Dyxum travel guides - requests for new threads
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Topic: Dyxum travel guides - requests for new threads
Posted By: Swede66
Subject: Dyxum travel guides - requests for new threads
Date Posted: 06 July 2010 at 08:03
North America
http://www.dyxum.com/dforum/travel-guide-philadelphia-pa_topic64844.html - Philedelphia, PA
http://www.dyxum.com/dforum/topic65543_post740429.html#740429 - Toledo, Ohio
http://www.dyxum.com/dforum/travel-guide-yellowstone-national-park_topic64845.html - Yellowstone and Grand Tetons National Parks, WY
http://www.dyxum.com/dforum/southwest-us-suggestions-for-macro-gals-fly-guys_topic116767.html - Southwest US suggestions for Macro Gals & Fly Guys
South America
http://www.dyxum.com/dforum//travel-guide-argentina_topic71489_post813097.html#813097 - Argentina
http://www.dyxum.com/dforum//travel-guide-italy_topic64854.html - Italy
http://www.dyxum.com/dforum/travel-guide-norway-sweden_topic64834.html - Norway/Sweden
https://brianyoungphotos.weebly.com/uploads/2/1/5/1/21511554/cruise.pdf - Cruising the Baltic
http://www.dyxum.com/dforum/travel-guide-tunisia_topic64835.html - Tunisia
Just before I went to sleep last night I was thinking of the trip me and my family is going to take in september. A new "place" in the swedish travel catalogues so I don't know much about the place. Then I thought it would be a great idea if we could have our own travel subforum where members can add their mini guides of places with more focus on photography. What to shoot, where, special conditions and so on. Also a part where members can ask questions about specific towns, places and countries.
What do you think?
------------- http://www.magnusaker.se - website - a99m2 - a99 - a77M2 - a77 - a700 - RX100M3 - KM7D
Posted By: pentafox
Date Posted: 06 July 2010 at 08:25
That's a great idea!
I was just going to ask you guys if you have some tips for my trip to Sweden and Norway in a couple of weeks. I will follow this thread carefully and add info when i can.
------------- Sony A7MKIII; ; SAL70-400 SSM; SONY LA-EA4; SONY 24-70 GM; SONY Zeiss 55; MINOLTA 24 F2.8 KM5d; KM18-70; M70-210/F4
Posted By: Swede66
Date Posted: 06 July 2010 at 08:39
I don't know if it's possible but I was thinking to have a travel subforum with sections for the different continents then in each section countries and cities. Then a different part for general questions like in all subforums here.
If you moderators think your burden is to high already I can help out if you want
------------- http://www.magnusaker.se - website - a99m2 - a99 - a77M2 - a77 - a700 - RX100M3 - KM7D
Posted By: Bob J
Date Posted: 06 July 2010 at 12:49
Swede66 wrote:
I don't know if it's possible but I was thinking to have a travel subforum with sections for the different continents then in each section countries and cities. Then a different part for general questions like in all subforums here.
If you moderators think your burden is to high already I can help out if you want |
Good ideas are always welcome!
We were thinking that these guides could go in the meetings subforum to begin with - we could have suitable region threads (which may or may not be related to the regions for the meeting threads) - we could keep an index on them to make them easier to use.
If there are particular regions you would like us to start off, post them here and we will open them up... Once we have a few I'll move over this thread and it can be the general questions thread :-)
------------- RBJ ~ http://tinyurl.com/h7uhozk - Moderation on Dyxum
Posted By: Swede66
Date Posted: 06 July 2010 at 12:58
Great, thanks Bob!
Pentafox already have requested info on Sweden/Norway and I want to know if anyone have experiences of the island Djerba, Tunisia, any special places, buildings, trips to take or whatever to see (shoot).
------------- http://www.magnusaker.se - website - a99m2 - a99 - a77M2 - a77 - a700 - RX100M3 - KM7D
Posted By: Minoltista
Date Posted: 06 July 2010 at 12:59
100% approved!
------------- I was, I'm, I'll be Minolta user! ------------------------------ http://michelepagano.zenfolio.com - Zenfolio Photos
Posted By: MacDonaldJ2
Date Posted: 07 July 2010 at 15:22
when I travel...which is OFTEN...I look at Frommers and FlickR...but having something on here would be nice
Posted By: oldguy
Date Posted: 07 July 2010 at 16:07
I've suggested something like this in the past and I think it's a great idea as you've posed it. There are many members here who have very specific knowledge of their regions from a photographer's point of view -- something you never get in guides.
I know I'd be willing to contribute to a section on Philadelphia, PA in the states, including landmarks/events/shooting opportunities, etc. Kind of a Wiki atlas for for Dyxum members.
------------- Bruce
Posted By: 5thElefant
Date Posted: 07 July 2010 at 16:17
Like it.
