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Posting Images and links -- FAQs

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Category: Dyxum Community
Forum Name: Knowledge Base
Forum Description: Improving photo techniques & getting more from Dyxum
Printed Date: 10 February 2025 at 01:22

Topic: Posting Images and links -- FAQs
Posted By: brettania
Subject: Posting Images and links -- FAQs
Date Posted: 29 February 2008 at 11:25

Pse note that since alpha_in_exile made his post about Flickr, the appearance of that site has been changed but the basic techniques remain the same.

Index of techniques for osting photos hosted on hosting sites:

  • 500px      - - here ,
  • dropbox    - - here ,
  • flickr     - - here ,
  • google     - - here ,
  • imageshack - - here ,
  • pbase      - - here ,
  • picasa     - - here ,
  • smugmug   - - here ,
  • zenfolio   - - here ,

How to post images and embed links

This guide should help those trying to posts pics or links to other websites in the Dyxum forums.

Starting with the “posting box”, there are buttons identified as "1" and "2" in this screen shot.

Button 2 is used for posting URL links. Note that while a URL can be posted in directly, if it is over a certain length a gap will appear which will disrupt the link.

To correctly post a link, press button 2 and you will see a dialog box (below) into which you enter a short descriptive title.

Click on OK and paste or type in the URL (see below)

And then click on OK.

This is what you will then see in the box

Note: I changed the URL to a shorter one -- longer ones may run outside the box itself but can be scrolled).

Posting an image is quite straightforward* and for this use button 1 (some people describe the symbol as being of a tree but it is actually a screen for projecting slides).

Just press the button and paste in the link to your image (this must be from a hosted site such as pBase).

Click on OK and you are there!

It pays to do a preview before finishing your post and you can re-check any links from the preview page.

Just a note:

If you wish to link to a specific post in Dyxum,click on the blue dot (or yellow star) for that post. See it here:


Is getting the right URL in the first place as the method can vary from site to site and depends which browser is used. The normal technique for Firefox and Opera-type browsers is to bring up the pic at the size you want to show it at Dyxum, right click on THE IMAGE and select "Copy Image Address". Just paste the selection into the post box shown directly above.

The following is a description by CTYankee on how to get a URL from Smugmug using IE.

In IE (I'm still on 6 !), I right click on an image, then have to click "Properties" and then copy (select and CTL-C) the URL. Then I can paste that (CTL-V) into the post box. There is a "copy shortcut" option, but at least on smugmug, that doesn't grab the URL of the JPEG, but rather the URL of a smugmug page that shows the JPEG.

So, for instance, if I'm looking at one of my gallery pages: -

And I right click on the large photo to the right and "copy shortcut" it gives me: -

If I were to use that URL as a picture, it shows up as:

(yes that's supposed to be the "red X")

But if I go to properties and copy the image URL, it's: -

Which shows up properly here in IMG tags:

Smugmug is like other sites, offering multiple sizes of each photo you upload. I just click the size I want before copying the image URL rather than alter the URL manually, but it's trivial to change the URL for a different size. The following are URLs for the above photo in Small, Medium, Large and Original sizes:

The following is a description by revdocjim on how to get a URL for a pic from pBase.

As you know, pBase makes three or four different sized versions of every pic you post there. Thus under each picture you can choose "small", "medium", "large" or "original". When I post pictures at 800 pixels by 533 pixels the "large" option is not there.

When you post a link from pBase to Dyxum you have to add a bit to the URL to specify which version of the file you want. For instance, one of my pictures from this morning has the following URL at pbase.

But to post that picture on dyxum, after clicking the tree shaped icon and pasting in the URL, I have to add the following:


Then it will know to display the original sized file.

Interestingly, if you click on the different size options at pbase to view the "medium" or any other size, the URL will change to include

/medium or /small or /original etc. at the end of the URL

If that is the URL you copy then all you need to add when pasting into dyxum is


at the end.

Other sites may have variations on this, but normally have a FAQ section to assist you with finding a forum postable hyperlink.


------------- - Posting Images and Links | - Posts awaiting answers

Posted By: Blunderstein
Date Posted: 07 May 2008 at 13:15
On some sites, you can see the pictures if you are logged in, otherwise not. So you might log in, upload your photo, copy the URL and then publish a link which does not work for other people. You need to check the link after logging out, or with a different browser.
Perhaps some kind of warning about this could be included in the FAQ.

Posted By: polossatik
Date Posted: 07 May 2008 at 15:00
When using - , which is free, you can upload any photo directly, but it's better to create a account so you can remove photo's later if needed.

When uploading you have the option to resize (if not done already).
Most of the time the best resolution to choose is 800x600.
Otherwise simply do not select the resize option.

Once uploaded you can go to the - My Images page and click the little (i) button next to the picture (top button), that will give you a popup with a number of possible way's to link, one is the "direct link" like
which then can be used here using the picture button when posting.

There is also "forum" code directly available with the needed IMG tags, but this box gives by default also a direct link to you profile where you can see all your public photos - which you might not want. If you unclick "include details" button then it only gives the needed IMG tag which you can copy directly in your post.

Posted By: alpha_in_exile
Date Posted: 07 May 2008 at 16:38
Posting images from Flickr is a bit different from other image hosting sites, if only because Flickr does not immediately present you with links for each, differently-sized version of your image. So, here's how to go about it with Flickr.

After you log into your account, find the photo you want, and click on it to get to the editing page. On the editing page, along the top of the image, you will see the following row of buttons:

Click on the above-circled button ("All Sizes"), which will give you a page with size options on the top. The new page will look like this:

This is the important part: you MUST choose the size you want to use, BEFORE copying the link. If you don't, you'll just end up with whatever size Flickr automatically chose. So choose the size you want (Small, Medium, Large, etc.)* from the options at the top of the photo (the pixel dimensions are noted beneath each size designation, as you can see in the image above). I have circled "Medium" above, because the "Large" size in this case would be 1024 pixels wide, too wide for many screens to display without scrolling.

The page will reload (annoying, I know) with the size you have chosen. Scroll down, and underneath the photo you will find these options:

Choose the option that the arrow points to, "Grab the photo's URL." Clicking once will select the entire URL. Press CTRL+C to copy the link, or go to the Edit menu in your browser and select Copy, or left-click on the highlighted URL & select Copy from the pop-up menu.

Then go to your Dyxum page, and in the message editor click on the circled button (looks like a picture of a tree):

In the pop-up dialog box that opens...

