NEW SELL/BUY RULES - Effective September 24th 2012:
1. All posts in all areas of the sell/buy fora are for private sales only; this precludes people with businesses buying or selling here and through their own outlet. All such ‘trade’ posts will be deleted without notice.
2. The Sell/Buy equipment forum is split into three areas: 2a. The Dyxum exclusive forum is only available for established Dyxum members (exact criteria see point 3 below) and only for the sale of used a-mount and e-mount items and suitable accessories only that are exclusively available to Dyxum members . Offers of 'other marque' items/accessories in this area will be deleted without notice. No sales or price or any other discussion is allowed in this area. Seller updates should be handled by editing the original post, "bumping" your post to move it back to the top of the list is not allowed. The sell/buy forum is not an auction site. Any posts which, in the sole opinion of the moderators, constitute an auction style of sale will be deleted without notice. This does not preclude members posting 'first offer over "xxx"' posts but 'highest offer wins' posts will be deleted without notice . 2b. "The ‘external sales and sales discussion’ area is for posting accessible links to items for sale on other boards or auction sites. If you have any ‘New In Box’ items or multiple copies of the same item available exclusively to Dyxum members, please place accessible links to them in this area. Any posts without accessible links, other detailed ‘for sale’ or posts with images in ‘external sales’ will be deleted without notice. The only two exceptions to this rule are for sales posts on external sites which mainly list in languages other then english or where the offer to Dyxum members is different to that posted elsewhere. In these case by exception you may post a brief description in your Dyxum lisitng; detailed descriptions will result, as noted above, in the posts being deleted without notice. Please also use the external sales area to discuss prices or good deals that you have spotted and which may be of interest to other members. 2c. The ‘want to buy/trade’ area is self explanatory. 2d. The 'old items' area is also self explanatory. Any posts other than relating to 'old' or sold items in this area will be deleted without notice.
3. To post an item for sale in the Dyxum exclusive area of the sales forum , or to post an item for trade, you must have at least 'Groupie' status. Newbies will find that they cannot post in exclusive sales and that their 'Want to Buy/Trade' posts remain hidden until they are moderated. Groupie status is no longer automatic on attaining 40 posts and also relies on being seen as an active and constructive member of the community for 60 days or more. Please note that 'blitz posting' to increase post count will not automatically bring 'groupie' status and will count against 'promotion' to that group. These restrictions have been introduced both to deter those wishing to join Dyxum simply to sell items and to reduce the possibility of fraudulent listings.
No such post count or membership period restriction applies to the 'external sales' forum where only accessible links to photographic equipment sales on external auction or sales sites may be posted.
4. Exclusive Sales Forum rules 4a. Sales in the Dyxum exclusive area of the forum are for private sales of individual items that are ONLY available via Dyxum – i.e. the items cannot also be for sale on other boards, or on auction sites – Sales that are available elsewhere can be promoted as accessible links in the ‘External Sales’ forum. 4b. Items listed in the main sell/buy forum and found to be listed elsewhere will be deleted without notice. Deliberate violations will result in the permanent revocation of the privilege of posting in the main "buy/sell" forum. 4c.All posts in the exclusive area must include a clear indication of the selling price, posts without this detail will be deleted without notice. 4d. Multiple 'New In Box' items from 'Close Out' sales must be posted as accessible links to another board in the 'External Sales' thread. Posts of these items will be moved without notice.
5. Items for sale or trade must be in the possession of the seller and must either be the owned by the seller or be being sold with the permission of the owner (where the seller is not the owner this should be clearly stated in the first line of the advert).
6. All correspondence regarding sales will be done by PM or email – any extra posts made in the forum will be deleted without notice. . If your PM box is full and potential buyers report that they are unable to contact you, your sales post will be locked and 'hidden' (you will still be able to see it) and will be 'unhidden' only when you notify any member of the moderator/admin team that you have cleared adequate space in your PM box.
7. Sellers should not re-post items while they are currently advertised in any of the sales fora. You may only re-post an item for sale after the (current) three week validity period. as this unfairly pushes posts from other members down the list. Where it is seen or suspected that a seller has an item on twice the latest post will, without exception, be deleted without notice.
8. All deals are strictly between forum members. cannot and will not take any responsibility. Our expectations of members selling are that if they agree to a sale, they follow it through, and that if a seller is paid they will post/mail the item to the buyer immediately.
9. Members are restricted to one sales post per day (although the one post can cover multiple items). If a member makes multiple sales posts on the same day; the second or subsequent posts(s) on the same day will be deleted without notice. This rule applies to all sales fora - one post per day, not one post per day per sales forum.
10. All areas of the Dyxum sales forum are primarily for A and E-mount SLR bodies and lenses and accessories that can be used on them (the exclusive area is solely for such items. However, it is possible to list some other photographic items in the fora (within reason) but priority will be given to A and E-mount items. Any postings made that are deemed inappropriate (including all posts for non-photography related items) will be deleted without notice by the moderators/admins (whose decision will be final).
11. Due to potential issues with re-licencing etc. the listing and sale of software is not permitted in any of the sell/buy fora
12. If current postings do extend over too many pages a 'cull' of items on the sales forum will take place, removing items in order of least relevance to Sony cameras. Removed posts will go into the ‘External’ sales Forum. Items in the main sell/buy forum will, in all cases, unless previously sold, be moved to 'old items' after a defined period (currently three weeks).
13. Posts will remain in the sales forum until: 13a. The seller notifies that all items are sold or withdrawn from sale by contacting moderators or by adding a second posting to the original sales topic saying as much. 13b. They are adjudged by the moderators/admins to be outside the sales rules as laid down here or otherwise contrary to the spirit of Dyxum. 13c. Three weeks having passed since they were originally posted.
14. Post titles 14a. All items in the sales forum are for sale, so there is no explicit need to state this, or to include the date the posting was first made. Sellers should note that the title is the main 'hook' for buyers so you are advised to describe the items as well as you can; for instance: "Minolta 100/2.8 D Macro (US-but will ship) $300+postage" is more likely to be successful than "Lens for sale". 14b. Sellers may wish to flag up when new information has been added to a post by adding UP or Update to the title – this is most likely to be effective when a date is included (remember different date formats are used in different regions), but exact formats are up to the seller within the bounds of the space available for the title.
15. Content Rules for content are relatively simple – content should be truthful and within the bounds set for posts elsewhere on Dyxum. Any pictures used must be of the items for sale and accurately depict the condition of the items . Any omissions (e.g. caps, pouches etc.) must be clearly stated.
16. For good practice on building an effective sales post please refer to - revdocjim's A Guide to effective selling...
17. Closed sales Sellers are asked to keep their sales posts intact and possibly include final prices once a sale has been made as this can be valuable information for other members researching prices
18. Selling and buying safely Please be cautious in your transactions, as some people prey on sites such as ours. These guidelines have been prepared to help you. - In particular be very wary of any seller using an email or PayPal or email address which includes the name Jabba1966 as there have been numerous instances of problems on this and other sites. It is also worthwhile noting that payments by 'PayPal Gift' offer little if any protection if a dispute arises. - revdocjim's
------------- I've been away!