------------- Simon α900|A7|RX10|DXO
Posted By: rmscustom
Date Posted: 07 July 2010 at 16:48
I think this is a great idea, and will be doing a photo trip to Monument Valley Arizona in August and would love to add that as a photo destination in the south west U.S. Sounds like another way fellow dyxumers can help one-another planing a trip.
------------- Sony a700, Minolta 5D backup, http://rmscustom.smugmug.com" rel="nofollow - http://rmscustom.smugmug.com
Posted By: maewpa
Date Posted: 07 July 2010 at 16:51
Me too! Although it's easier said than done to write the stuff up, I'm all for trying.
------------- Paul aka maewpa
Posted By: cezarL
Date Posted: 07 July 2010 at 18:43
It's good to see this has finally picked up, I suggested it too a while back :)
I'll see what I could contribute with, although right now I feel the same way Paul does :)
------------- “Stare, pry, listen, eavesdrop. Die knowing something. You are not here long.” - Walker Evans
http://cezarl.zenfolio.com - http://cezarl.zenfolio.com
Posted By: Minoltista
Date Posted: 07 July 2010 at 19:27
Italy should be present as well... what do you think about?
I'm sure I'm not the only italian contributor...
------------- I was, I'm, I'll be Minolta user! ------------------------------ http://michelepagano.zenfolio.com - Zenfolio Photos
Posted By: Bob J
Date Posted: 07 July 2010 at 22:36
Done - but now people need to write stuff to go in them!
------------- RBJ ~ http://tinyurl.com/h7uhozk - Moderation on Dyxum
Posted By: Bob J
Date Posted: 08 January 2011 at 11:12
Update done to the Toledo guide!
------------- RBJ ~ http://tinyurl.com/h7uhozk - Moderation on Dyxum
Posted By: alpha_in_exile
Date Posted: 08 January 2011 at 15:01
Just a note: I think one benefit here is to have comments from personal experience about photographers' accessibility to different places in each locale/area, such as 'best time of year to go' or 'when to go to avoid having approx. 1.2m tourists between you and the good stuff' or 'they do/do not allow photography here'. There are, MacDonaldJ2 mentioned, all manner of guides & directories on the internet, so we should strive to provide info that might be more obscure/not generally mentioned in other guides. (all this goes without saying, of course, but thought I'd post a reminder, esp. as it has been awhile since anyone has contributed)
e.g. I think someone mentioned awhile back, Antelope Canyon has an upper & a lower part; the one is most often clogged with tourists, the other is not & affords more freedom for photographers
------------- -- Matt A7RM4, Min 24/2.8, Min 50/1.4, FE 24/1.4 GM, FE 50/1.2 GM, FE 135/1.8 GM, FE 70-200/2.8 GM II http://mattbarber.zenfolio.com/ - my web gallery
Posted By: Swede66
Date Posted: 08 January 2011 at 15:11
alpha_in_exile wrote:
Just a note: I think one benefit here is to have comments from personal experience about photographers' accessibility to different places in each locale/area, such as 'best time of year to go' or 'when to go to avoid having approx. 1.2m tourists between you and the good stuff' or 'they do/do not allow photography here'. There are, MacDonaldJ2 mentioned, all manner of guides & directories on the internet, so we should strive to provide info that might be more obscure/not generally mentioned in other guides. (all this goes without saying, of course, but thought I'd post a reminder, esp. as it has been awhile since anyone has contributed)
e.g. I think someone mentioned awhile back, Antelope Canyon has an upper & a lower part; the one is most often clogged with tourists, the other is not & affords more freedom for photographers |
@Matt, That is exactly what I thought of when the idea popped up in my head. There are so many special conditions yoou don't know anything about until it's too late!
Swede66 wrote:
where members can add their mini guides of places with more focus on photography. What to shoot, where, special conditions and so on |
Thanks for contributing
------------- http://www.magnusaker.se - website - a99m2 - a99 - a77M2 - a77 - a700 - RX100M3 - KM7D
Posted By: pdeley
Date Posted: 08 January 2011 at 16:49
Okidoki, I can come up with some stuff about the Philippines, northwestern Argentina, Belgium and a few specific locations in southern California.
Swede66, could you draft a simple template we should aim to follow (flexibly of course) so there will be some reasonably common pattern in terms of effort & content? Something like your four or five suggestions of the most important subject headers, how many/few sample pictures to include (or not), a range of how few or how many words to aim for etc?
BobJ, if this takes off then could the "Meetings" subforum heading be expanded to "Meetings & Travel Guides" to highlight the idea?