...just paste the URL link (CTRL+V or left-click & choose Paste, or Edit menu & choose Paste), and click "OK." The forum editor will automatically generate the code for your post, which will look like "[ img][/img ]" only without the spaces I put in the brackets.

That's all there is to it. You can click Preview Post if you want to make sure you images will load (highly recommended, BTW). Then, when all is in order, click Post Reply or Create New Post or whatever, and you're done.
*Note: Flickr (the free account) will automatically resize any image with any side longer than 1024 pixels -- the image will be reduced so that the longest size is no longer than 1024 px. Usually, the "Large" size option will be the one with one side of 1024 px. However, if you choose to upload an image of only 800 px on the longest size, then the pic will remain at 800 px. Since Flickr's "Medium" size is automatically limited to a longest side of 500 px, which in my opinion is too small, instead of uploading fullsize files, it is my habit to resize to either 640 px or 800 px on the longest side before uploading. That way, Flickr's "Large" size will be just about perfect for posting on Dyxum.

-- Matt
A7RM4, Min 24/2.8, Min 50/1.4, FE 24/1.4 GM, FE 50/1.2 GM, FE 135/1.8 GM, FE 70-200/2.8 GM II - my web gallery

Posted By: alpha_in_exile
Date Posted: 07 May 2008 at 17:37
**Alternative way of posting photos, from any hosting site**

My own preference is to post using the BBcode (Bulletin Board code). The BBcode for inserting an image is to type "img" between brackets, followed by the full link for the photo including the http:// prefix, followed by "/img" in brackets.

Looks like this:

Which produces this:

The BBcode is exactly the same as what clicking on the tree-pic button does, only by typing "img... /img" you omit the pop-up box business. Since most browsers block pop-ups by default, it becomes irritating after awhile to have to allow pop-ups for each site that works the way this forum does. BBcode is just simpler.

-- Matt
A7RM4, Min 24/2.8, Min 50/1.4, FE 24/1.4 GM, FE 50/1.2 GM, FE 135/1.8 GM, FE 70-200/2.8 GM II - my web gallery

Posted By: brettania
Date Posted: 05 June 2008 at 15:31
This duplicates info provided by revdocjim in the OP of the thread.

pBase is another site where to get the correct hotlinking URL for a photo, you must first specify a size.

Look at a shot by aarif by cutting and posting this URL --

If you select "Original" in the sizing options this produces a URL of

Copy that URL from the URL box in your browser and add .jpg at the end after pasting the link into the Dyxum dialog box.

This produces a hotlinked image with a full URL of

Thanks to aarif for permission to use his shot.

Posted By: brettania
Date Posted: 16 June 2008 at 17:12
Originally posted by mipr mipr wrote:

Dear Dyxumers,

Recently I noticed that some of you have problems posting photos hosted on Picasa Web Albums. At first it seems that Picasa does not allow so-called hot-linking, however it turns out that it is perfectly possible. Here is a short introduction how to do this. I hope that you will find it useful.

To show the image you need a link to it (please note that this is not the same as the link to the web page hosting the image). How to get this link? If you use Firefox then it is fairly simple: display the image (i.e. you should be in the "photo view" and not "album view") then right-click on it and select "Copy image address" (or something similar). This will copy link to the image to the clipboard. If you use IE, then it is slightly more problematic: right-click on the image and select "Properties". Triple-click on the address - this will select it all - then copy it to the clipboard. There is also an alternative approach, which works both in Firefox and IE: to the right of the photo you have a link called "Download photo" - just copy this link (right-click on it and there should an option to do this - "copy link address" or "Copy Shortcut" or something similar).

Now, having the link you can paste it inside IMG tags, but to make it work two slight modifications are required. Let's see it on an example: here we have a link to the photo on - RosieA100's Picasa web album (thank your Rosie very much indeed) as copied from the "download" link:

The first modification is to remove everything after and including the question mark (marked in red above) - the link must end in ".jpg". But that's not all - we have to change the path a bit to indicate the size of the photo. For this we have to add the part marked in green:

According to Picasa web page allowable sizes are following: 32, 48, 64, 72, 144, 160, 200, 288, 320, 400, 512, 576, 640, 720, 800. Just use the size that suits your needs. Please note that these sizes mean "number of pixels the longer side of the shot" i.e. height for vertical shots and width for horizontal ones.

Now a few examples to check how it works:

Size 144:

Size 400:

Size 800:

I hope that you will find this instruction helpful/useful.

Happy shooting,

Posted By: back alley
Date Posted: 02 October 2008 at 01:32
apologies if this is posted in the wrong place...

i cannot seem to add an active link to my signature and cannot find a 'how to' for it.

can someone assist?

many thanks,

------------- -

Posted By: brettania
Date Posted: 02 October 2008 at 05:27
Use the same format that you see above in illustration #4.

It would go something like this...

{URL=http://..........]My Flickr album[/URL] but with a square bracket to start.

and just to show that works... - Your album.

Posted By: back alley
Date Posted: 02 October 2008 at 06:54

for some reason i kept getting a no permission message even with the correct format.
i tried it a few more times tonight and it finally worked.

------------- -

Posted By: cigar
Date Posted: 02 October 2008 at 07:05
For those who use their own hosting I thought I'd give the BB Code for posting thumbnails for large images and panoramas. Resize the image in photoshop and rename it then post this UBB Code replacing the ( and ) with [ and ]:


That gives this:">

Posted By: brettania
Date Posted: 18 October 2008 at 02:26
Originally posted by chthoniid chthoniid wrote:

Okay, for Zenfolio you start by looking at the albums in display or preview mode. You need to be logged in.
*Right click the picture you want to link to.
     *This brings up a dropdown menu
          *Click the "display link" command
*This will give you 8 file sizes to choose from- the smallest is a 60x60 sized image
You need to choose the option that is about 800px across. Copy that link to your clipboard e.g.

Then insert into Dyxum's display using menu or BB-codes.

Posted By: bms44974
Date Posted: 20 October 2008 at 21:47
using Webshots share utility:


WebShots Link utility limits the size to 600px (a little too small by my way of thinking, but it's free ). The link is also active so that clicking on the image in the Dyxum post sends you to the WebShots page where you have the option to view it full-size. I'd prefer an 800px post in Dyxum, so I'm looking for a different hosting site. Please let me know if you have had a good experience with some other free site.

