated thread and your report in it :)
------------- We may have http://www.dyxum.com/dforum/unawsered_forum_topics_date-range13.html - questions waiting for answers !
Posted By: ballfresno
Date Posted: 15 April 2006 at 13:40
Kiklop wrote:
I would like to see a new dedicated thread and your report in it :) |
I'll try to summarise my experiences with this combo in a separate thread soon!
------------- eric
KM 5D, various others from Canon, Kodak, Minox & Olympus.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/ballfresno/ - Flickr gallery
Posted By: pnaciona
Date Posted: 17 April 2006 at 10:05
I was playing around with my newly acquired Minolta 300mm f/4 and 1.4x teleconverter-II with my Maxxum 7 film camera and noticed that the AF assist lamp doesn't work with this combo. Mounted a 3600 HS(D) flash to see if its AF assist lamp would work but it also didn't. Can anyone please confirm that this is normal behavior? Can't seem to find any documentation about this on the internet. I don't have a manual for the teleconverter.
Anxiously waiting for my 7D to come back and TIA,
------------- Some call me Perry, Peri, or Pericles. You can call me Jack. You don't know me.
Posted By: pnaciona
Date Posted: 17 April 2006 at 10:18
Nevermind, I found the answer in the film 7 manual:
"The AF illuminator may not operate with 300mm or longer single focal length lenses." - page 59 of the Maxxum 7 (english) manual.
------------- Some call me Perry, Peri, or Pericles. You can call me Jack. You don't know me.
Posted By: brettania
Date Posted: 17 April 2006 at 10:31
That's what I was going to suggest having looked at an 8000i manual which says 210 max.
------------- http://www.dyxum.com/dforum/posting-images-and-links-faqs_topic28010.html - Posting Images and Links | http://tinyurl.com/oz62mfp - Posts awaiting answers
Posted By: craigchinohills
Date Posted: 24 April 2006 at 07:08
A little OT. At one point I lost a Minolta lens cap and almost immediately found a Canon or the same diameter. Which elicited more than a few comments questions from some folks about using a Canon lens on a Minolta camera. I can imagine the reactions of those few sharp enough eyed folks that will spot a Canon lens on a Minolta. (Tell them it's a secret test-bed camera?)
Posted By: jarenas
Date Posted: 20 May 2006 at 23:26
I want to thank you ECCL. I recently purchased an 80-200 HS lens and had no clue as to what teleconverter to purchase. After reading your review I went out and found a Kenko 300 2X and it works flawlessly. Thanks.
Posted By: kiklop
Date Posted: 20 May 2006 at 23:31
jarenas, if not asking too much i would like to see some samples of this combination.
------------- We may have http://www.dyxum.com/dforum/unawsered_forum_topics_date-range13.html - questions waiting for answers !
Posted By: jarenas
Date Posted: 21 May 2006 at 06:13
You got it. I just came back from Point Reyes Nat. Seashore in Northern California. I figure I'll read up as to how to post on Dyxum.
Posted By: Rno.
Date Posted: 22 May 2006 at 09:42
What a great source of information!
Will the Minolta TCs work with the old 80-200G lens? I thought I had seen it listed somewhere, but now I can't find it anymore.
Thanks for your help.
Posted By: Sandyw
Date Posted: 25 May 2006 at 01:36
Picking up on Ballfresno's thread regarding body/lens converters I have just got a Maxxum / PK converter for some of my old lenses.
So far I've been pretty gobsmacked with the results - much better than I was expecting!!!
Will post more details soon.
------------- A700 A900 A77 A99 & a bunch of Sony & Minolta AF Lenses
NEX-5n NEX-7 [Canon EOS 5D] plus a menagerie of MF lenses
Posted By: RacingManiac
Date Posted: 16 June 2006 at 04:54
quick question, what would be my best bet for a TC that'll work for both Sigma 70-200 EX DG and Minolta 300/4 G? With decent quality?
Posted By: eccl
Date Posted: 16 June 2006 at 20:27
You can use Sigma EX or EX DG converter (1.4X or 2X) or you can use Kenko Pro 300/Pro 300 DG or Tamron SP 1.4X or 2X.
I'm not sure whether the orignal Minolta TC will fit the Sigma but it will fit Minolta APO 300/4 G for sure but it is much more expensive than Sigma/Kenko/Tamron.