------------- a450, a500, a65, a7, 700si & other 35 mm bodies, Sig 15-30, sam 30 2.8 macro, Pentax 40 2.8 pan, Sig 70 f2.8 macro, Vivi 90 f2.8 macro, Mino 100-400 apo, 300 f4, 500 f8, 600 f4
Posted By: pdeley
Date Posted: 08 January 2011 at 17:05
Two other boringly technical questions: if we have something ready for an as yet missing country, do we just post for example "Travel Guide: Utopia" as a new topic aka thread title and get started? How about big states/provinces like California that are likely to get more contributions and responses than many smaller countries, would we have separate threads/travel guides for those?
Not that I'll have my own act together right away for posting some of these, just trying to avoid myself and others going off on confusingly different tangents.
------------- a450, a500, a65, a7, 700si & other 35 mm bodies, Sig 15-30, sam 30 2.8 macro, Pentax 40 2.8 pan, Sig 70 f2.8 macro, Vivi 90 f2.8 macro, Mino 100-400 apo, 300 f4, 500 f8, 600 f4
Posted By: alpha_in_exile
Date Posted: 08 January 2011 at 17:06
This reminds me--any of you people who've done a Dyxum meet, should have no excuse. What about you people that met at Didcot? Was there a price for admission to any of the railway locations? etc.
Though, I have noticed, the main feature(s) of Dyxum meetings is usually a pub(s) of some sort.... (well, there should be a required section for each Guide: Pubs/Alehouses with warm atmospheres & good drinks).
I may start work on a guide for Pittsburgh, and we still need a P'burgh Dyxum meet, too.
------------- -- Matt A7RM4, Min 24/2.8, Min 50/1.4, FE 24/1.4 GM, FE 50/1.2 GM, FE 135/1.8 GM, FE 70-200/2.8 GM II http://mattbarber.zenfolio.com/ - my web gallery
Posted By: alpha_in_exile
Date Posted: 08 January 2011 at 17:18
pdeley wrote:
Two other boringly technical questions: if we have something ready for an as yet missing country, do we just post "Travel Guide: Utopia" as the thread title and get started? How about big states/provinces like California that are likely to get more contributions and responses than many smaller countries, would we have separate threads/travel guides for those? |
Currently, we have some country threads & some place/city threads. In the US, bear in mind, each city/place, even within one state, is likely to be as far apart from each other, as whole countries in Europe. As a result, I've avoided raising the very question you brought up, mainly because I couldn't what my own opinion would be.
But, note that the Guides are threads, not just posts, so anyone can come along & add more info. So, to Italy, someone could add: Pisa, Rome, etc.
Arguably, Toledo should be put in an Ohio thread & Philly in a Pennsylvania thread, but again, if you're traveling, the distances are so great that you're not too likely to visit both Cincinnati, OH, & Toledo, OH, in the same trip. The nature of travel in the US is a bit different. I don't know of anyone who travels from Europe to see the highlights of the entire state of Ohio, but they may visit cities sprinkled around, like Chicago, NYC, LA, etc. Someone traveling from the US to Europe, by way of comparison, might spend a few days seeing all the major cities in Italy, then a few more days in France, then a few days in Germany, and so on.
In short, personally, I don't know how the Guides should be organized.
------------- -- Matt A7RM4, Min 24/2.8, Min 50/1.4, FE 24/1.4 GM, FE 50/1.2 GM, FE 135/1.8 GM, FE 70-200/2.8 GM II http://mattbarber.zenfolio.com/ - my web gallery
Posted By: bonneville
Date Posted: 08 January 2011 at 17:36
I agree too, this is a very good idea.
I wrote an article for David Kilpatrick's Photoworld magazine a while ago following a Baltic cruise I had been on.
A .pdf of the article is https://www.dropbox.com/s/06e3s2c7l550ynu/cruise.pdf?dl=0 - here .
I'm not sure if this is any use Bob J but if it is have I posted it in the right place? (I was denied access to posts in the "meetings" forum).
------------- https://rb.gy/2fcp34 - As You Were! by Brian Young
Posted By: Bob J
Date Posted: 08 January 2011 at 18:16
I had originally thought that the guides would be posted as threads here, but no reason not to link to stuff elsewhere, so I've linked Brian's Cruise page...
We can always move threads around later, the key thing is to write the info down and capture it!
------------- RBJ ~ http://tinyurl.com/h7uhozk - Moderation on Dyxum
Posted By: Swede66
Date Posted: 08 January 2011 at 18:51
alpha_in_exile wrote:
Swede66, could you draft a simple template we should aim to follow (flexibly of course) so there will be some reasonably common pattern in terms of effort & content? Something like your four or five suggestions of the most important subject headers, how many/few sample pictures to include (or not), a range of how few or how many words to aim for etc? |
In my travel guide for http://www.dyxum.com/dforum/travel-guide-tunisia_topic64835.html - Djerba - Tunisia I split the guide in my own experiences and important things to think about. Maybe it was too extensive but I think I covered the most important stuff, and some more
------------- http://www.magnusaker.se - website - a99m2 - a99 - a77M2 - a77 - a700 - RX100M3 - KM7D
Posted By: thomcher144
Date Posted: 08 January 2011 at 18:52
Hey Matt,
Contact LECHER (Jack Fronce) he moved to the PBurg area this past summer, he had a couple of Dyxum meets when he lived in the Boston area.Kefkafloyd attended one of them and had a grteat time. Jack can be a "hoot".