Posted By: Vidgamer
Date Posted: 10 January 2009 at 23:09
I found Cigar's post most helpful. Flickr wants you to include a link-back to their website, when you post a photo. Using Cigar's method, I was able to do this:


You can get the two addresses that you need from the box labeled "Copy and paste this HTML into your webpage" that is displayed at the bottom of the Flickr page that appears after you have selected your photo size. (See earlier message in this thread for other recommendations about working with Flickr.)

Posted By: oldguy
Date Posted: 08 April 2009 at 13:47
If my original flickr file is too large and the medium size is too small, how do I adjust the long side to 800 on either flickr or dyxum?

Posted By: wross
Date Posted: 08 April 2009 at 13:52
Once you've uploaded it to Flickr, you're stuck with the sizes Flickr presents. You need to resize the image to your target size before uploading to Flickr.

Lazarus Long said "If it can't be expressed in figures, it's not science. It's opinion." Comments I leave are only my opinions. Feel free to disagree; your opinion is as valid as mine.

Posted By: oldguy
Date Posted: 08 April 2009 at 14:01
Thanks. That's what I was afraid of.

Posted By: Mark L
Date Posted: 08 April 2009 at 14:04
You can't do that on Dyxum either.

I don't use Flikr, but I get the impression that people just upload unresized images and rely on Flickr to do the resizing for them. As Wross days, to get an image 800 pixels wide, you really have to resize before uploading -- and that way you can sharpen and get more control over what your image looks like on the web.

I use - Photobucket to host the images I post here. It's free (nominally up to 1GB) and easy to use.

Posted By: owenn01
Date Posted: 08 April 2009 at 14:10
Hi Aplha_in_exile,

Thanks for the scheme for Flickr - I have posted from this site already but the tip on the BB feed is a great one - yes, you do get fed up with the pop-up blocker running all the time!

Generally, I always re-size to 800 before uploading to Flickr and this then results in a full sized image that is just right for Dyxum.

By the way - thanks to everyone for all the processes, hints and tips - this is what makes this such a great site!

kind regards, neil.

My Mantra: "Comment on other's work as you would wish to have yours commented upon". Go on - it's fun!

Posted By: Howard_S
Date Posted: 04 May 2009 at 11:22
Hi - does anyone know the RGB or % grey values for the background grey on the Dyxum site?

Thanks, Howard

Howard Stanbury - Instagram | - Flickr | - Web

Posted By: Mark L
Date Posted: 04 May 2009 at 12:00
As far as I can tell by trial and error it's
R45, G45, B45 (Code: #2d2d2d)

I really should get out more!

Posted By: Howard_S
Date Posted: 04 May 2009 at 12:06
Thanks - I'll give that a whirl. I was trying % black and neither 80% nor 85% worked for me.


Howard Stanbury - Instagram | - Flickr | - Web

Posted By: Mark L
Date Posted: 04 May 2009 at 12:35
It's closer to 96% or 97% black , but neither of those quite work either.

Posted By: bigoars
Date Posted: 10 August 2009 at 08:31
Hi,Can anyone please give an old fart a step by step hand to post photos
on dyxum.I am not particularly computor literate but would realy like to show some photos.

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 10 August 2009 at 12:58
@ bigoars: which part is giving you most trouble. Is it getting a hosting site and uploading your images there or is it getting them from the hosting site to show on Dyxum.

For hosting site advice - you can look here .

For getting them from the hosting site to show on Dyxum there's a step-by-step instruction on page 1 of this thread.

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: bigoars
Date Posted: 12 August 2009 at 06:04
Hi.Nice to hear from you.I think it's probably up lifting from the photo hosting site.(mostly fotothing )Also,what is embedding ?
Many thanks

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 12 August 2009 at 07:18

Embedding is just makiing sure a link is active or picture shows in your post.

For lifting from your photosite I suggest you check page 1 orf this thread for the "automated" process.

If you want to do it manual you need to look on your photosite what the http address/filename of the picture is. Do this by right clicking on the image and copy the filename/reference starting with http upto and including the .jpg at the end.

Then go to a post and type [img], then paste the http address/filename you just copied followed by [/img]. Make sure the box before "Enable BBcodes to format post" is checked. Type in any other text you want to add and then press "preview post" to see if it's all working as intended. If yes you can do "post reply" and the text and picture should be there for everyone to see.

Good luck

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: brettania
Date Posted: 04 December 2009 at 00:55
If anyone can add something about Photobucket it would be appreciated.


Posted By: fxcarden
Date Posted: 04 December 2009 at 01:26
Photobucket and Webshots:

Once you have your account set up, you can upload to your main album, or to any other album of your choosing.

To post images from Photobucket here at Dyxum, follow these steps:

1. Go to your image in Photobucket, and hover the mouse over it.

2. A window will appear which will contain links for e-mail, direct link, html, etc.

3. Select the link for "direct link", right click, and copy to your clipboard.

4. When ready to post the image at Dyxum, follow the instructions at the beginning of this thread, and just paste the link when prompted.

I also use Webshots from time to time, and the process is very similar, except that you need to open the photo by double clicking on it, and then click on "link to it" over on the right part of the screen. This will open the box containing the link which you then can copy and paste as outlined above.

Hope that helps.


Posted By: brettania
Date Posted: 04 December 2009 at 01:32
Thanks Fidel.

Posted By: fxcarden
Date Posted: 04 December 2009 at 01:38
Any time.

God knows I've gotten more than enough help from others here.

Photobucket gives you a choice of size for upload with the default being 800x600, and the max being 1 meg. This is if you are using the "free" service. If you go "pro", ($25 / year) then you can go all the way up to 2 meg, and they will allow you unlimited storage as well.

Webshots lets you load up to 2400 x 2400, but they do limit the number of images you can load per month (1,000 for free members, 5,000 for paid members). Also, if you are using a free membership, they will limit you to around 10,000 shots, and won't let you see stats on more than 3 albums, whereas the paid membership ($20 / year) lets you see everything and removes storage limits. The one neat thing about Webshots is that you can make your collection be your desktop, and also your screen saver, so all you guys that take those awesome shots take note.


Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 10 June 2010 at 09:12 - A warning about using the dynamic link between Lightroom 3 and Flickr can be found here. There might be some snags, so If you have the problem of suddenly posted images to be no longer visible this might be the reason.

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: Serdar A
Date Posted: 05 August 2010 at 15:11
How to deal with the new Flickr:
1. Actions --> View all sizes

2. Select the size you want
3. Copy the link:
a. In Firefox/Opera: Right click on the image and select "Copy Image Location/Address"

b. In IE: Right click on the image and select "Properties", then in the Properties window, select the text in the "Address (URL)" field, right click and "Copy".