Posted By: VainHedonism
Date Posted: 18 June 2006 at 02:50
for tc's without rom chips, do they compromise AS? AS needs focal length to properly shift the CCD, so wont having the wrong number mess things about
------------- there's nothing worse than a sharp picture of a fuzzy concept. -a. adams
nikon d1X, sb80DX, sb25, tokina 28-70 2.6-2.8, tokina 80-200 2.8
Posted By: eccl
Date Posted: 21 June 2006 at 17:19
If a TC does not have rom chips, it is basically a pass through, the camera just ignore the TC and just get the information from the original lens.
AS will still work but probably not as effective since the camera does not know the resulting focal length. I believe Kenko Pro 300/Tamron SP/Sigma EX 1.4X TC are just pass through but the resulting images from 70-200F2.8 or 70-210/4 + 1.4X TC seems to be fine.
Posted By: dCap
Date Posted: 26 June 2006 at 23:05
what a fabulous thread! I can't beleave I've not read it until today!
------------- I can still remember how that music used to make me smile - Don McLean
Date Posted: 06 July 2006 at 05:48
eccl wrote:
Of all the 1.4X generic TC that I have used (CPC, Vivitar, Tamron etc.) they all have 5 pin. I'm not aware of any 1.4X TC (generic) one that has 8 pins.
eccl |
I just picked up a used Tamron 1.4 and it has 8 pins. I believe it is the generic one. It says 1.4X Mx-AF MC4 on the side.
Posted By: eccl
Date Posted: 06 July 2006 at 19:13
I do not have my old Tamron 1.4X anymore therefore cannot confirm whether it is the same version.
I believe all the newer Tamron/Kenko/Tokina generic or DG 1.4X generic TC has 8 pins. Don't know whether it has chip inside or simply just passing through the data.
Date Posted: 31 August 2006 at 20:20
eccl wrote:
I have both the Tamron SP 1.4X (white) and SP 2X (white)and only the 2X reports the correct F stop. 1.4X doesn't.
Can you check with your friend to confirm his Tamron 1.4X SP TC (white) reports the correct aperture.
I posted a question on this elsewhere. I have the same experiance. My 2X is a Vivatar. Only my 2X reports the correct aperture. When I install the 1.4X, the aperature reports no differnt than the lens by itself. I guess this means I have to compensate my exposure, but I'm not sure how much. Also my 2X does not have 8 pins so I assume I lose some functions on newer lenses
Date Posted: 31 August 2006 at 20:23
gheil wrote:
PLLD69 wrote:
I have a 1.4EX (non DG) and may be forced into running it with a Tokina 80-200 f2.8ATX (not the Pro version, the one before that). Gheil mentioned using the 2x Sigma with a Tokina 80-200 does anyone have any information on a) compatibility and b) optical results if compatible. Many thanks. | my Tokina is the 80-200f2.8 ATX Pro version and the TC is the Sigma APO 2X EX. It does not adjust the reported aperture, though of course the camera is able to meter fine regardless. i am hoping this weekend to have some great clear weather to exercise this combination with and can take a look at the resulting exif information. Looks sharp and focusing, even indoors, is effective. i wonder what the rechipping fees would be for these TC's? |
So if I understand correctly, when a convertor fails to report the correct aperature it does not affect metering or the exposure? It only affect the reported setting?
Posted By: eccl
Date Posted: 01 September 2006 at 05:07
"So if I understand correctly, when a convertor fails to report the correct aperature it does not affect metering or the exposure? It only affect the reported setting? "
Metering or exposure is not affected because the camera measures the actual light pass through the lens. Only the report setting is not correct.
Posted By: marc74
Date Posted: 02 October 2006 at 16:13
I´m a new member from Germany.
First @ eccl: very, very great work you´ve done here!!
There is only one special question about the Kenko 1.5x shq TC. This Tc works with the beercan 70-210/4 as I read in the german d7d userforum(http://www.d7userforum.de/phpBB2/reviews/showproduct.php?product=38&sort=2&cat=6&page=1).
But I would like to know, if it also works with the maxxum 70-210/ 3.5-4.5, or does this not fit together?
The kenko 1.5x shq TC is pronounced as dedicated in the tc- database and you told us, that the 70-210/3.5-4.5 does only fit with generic tc´s.
I´m a little bit confused about that, because i would like to buy a maxxum 70-210/3.5-4.5 and extend it with the kenko 1.5x shq.
Thank´s for your replie
------------- A77- SAL 16-50/2.8 - Tammy 70-200/2.8 DI - Tammy 60/2 Macro - Metz 48 AF-1 - TK Tokina 300pro 2X
Posted By: eccl
Date Posted: 02 October 2006 at 18:49
Hi Marc,
Welcome to Dyxum!