------------- TOM A350, A580, 550si, a complete set of Maxxum crossed x len's (minus the 300mm), Tam 17-50 2.8, 70-200 2.8. 70-300 5-6.3 USD, 90 2.8 macro Photographs are memories we can see and share.
Posted By: Swede66
Date Posted: 08 January 2011 at 18:54
I will start writing a travel guide for Sweden tonight
------------- http://www.magnusaker.se - website - a99m2 - a99 - a77M2 - a77 - a700 - RX100M3 - KM7D
Posted By: Bob J
Date Posted: 08 January 2011 at 19:45
I was thinking of maybe doing one for my bits of London...
------------- RBJ ~ http://tinyurl.com/h7uhozk - Moderation on Dyxum
Posted By: Swede66
Date Posted: 08 January 2011 at 19:48
Bob J wrote:
I was thinking of maybe doing one for my bits of London... |
------------- http://www.magnusaker.se - website - a99m2 - a99 - a77M2 - a77 - a700 - RX100M3 - KM7D
Posted By: Bob J
Date Posted: 09 January 2011 at 09:41
@pdedley: I've moved your posting out to be its own thread and linked to the first page (normal members can't create threads in the meetings forum, but we can make a new thread from something you have posted) - you might want to edit the opening lines...
------------- RBJ ~ http://tinyurl.com/h7uhozk - Moderation on Dyxum
Posted By: pdeley
Date Posted: 10 January 2011 at 06:11
okidoki, done and thanks Bob!
------------- a450, a500, a65, a7, 700si & other 35 mm bodies, Sig 15-30, sam 30 2.8 macro, Pentax 40 2.8 pan, Sig 70 f2.8 macro, Vivi 90 f2.8 macro, Mino 100-400 apo, 300 f4, 500 f8, 600 f4
Posted By: maewpa
Date Posted: 26 March 2011 at 05:55
pdelay's is a very good guide. The "suggested route" bit has some excellent info for photogs. I haven't got much further yet. Are comments/questions not encouraged on these? Only additions? That may not be clear.
Seems this has died a bit. I'll try and add something about Kenya and parts of Botswana, Namibia and Tanzania... in due course, as they say.
------------- Paul aka maewpa
Posted By: vinayn
Date Posted: 26 March 2011 at 06:06
Hey this was a thread I had not seen. As i keep saying Dyxum has so much of information. The last few months I have been travelling quite a bit across the forests and Jungles of India. I think as a responsible Dyxumer I should start a thread on India.
Posted By: utcreeper
Date Posted: 29 October 2011 at 00:20
Related feature-request: How about a Map (maybe a google map plug-in?) that people can plance themselves on. Then when any of us are traveling, we can see at a glance who we should talk to about spots to shoot, drink, or both! This week's Exhibition had a shot about 20 mins from where I live, and I would have joined the shooter if we had known.
------------- http://www.flickr.com/photos/kreeper - Me @ flickr
Various A-mount gear
Posted By: p-unit
Date Posted: 29 March 2014 at 13:47
Excellent idea, is this an ongoing project? Looks like the thread is a little dead, but I'd love to contribute!
Posted By: bonneville
Date Posted: 14 September 2015 at 14:26
Just noticed the Baltic Cruise link is out of date. The pdf article I originally wrote for David Kilpatrick's PhotoWorld magazine can be found https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59262488/cruise.pdf - here
------------- https://rb.gy/2fcp34 - As You Were! by Brian Young
Posted By: pdeley
Date Posted: 19 November 2015 at 00:33
Ok I have a new travel/technique guide ready, for macro addicts visiting the american Southwest. Mods please check it out and if it looks good then please link or move it to the TG index and/or section, as appropriate. It is currently http://www.dyxum.com/dforum/topic116767_post1397469.html - here in Themed Views .
------------- a450, a500, a65, a7, 700si & other 35 mm bodies, Sig 15-30, sam 30 2.8 macro, Pentax 40 2.8 pan, Sig 70 f2.8 macro, Vivi 90 f2.8 macro, Mino 100-400 apo, 300 f4, 500 f8, 600 f4
Posted By: Micholand
Date Posted: 19 November 2015 at 19:28
@pdeley: I've moved your new guide into the meetings forum and added a link on the first page.
------------- /Michael
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