Posted By: SDB
Date Posted: 05 August 2010 at 16:46
Argote, one of our members, made a handy flicker photo sharing utility. It should save a lot of trouble. - Link

Simon - My Flickr

Posted By: brettania
Date Posted: 05 August 2010 at 17:06
Thanks Serdar and Simon.

Posted By: stiuskr
Date Posted: 05 August 2010 at 17:48
Yes, indeed. I like and use Argote's much improved Flickr poster but thanks Serdar for the tip on how to do it the old fashioned way.

Rob Suits Jr.
a99M2 a99 a77 a700 KM7D|Min24/2.8 Min35/2 So50/1.4 So50/2.8 Min85/1.4G Tam90/2.8 Tam180/3.5|Tam17-50 CZ24-70G2 KM28-75D So70-200G1 So70-300G So70-400G1| SonyF60 AD200R2

Posted By: Serdar A
Date Posted: 05 August 2010 at 18:39
Originally posted by SDB SDB wrote:

Argote, one of our members, made a handy flicker photo sharing utility. It should save a lot of trouble. - Link

The utility is very nice and helpful indeed. However, if the picture is marked private, you will have to do it the old fashioned way.

------------- - How to post images |

Posted By: groovyone
Date Posted: 30 August 2010 at 02:42
Originally posted by brettania brettania wrote:

Someone may have beat me to it, but just in case...

If you want to post from smugmug but not have your site name in the URL, you can replace your name with www.


Both will give the same photo but the second will not allow people to get your site name from the URL. I do that all the time on mine.

A99|A900|A100IR|A7|Maxxum 7|Maxxum 5|Polaroid

Posted By: Jocelynne
Date Posted: 12 January 2011 at 05:02
To all:

Thank you for all your excellent efforts to try to tell someone like me how to post pictures on Dyxum.

Could someone, please, rewrite the essential materials in this thread into one, rigorously-ordered, practical, unified and clearly explained how-to-do-it handbook which the reasonably intelligent photographer can grasp?

Tested and working, practical examples of procedures are essential. Important terms and concepts must be clearly and well defined. Pages which have examples from Flickr and other utilities must be large enough to read and to comprehend.   

I do not wish to annoy anyone with all these requests. I do consider myself to be at least semi-intelligent. But I cannot understand much of what I read in this thread.

I have a background in real-time, interactive programming in graphics, automated machine control, embedded micro logic development, biological signal analysis, C++, assembler, machine code and Pascal since my teens (I am now 43). My MS is in Physics. My math education includes PDQ and relativistic mechanics. My PhD is in the physiology of the CNS. I have a patent in biomedical instrumentation. So, someone PLEASE help me to understand how to post images and links on Dyxum!!

Thank you, most kindly, for your patient attention to my plight.

Maxxum 450si, Sony A300, A700, A900 and a cubic meter of Alpha lenses

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 12 January 2011 at 11:44

The most essential/basic instructions for posting a picture are in the first post on page 1.

Anything after that all depends on the picture host site you have chosen for shortcuts or smarter methods to achieve the same objective. So writing one comprehensive all-encompassing posting instruction is not possible. Maybe better to let us know which picture hosing site you have chosen and what practical problems you have with it, and I'm sure that then you'll get many helpful responses here.

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 13 June 2011 at 08:06
@cata352004, it's all a matter of keeping cost for bandwidth and server capacity down so you can keep enjoying Dyxum for free. I think most of our members will understand and appreciate that.

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 13 June 2011 at 08:17
Given the fact that posting images is extremely easy (most photo sites give you ready BB code that you only need to copy/paste, so posting a link or a picture is exactly the same amount of work) and thousands of our members have no problem with it don't expect us to change anything

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: nigelbrooks
Date Posted: 13 June 2011 at 08:53
Careful with the sarcasm please, it's unwarranted.

I've been away!

Posted By: Serdar A
Date Posted: 03 December 2011 at 01:43
Originally posted by wetapunga wetapunga wrote:

Okay, for Zenfloio you start by looking at the albums in display or preview mode. You need to be logged in.

*Right click the picture you want to link to.

     *This brings up a dropdown menu

          *Click the "display link" command

*This will give you 8 file sizes to choose from- the smallest is a 60x60 sized image


You need to choose the option that is about 800px across. Copy that link to your clipboard e.g.

Then insert into Dyxum's display using menu or BB-codes.


------------- - How to post images |

Posted By: Serdar A
Date Posted: 27 December 2011 at 18:15
Just noticed flickr now supports BBCode.
Click the "Share" button --> Select "Grab the HTML/BBCode" --> Select the size --> Select "BBCode" radio button --> Copy the generated code.

------------- - How to post images |

Posted By: stiuskr
Date Posted: 27 December 2011 at 22:49
That's what I've been doing, and when you do copy the BBCode you can paste it directly into the post w/o having to use the photo link tool here at Dyxum. I've noticed a lot a people still doing this, the giveaway is the bracketed [IMG] tags hanging out beside the posted image.

Rob Suits Jr.
a99M2 a99 a77 a700 KM7D|Min24/2.8 Min35/2 So50/1.4 So50/2.8 Min85/1.4G Tam90/2.8 Tam180/3.5|Tam17-50 CZ24-70G2 KM28-75D So70-200G1 So70-300G So70-400G1| SonyF60 AD200R2

Posted By: MartyMoose
Date Posted: 21 February 2012 at 00:38
start with [ URL= address[/URL]
*important: leave out the space in the "[ URL" part.

for the link:" rel="nofollow -

edit: nice images btw

edit: Forgot to say welcome to Dyxum!

ILCE's a6000, a7, a7ii, a6400
CZ Batis 25, 85, SEL's 55/1.8, 35/1.4, 16-70/4, 24-70/4, 70-200/4, 90/2.8G Macro, 55-210/4.5-6.3, 16-50/3.5-5.6, Rokinon E 12/2, and a modest collection of vintage lenses

Posted By: MartyMoose
Date Posted: 21 February 2012 at 00:46
Okay, you've got the link but if you want the image you have to insert the url to the actual picture itself.

So, for your hummingbird... "[IMG ] URL[/IMG ]" no spaces

my last image looks like..

[IMG ][/IMG] **...but with no spaces**

With the space removed, the image is displayed after you select "Update Post"...