I believe the Kenko 1.5X SHQ is a generic teleconverter therefore it should fit any lens including the 70-210/3.5-4.5
Only Kenko Pro 300/Pro 300 DG 1.4X and 2X are dedicated.
Hope this help.
Posted By: marc74
Date Posted: 02 October 2006 at 20:02
Thank you very much!
------------- A77- SAL 16-50/2.8 - Tammy 70-200/2.8 DI - Tammy 60/2 Macro - Metz 48 AF-1 - TK Tokina 300pro 2X
Posted By: csiems
Date Posted: 25 November 2006 at 01:15
I'd also like to thank for the fine work with the tc's.
I've got a Tamron-F AF Tele-converter 1,4x M-AF MC4 - that should be a generic one and fit ALL lenses.
It is ok with my Minolta lenses - and on the beercan it shows the correct range and f-stop.
But it doesn't work at all with my Tamron lenses (90mm Macro - 200-500mmSP)
That seems strange to me.
Posted By: alanr
Date Posted: 15 December 2006 at 21:57
I'm sorry if this has been answered previously, can i buy a tele converter that will fit both a Minolta 500mm reflex and a Sigma 400mm?
Thanks in advance.
------------- 7D 7000i Minolta 35-80/4.5 100-300/4.5 500/8 mirror Sigma 10-20/4-5.6 400/5.6 300AF-Mi
Posted By: eccl
Date Posted: 20 December 2006 at 04:17
alanr wrote:
I'm sorry if this has been answered previously, can i buy a tele converter that will fit both a Minolta 500mm reflex and a Sigma 400mm?
Thanks in advance. |
Any generic 1.4X, 1.7X or 2X teleconverter will fit both the Minolta 500/8 and Sigma 400mm
Posted By: alanr
Date Posted: 21 December 2006 at 18:10
eccl wrote:
alanr wrote:
I'm sorry if this has been answered previously, can i buy a tele converter that will fit both a Minolta 500mm reflex and a Sigma 400mm?
Thanks in advance. |
Any generic 1.4X, 1.7X or 2X teleconverter will fit both the Minolta 500/8 and Sigma 400mm
Thanks eccl
------------- 7D 7000i Minolta 35-80/4.5 100-300/4.5 500/8 mirror Sigma 10-20/4-5.6 400/5.6 300AF-Mi
Posted By: Dorset Mike
Date Posted: 22 February 2007 at 16:34
Hi, Just to add to the wealth of information in this thread, I have the Kenko 1.4x pro300 DG.
I can confirm that it works ok on my 5D with the Tamron 55-200 f4-5.6, only minor problem is AF is a bit slow and sometimes hunts at 180-200mm which is where the max aperture is 5.6.
I have also used it with the Tokina 80-400 f4.5-5.6 again some hesitation when it gets to f5.6 i.e between 280 and 400mm.
For both lenses AF at f5 seems to be OK, on the Tamron the change from f4 to f4.5 takes place at 120, to f5 at 160 and 5.6 at 180, the Tokina to f5 at 150, to f5.6 at 280.
Hope this helps, cheers MIKE
------------- Cheers MIKE,
5D, A350: 50/1.7; 28-75/2.8;80-200/2.8 APO Kit; 500/8; Tam 17-50/2.8; 18-280; 70-300/4-5.6: 90/2.8; MC7 2X; Tokina 11-16/2.8: 80-400/4-5.6; Kenko 1.4X: Min A200 bridge
Posted By: MichaelJ
Date Posted: 03 March 2007 at 14:32
Very good work
I am still not totally sure which tc to purchase for the 200 2.8, and 400 4.5, HS models.
I thought I picked up on possible focus problems with older model,
Gear damage?
I see the older models are being sold as preferable?
Please clarify
------------- Maxxum 7 VG 9 VG,7D VG,VG,a77, a900 VG, cz24-70,80-200G, T 90 macro, 300 4.0G, 400 4.5G, 1.4x and 2.0x
Posted By: eccl
Date Posted: 04 March 2007 at 00:56
Since your 200/2.8 and 400/4.5 are both HS model, you have 2 choices.
You can use either the APO-II, APO-D, Sony APO or use the original.
Minolta recommendation is to ues the APO-II TC with the newer HS APO lenses but you can also use the original APO (it will focus faster due be different gearing ratio).
See the following link for more
http://www.marcuskarlsen.com/PhotoBag/Minolta_200_f28.htm - information