ILCE's a6000, a7, a7ii, a6400
CZ Batis 25, 85, SEL's 55/1.8, 35/1.4, 16-70/4, 24-70/4, 70-200/4, 90/2.8G Macro, 55-210/4.5-6.3, 16-50/3.5-5.6, Rokinon E 12/2, and a modest collection of vintage lenses

Posted By: MartyMoose
Date Posted: 21 February 2012 at 01:10
Originally posted by kenner1 kenner1 wrote:

OK are you attaching it via the "insert image" or 'insert hyperlink"

thanks for the help BTW I'm getting frustrated

I just copy/paste the data [IMG ]URL[/IMG] from my Photobucket account.

I'll show you an image URL screenshot from photobucket...

In my photobucket page I can select the "IMG code". As soon as I click it, it automatically copies the url link, then I just paste it here and then select "Update Post" below.

[IMG ][/IMG] ** Here I'm showing what was copied from photobucket but I've inserted a space to show how it looks rather than displaying the image.

without the space, you get the displayed image...

In the above image, I get the [IMG ]URL[/IMG] from the bottom where it has "IMG code"

ILCE's a6000, a7, a7ii, a6400
CZ Batis 25, 85, SEL's 55/1.8, 35/1.4, 16-70/4, 24-70/4, 70-200/4, 90/2.8G Macro, 55-210/4.5-6.3, 16-50/3.5-5.6, Rokinon E 12/2, and a modest collection of vintage lenses

Posted By: MartyMoose
Date Posted: 21 February 2012 at 01:42
Originally posted by kenner1 kenner1 wrote:


ILCE's a6000, a7, a7ii, a6400
CZ Batis 25, 85, SEL's 55/1.8, 35/1.4, 16-70/4, 24-70/4, 70-200/4, 90/2.8G Macro, 55-210/4.5-6.3, 16-50/3.5-5.6, Rokinon E 12/2, and a modest collection of vintage lenses

Posted By: stiuskr
Date Posted: 21 February 2012 at 04:13
I'm not sure what just happened here, but yeah, that's a nice one.
I'd like to see some shots of that snowy owl

Rob Suits Jr.
a99M2 a99 a77 a700 KM7D|Min24/2.8 Min35/2 So50/1.4 So50/2.8 Min85/1.4G Tam90/2.8 Tam180/3.5|Tam17-50 CZ24-70G2 KM28-75D So70-200G1 So70-300G So70-400G1| SonyF60 AD200R2

Posted By: MartyMoose
Date Posted: 21 February 2012 at 04:57
Trying to be helpful.

Looks his post over in" rel="nofollow - Show us some birds needs some working-out though.

I dont teach well

ILCE's a6000, a7, a7ii, a6400
CZ Batis 25, 85, SEL's 55/1.8, 35/1.4, 16-70/4, 24-70/4, 70-200/4, 90/2.8G Macro, 55-210/4.5-6.3, 16-50/3.5-5.6, Rokinon E 12/2, and a modest collection of vintage lenses

Posted By: stiuskr
Date Posted: 21 February 2012 at 11:20
I saw that earlier.
@kenner1. I'm not familiar with Zenfolio, but it looks like you have to change your Permissions to allow for direct linking so you can share images here.

And thanks for trying MM

Rob Suits Jr.
a99M2 a99 a77 a700 KM7D|Min24/2.8 Min35/2 So50/1.4 So50/2.8 Min85/1.4G Tam90/2.8 Tam180/3.5|Tam17-50 CZ24-70G2 KM28-75D So70-200G1 So70-300G So70-400G1| SonyF60 AD200R2

Posted By: brettania
Date Posted: 30 April 2012 at 10:28
We can still take more tips on using various hosting sites.

------------- - Posting Images and Links | - Posts awaiting answers

Posted By: GeorgePhx
Date Posted: 02 May 2012 at 19:12
Very helpful indeed! Thanks So Much!


Posted By: cajokid48
Date Posted: 22 January 2013 at 23:18
I couln't agree more with Jocelnne, being of a more mature age I find the majority of the terminology confusing, hence no pictures.
I was hesitant to join Dyxum for a number of years due to ridicule, bad language and sarcasm when posting on some other sites I use but thankfully not here (thank you nigelbrooks), so I will soldier on and try and make sense of it all and eventually post some photo's.
I would just like to inform pegelli that when I was at school and several years into my apprenticeship at college I was using the imperial system, metrification came later and the digital system and computers were something out of science fiction.


Japanese mechanicals always

Posted By: MiPr
Date Posted: 24 January 2013 at 20:27
Posting images from 500px site

It seems that posting images from the 500px site is perfectly possible although getting the link to the image seems a bit convoluted. Please note however that I'm writing from the "mere webber" perspective - not the owner of 500px account. I mean: maybe there is some better method if somebody is logged in to the site ...


It seems that 500px uses following scheme to construct URLs to photos:

The green part is some numeric user id, the red part is some numeric photo id, while the yellow part denotes photo size/shape. The latter can be 1.jpg for small square crop of the image, 2.jpg for bigger square crop, 3.jpg for even bigger square crop, and finally 4.jpg for the original photo.

Getting the link

The above sounds complicated but hopefully it is relatively easy to get the URL of the photo: being on the page which shows the photo you should see the "Embed" button somewhere on the right side. Clicking this button will pop-up a box with a HTML code snippet. Do not get frightened with that - you do not need to know HTML to use it - just copy that snippet and paste it in a text editor (e.g. Windows Notepad, but if you like to use MS Word or whatever - it should work as well). The HTML code snippet will look like this:

<table cellpadding="2"><tr><td style="border-bottom: 0px solid #fff;"><a href=""><img src="" width="280" height="280" alt="Untitled by Matt Boggs (MattBoggs)) on" style="margin: 0 0 5px 0;">
</a><br/><font style="font-size: 120%;"><a href="">Untitled</a> by <a href="">Matt Boggs</a></font></td></tr></table>

Complicated? No worries - you are interested only in the fragment I marked in red - this is the link to the photo of your choice. Just select it, copy, and paste between [IMG][/IMG] tags in Dyxum text box. Well, you also need to put the right "size/shape" part, which means that you have to change "3.jpg" into "4.jpg" - otherwise you will get square crop instead of the original photo.


Using the above code snippet, which I'm using in here with permission of Mattboggs10 (thanks!), who is the author of the photo below, we can see the results:



Big square crop:


Smaller square crop:


Small square crop:


That's all - hopefully this will help somebody to post photos from 50px.

Thanks again to Mattboggs10 for permission to use his photos in this short intro.

I'm noise-blind. And noise-about-noise-deaf too ... |   BTW, topic87334.html - Dyxum Weekly Exhibitions don't grow on trees ...

Posted By: brettania
Date Posted: 14 August 2013 at 05:21
To post pics from

Originally posted by Micholand Micholand wrote:

Somehow to get the direct image link the URL needs to start with "" instead of", e.g.: - see here :

This will link to dropbox image viewer only: -

But this one will link to the image directly: -

------------- - Posting Images and Links | - Posts awaiting answers

Posted By: brettania
Date Posted: 05 September 2013 at 02:57
If on your first try it does not work, try it again with the _ [underscore] before DSCXXXX removed.

------------- - Posting Images and Links | - Posts awaiting answers

Posted By: Atom Ant
Date Posted: 31 October 2013 at 02:11
Does anyone know which of these approaches retain the EXIF data?


Posted By: brettania
Date Posted: 31 October 2013 at 07:10 - preserves the Exif.

------------- - Posting Images and Links | - Posts awaiting answers

Posted By: brettania
Date Posted: 19 January 2014 at 00:44

Here's an example using one of my own shots...

First bring up the Dyxum posting box. Then in another tab....

1) Log into your Photostream.

2) Select the shot you want to post with a left click.

3) Click on this three-dot symbol to get the sizing your want.

4) Select the size of shot you want (1024 pixels or slightly bigger) with a left click and the following appears

Note that the correct size is in black.

5) Right click on the pic and this time a new dialog box appears which offers a number of options -- left click on Copy Image Location

6) Now go back to the tab with the Dyxum page and place the cursor on a blank line with no text below it.

7) Left click on the insert photo symbol labelled as "1"

And a dialog box drops down into which you paste the pic's URL (Cntrl+v) and press OK

The URL should look like


and you will see the shot as

Hope this gets you under way.

------------- - Posting Images and Links | - Posts awaiting answers

Posted By: RichardT
Date Posted: 06 February 2014 at 13:46
hi Brettania
I was using this method up to last weekend but tried today & the right click on the photo doesn't bring up the "Copy image location" option.
I've e-mailed Flickr but not heard anything yet.
Any thoughts ??
Many thanks

So many wines, so little time......

Posted By: brettania
Date Posted: 07 February 2014 at 09:30
I have just followed the same technique and from this


Got this

So it works for me.

PS selected another size for this."> - ginge by - hill7d , on Flickr

------------- - Posting Images and Links | - Posts awaiting answers

Posted By: darosa
Date Posted: 07 February 2014 at 09:39
Richard, - this is my method, and it works for me.

Posted By: RichardT
Date Posted: 07 February 2014 at 13:11
All sorted now so Big Thanks to everyone who contributed to my being able to post again.
Much appreciated
Best wishes

So many wines, so little time......

Posted By: Miranda F
Date Posted: 12 February 2014 at 10:31
Originally posted by darosa darosa wrote:

Richard, - this is my method, and it works for me.

Doesn't for me, because I can't see any share links.

What works for me in Flickr is to select the right size picture as explained, then right click on it and get properties. Copy the link, eg,

then paste it into the 'insert image' box with the tree on it in Dyxum. Close that and inspect the link in text. Check the '.jpg' is there, delete the 's' from 'https', and if necessary change the picture size by changing the last letter before the .jpeg.

'_s' gives 75 x 75 (small square)
'_t' gives 100 x 64 (thumbnail)
'_q' gives 150 x 150 (square)
'_m' gives 240 x 154
'_n' gives 320 x 206
'' (nothing) gives 500 x 322
'_z' gives 640 x 412
'_c' gives 800 x 515 (medium)
'_b' gives 1024 x 659 (large)
'_h' gives 1600 x 1030 (I assume this is too big to use here)

So you can change the size displayed easily after previewing your post. I won't even try to list all the things that can go wrong with linking - I think I've tried most of them! (Doh!)

But taking the text link above and doing what I said (and altering the '_c' to '_n') should give:

At least this *seems* to work for me, today. I won't guarantee it works for anyone else today, or next week

Miranda F & Sensorex, Sony A7Rii, A58, Nex-6, Dynax 4, 5, 60, 500si/600si/700si/800si, various Sony & Minolta lenses, several Tamrons, lots of MF primes and *far* too many old film cameras ...

Posted By: stiuskr
Date Posted: 12 February 2014 at 12:20
I've been doing the same as darosa, seems like it's the easiest and fastest way to post your own images. And that's a main point, this only works for your images and you have to be logged on to Flickr or else it considers you a guest. Also you have to have the images designated as Public that anyone can see.

The link is to the same thread darosa posted but a little farther down the page. -

One thing I do different is after pasting the BB code is delete the second img string and that gets rid of the title but the image is clickable and will take you to it's Flickr page.

Rob Suits Jr.
a99M2 a99 a77 a700 KM7D|Min24/2.8 Min35/2 So50/1.4 So50/2.8 Min85/1.4G Tam90/2.8 Tam180/3.5|Tam17-50 CZ24-70G2 KM28-75D So70-200G1 So70-300G So70-400G1| SonyF60 AD200R2

Posted By: penndragonn2001
Date Posted: 29 April 2014 at 06:09
How do I insert an image directly into my Post? Not a link

Posted By: rovhazman
Date Posted: 29 April 2014 at 08:17
Originally posted by penndragonn2001 penndragonn2001 wrote:

How do I insert an image directly into my Post? Not a link

If you want to upload your photo to your post - you cannot. You have to have hosting site that hosts your photos.
However, if you have a direct link to the JPEG (ends with .jpg) you have the picture shown in your post (and not only link). You can follow the instructions on this thread to learn how to get such link from your hosting service.

------------- - Knowledge Base

Posted By: penndragonn2001
Date Posted: 29 April 2014 at 09:29
Originally posted by rovhazman rovhazman wrote:

Originally posted by penndragonn2001 penndragonn2001 wrote:

How do I insert an image directly into my Post? Not a link

If you want to upload your photo to your post - you cannot. You have to have hosting site that hosts your photos.
However, if you have a direct link to the JPEG (ends with .jpg) you have the picture shown in your post (and not only link). You can follow the instructions on this thread to learn how to get such link from your hosting service.

Not sure why, but that seems like a contradiction. You start out by saying I cannot upload pictures to a post, then state if I have a direct link to a .jpeg file it will be shown in the post. That is quite confusing and contratictory. Shouldn't be this complicated and drawn out, as I have seen in a few of the instructions attempting to explain the procedure. I DO NOT want to insert a link, I want to insert a picture as I have seen in countless posts here. Thank you for the reply all the same..


Posted By: mpb
Date Posted: 29 April 2014 at 10:12
Unfortunately you can not insert a picture directly into your post from your computer. It needs to be uploaded to another hosting site (such as Flickr, smugmug etc) first then inserted into your post.

The pictures you see in posts here have been done this way.


Posted By: penndragonn2001
Date Posted: 29 April 2014 at 10:32
If you upload say from Flickr, isn't that a link, which you then have to click on, which will take you to the picture?

Posted By: stiuskr
Date Posted: 29 April 2014 at 12:26
With Flickr it can work either way, it depends on the HTML/BBCode provided in the link as to whether the image posted is clickable or not. The important bit is that the image must have a home on the internet somewhere with an address that ends in the .jpeg/.jpg format, and not reside only in your computer, in order to be viewable here on Dyxum.

Rob Suits Jr.
a99M2 a99 a77 a700 KM7D|Min24/2.8 Min35/2 So50/1.4 So50/2.8 Min85/1.4G Tam90/2.8 Tam180/3.5|Tam17-50 CZ24-70G2 KM28-75D So70-200G1 So70-300G So70-400G1| SonyF60 AD200R2

Posted By: AutumnRose
Date Posted: 29 April 2014 at 13:30
Ron, are you thinking of a link as a highlighted line of text that you click on that takes you to another site? I think what they're trying to say is that the pictures you see on Dyxum are a linked image, meaning that they have to be uploaded and stored on the internet somewhere in order to show up here as a picture. Am I getting what you are saying right?

A900, A77, A37, A700, A580, NEX6, 800si, Maxxum 5 and a few lenses

Posted By: Bob J
Date Posted: 29 April 2014 at 13:48 - This is a link

This is a linked image

Both are held on Photobucket - Dyxum does not store your image (unless it has won a DPC).

See below for how the codes above look in a posting

RBJ ~ - Moderation on Dyxum

Posted By: penndragonn2001
Date Posted: 29 April 2014 at 17:31
Originally posted by AutumnRose AutumnRose wrote:

Ron, are you thinking of a link as a highlighted line of text that you click on that takes you to another site? I think what they're trying to say is that the pictures you see on Dyxum are a linked image, meaning that they have to be uploaded and stored on the internet somewhere in order to show up here as a picture. Am I getting what you are saying right?

Now THAT makes sense! Much more direct...Thank you so much and others as well. The light bulb went turned on!!

Posted By: rovhazman
Date Posted: 29 April 2014 at 18:05
Ron, I must admit I wasn't sure about what exactly you are asking, and I am still not sure...
If you got your answer, that's great! If not, please try to rephrase your question and be more specific (do you want to upload a photo to Dyxum, or just want to see it in the post?) and I will try to give you more specific answer.

------------- - Knowledge Base

Posted By: fem2008
Date Posted: 29 April 2014 at 19:17
Originally posted by Bob J Bob J wrote:

.... Dyxum does not store your image (unless it has won a DPC).


I did not know that. It would make sense that you don't want DPC winning photos to disappear over time (or be altered), but how do you capture them? My Flickr account does not allow download of the photo, or so I thought.


Fem2008 - My Flickr Page

Posted By: MiPr
Date Posted: 09 June 2014 at 20:34
Farid, as you know each DPC is accompanied by a set of rules, among other things you can find following (almost at the bottom):

Originally posted by DPC Rules DPC Rules wrote:


The photos entered remain copyrighted by the original photographer, and by entering you are giving permission for the pic/s to be used on this site only. The winning shot may be used on the front page of the website and in the DPC Hall of Fame. You will be contacted about any proposed subsequent promotional use on this site of your pic/s.

BTW, once a photo is published (in the sense: displayed in a browser) it can be downloaded. You can try protecting it by obscuring access to it but in the end - it is there in the served content.

I'm noise-blind. And noise-about-noise-deaf too ... |   BTW, topic87334.html - Dyxum Weekly Exhibitions don't grow on trees ...

Posted By: MiPr
Date Posted: 09 June 2014 at 20:51
Quick info for new flickr layout:

Looking at your own photostream click the photo you want to publish:

Having the photo displayed, click the 'link' icon (nr 1 on the s-shot below)

Then click BBCode (nr 2), then select appropriate size (nr 3; do not select anything larger than 1024 pixels horizontal because Dyxum will re-scale the photo to 1024 pixels anyway - save your Dyxum colleagues some bandwidth), finally select the BBCode (nr 4) copy it to the clipboard and just paste in your post on Dyxum. Please note that this BBCode is a bit 'Baroque' - if you are after the photo only then strip any excessive tags leaving the part starting with [IMG] and ending with [/IMG].

I'm noise-blind. And noise-about-noise-deaf too ... |   BTW, topic87334.html - Dyxum Weekly Exhibitions don't grow on trees ...

Posted By: Pirate
Date Posted: 07 November 2014 at 20:56

Using BB code, I can't seem to post external URL's as my Dyxum signature even though the 200 character limit isn't exceeded.

Is this option unavailable on Dyxum or if it is allowed, what's the format type (HTML or other code type)?

Anyone . . please

------------- - Fluidr - Airplane-Pictures

Posted By: thornburg
Date Posted: 07 November 2014 at 21:12
Originally posted by Pirate Pirate wrote:


Using BB code, I can't seem to post external URL's as my Dyxum signature even though the 200 character limit isn't exceeded.

Is this option unavailable on Dyxum or if it is allowed, what's the format type (HTML or other code type)?

Anyone . . please

Plenty of other people have links to their Flickr or whatever in their sig, so it is possible, at least within certain limits.

I've no idea what those limits are.

EDIT: It appears you've fixed whatever the problem was.

Sony a3000, a6000, a57, a99 - Sony E 16-50, 28/2 | Vivitar 13, 85 | Minolta 24, 28-105, 35-105, 50/1.7, 75-300 | Tokina 28-70/2.6-2.8 | Sigma 70/2.8 Macro | Tamron 70-200/2.8 | Celestron 1000/11

Posted By: Pirate
Date Posted: 07 November 2014 at 21:22
Originally posted by thornburg thornburg wrote:

Plenty of other people have links to their Flickr or whatever in their sig, so it is possible, at least within certain limits.

I've no idea what those limits are.

EDIT: It appears you've fixed whatever the problem was.


Yeah, I found out it's BB code but it doesn't allow for colour, just the basic BB code URL format, so that's what wasn't allowing me to post the URL's as I was including the BB colour codes, thus URL's in signature are all the same colour (seems daft to me but what do I know)?

------------- - Fluidr - Airplane-Pictures

Posted By: fdpaterek
Date Posted: 08 December 2014 at 10:51
will it work???


Posted By: brettania
Date Posted: 13 December 2014 at 09:10
No -- you are missing something, but I see elsewhere that you have found the correct way to do it.

------------- - Posting Images and Links | - Posts awaiting answers

Posted By: fdpaterek
Date Posted: 13 December 2014 at 10:58
Originally posted by brettania brettania wrote:

No -- you are missing something, but I see elsewhere that you have found the correct way to do it.

Many thanks,
it all about the help of Dyxcum not ony in posting but also in Color managment.


Posted By: West
Date Posted: 21 February 2015 at 12:48
Dear Admins

I found a bug on forum.
Very strange, I post a preview of photo but forum form change one letter from capital to lowercase letter and link didn't work - link on post

Here how it must be:

And here what forum form doing:

in this U0wonb8szHI

thank you in advance for support

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 21 February 2015 at 13:29
Very strange Sergei, I tried to edit the post and change to a capital N but even for me as an admin it doesn't work, and the forum changes it back to a lower case n. I'll have to ask the software specialists what might be the matter here

Anyway, thanks for reporting it, we're onto it and will report back when we know more.

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: Micholand
Date Posted: 21 February 2015 at 18:04
Really weird, but the following trick did work and image finally showed up, instead of capital "N" simply used the hex value "%4E" - voila.


// - DWEs don't grow on trees! | // - Posting images&links FAQ

Posted By: West
Date Posted: 21 February 2015 at 18:18
Thanks a lot! Now it's work! Michael you are Magician

Posted By: MiPr
Date Posted: 22 February 2015 at 18:13
West, I think we have found the culprit in the source code of the forum app and fixed it. Thank you for your report.

I'm noise-blind. And noise-about-noise-deaf too ... |   BTW, topic87334.html - Dyxum Weekly Exhibitions don't grow on trees ...

Posted By: Miranda F
Date Posted: 02 June 2015 at 21:11
Has anyone inserted pictures from google photos? I've tried to insert pics but it doesn't work (ie, I can't see the pics in preview). EG:

using the 'tree' method and

Is it just the 's' after the http that's stopping it, or is something else wrong?
The actual link is

Miranda F & Sensorex, Sony A7Rii, A58, Nex-6, Dynax 4, 5, 60, 500si/600si/700si/800si, various Sony & Minolta lenses, several Tamrons, lots of MF primes and *far* too many old film cameras ...

Posted By: Freddan_6
Date Posted: 02 June 2015 at 21:22
Your image links are not the same as what you write in clear text.
This is what the image link gets converted to (if I try view source)
the last o in googleusercontent gets converted to &#111;
instead the letter "o". Maybe a moderator knows why?

Sony A77, Sony A35, Sony A99: Tons of Minolta lenses, 5 Sony lenses, 2 Sigma and 3 Tamron and 5 M42 - my flickr

Posted By: addy landzaat
Date Posted: 02 June 2015 at 21:28
If you want to post pictures between the IMG tags the links have to end at .jpg and those google ones don't.

Also, the picture links don't link to anything, you missed the . between lh3 and googleusercontent and you forgot the .com. But even if it was the correct adress, it still won't show, as there is no .jpg at the end of the link.

Why not follow me on Instagram? @Addy_101

Posted By: Miranda F
Date Posted: 02 June 2015 at 21:51
Thanks for the response. I entered the link as the site gave it, but as you say without a jpg (which I can't get) it won't work.

I gave up using flikr because my pictures kept disappearing, I couldn't log on again, and they generally seem to keep finding ways to make things difficult. Which photo-hosting web site is the easiest to make work for posting here?

Miranda F & Sensorex, Sony A7Rii, A58, Nex-6, Dynax 4, 5, 60, 500si/600si/700si/800si, various Sony & Minolta lenses, several Tamrons, lots of MF primes and *far* too many old film cameras ...

Posted By: pegelli
Date Posted: 02 June 2015 at 21:55
I find both photobucket (free) and SmugMug (~40 $/yr) easy to use and reliable.

You can see the April Foolishness 2023 exhibition - here Another great show of the talent we have on Dyxum

Posted By: stiuskr
Date Posted: 02 June 2015 at 23:11
Originally posted by Miranda F Miranda F wrote:

...I gave up using flikr because my pictures kept disappearing,

Was that the free account or the Pro account? If Pro then yeah, there was a problem apparently but if it's the free account you might have hit the 200 image limit and they only show the last 200 images posted.
Flickr was the first site I tried and I've never really had any problems so that's all I've used.

Rob Suits Jr.
a99M2 a99 a77 a700 KM7D|Min24/2.8 Min35/2 So50/1.4 So50/2.8 Min85/1.4G Tam90/2.8 Tam180/3.5|Tam17-50 CZ24-70G2 KM28-75D So70-200G1 So70-300G So70-400G1| SonyF60 AD200R2

Posted By: slo.Metallc
Date Posted: 14 June 2015 at 22:52
Originally posted by stiuskr stiuskr wrote:

Originally posted by Miranda F Miranda F wrote:

...I gave up using flikr because my pictures kept disappearing,

Was that the free account or the Pro account? If Pro then yeah, there was a problem apparently but if it's the free account you might have hit the 200 image limit and they only show the last 200 images posted.
Flickr was the first site I tried and I've never really had any problems so that's all I've used.

There is no 200 photo limit on flickr anymore... Free account user have 1 TerraByte space and can upload as much photos they want to... since 2013...

Here is - link to a page that helps you understand differencies about old and nwe accounts.

How small is small?
Well, if it's bigger than 23x16mm, then it is huge!

Posted By: MiPr
Date Posted: 29 June 2015 at 11:07
Originally posted by Miranda F Miranda F wrote:

Has anyone inserted pictures from google photos? I've tried to insert pics but it doesn't work (ie, I can't see the pics in preview). EG:

using the 'tree' method and

Is it just the 's' after the http that's stopping it, or is something else wrong?
The actual link is

To post pictures from google photos one has to take a link to the photo, e.g. the "actual link" from above, and add "#.jpg" at the end of it. If you ask me why then the answer is - because this is what Dyxum app requires

So, the link which will work on Dyxum is:

And here's example how the above works:

I'm noise-blind. And noise-about-noise-deaf too ... |   BTW, topic87334.html - Dyxum Weekly Exhibitions don't grow on trees ...

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