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5d repair thread

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Topic: 5d repair thread
Posted By: bieomax
Subject: 5d repair thread
Date Posted: 25 November 2012 at 15:26
just thought i'd open this as i'd guess i'm going to have a few questions along the way of me trying to repair this camera.

first one . . . Blue or pink?

barring a number of unplugged ribbons ive noticed the lcd power cable seems to be disconnected/snapped. Does anyone have and ideas which is +/- as per the below ?

Posted By: r_sarvas
Date Posted: 25 November 2012 at 16:06
The KM5D repair manual is a bit vague on this since it seems to assume you would never need to resolder those wires, but this thread seems to have the info you need..." rel="nofollow -

Comparing the info from the manual and the forum thread to your picture, I beleive that the blue wire should be connected to the pad closest to the ribbon connector shown in the picture and the pink connected to the pad closest to the metal bracket.

Posted By: bieomax
Date Posted: 26 November 2012 at 09:54
Thats a fantastic thread, Thanks Rick

Posted By: KAMSA
Date Posted: 26 November 2012 at 15:11
Mine snapt to but I resolder it with LEADFREE silvertin solder and some liquit flux.

I don't know what is + an - , but why do you want to know it?

Kind reg.

Sα200, KM5D,KM7D,KMDA200,M5000AF and a lot of SMA/MD/M42 Glass

Posted By: bieomax
Date Posted: 26 November 2012 at 16:26
as its looks to be the power supply for the LCD screen backlight, the thread above shows which cable is +/- so sorted on that, just need to get the soldering iron out now.

i've found 2 other wires which look to have worn through, but they look harder to do as i think they are to do with the steady shot, also they are just thin copper wire. but more on them later.

Posted By: KAMSA
Date Posted: 26 November 2012 at 21:01
I solder also the two red and black on de main board see pic below, do you mean these wires?

Kind reg.

Sα200, KM5D,KM7D,KMDA200,M5000AF and a lot of SMA/MD/M42 Glass

Posted By: KAMSA
Date Posted: 27 November 2012 at 09:39
I did some serging in my photo's and find one pic who is'nt very clear, but you can see the 2 wires like r_sarvas say's the are not twisted.

and it is stil connected to the dislpay

Hope this wil help?

Kind reg.

Sα200, KM5D,KM7D,KMDA200,M5000AF and a lot of SMA/MD/M42 Glass

Posted By: bieomax
Date Posted: 27 November 2012 at 11:57
Thats great, thanks Kamsa

just need to get my arse in gear and get the soldering iron out to re-attach them two wires.

Posted By: KAMSA
Date Posted: 27 November 2012 at 13:58
Originally posted by bieomax bieomax wrote:

Thats great, thanks Kamsa

just need to get my arse in gear and get the soldering iron out to re-attach them two wires.

np m8 , Be shore you use a pair of tweezers to hold the wire in place when you soldering it, and disconnect the plug so you be shore you don't damage the TL backlight with static energie from your iron

Just be careful

PS: Use LEADFREE solder!

kind reg.

Sα200, KM5D,KM7D,KMDA200,M5000AF and a lot of SMA/MD/M42 Glass

Posted By: bieomax
Date Posted: 06 December 2012 at 10:29
just a quick update, its slow going, not had much time to start the soldering due to christmas activities and such, but the coming sunday our lass is at work so going to get all my crap out and make a start.

also got in another 5D which has the Antishake start up test issue, but least i can work around that with the "let it sleep" method, and still use it.

so if i can't fix the first properly i can use it as spares, and maybe steal the Antishake out of it,

Posted By: KAMSA
Date Posted: 06 December 2012 at 11:01
Originally posted by bieomax bieomax wrote:

just a quick update, its slow going, not had much time to start the soldering due to christmas activities and such, but the coming sunday our lass is at work so going to get all my crap out and make a start.

also got in another 5D which has the Antishake start up test issue, but least i can work around that with the "let it sleep" method, and still use it.

so if i can't fix the first properly i can use it as spares, and maybe steal the Antishake out of it,

The thing is, I'm retired, but have the same problems , much to do so little time , I have also a spare KM5D wich is totaly dead, but cosmetic nicer then the working one, I wil find the time next year (probely during the winter) to get it disassembled for parts.

But first thins first, I now have a new project the KMDiA200 with a AS problem

For your problem camera, I might have the solution for you in the document I'm working on, so the planning is, to finish this also this winter, but wil be next year I'm afraid

Kind reg.

Sα200, KM5D,KM7D,KMDA200,M5000AF and a lot of SMA/MD/M42 Glass

Posted By: bieomax
Date Posted: 06 December 2012 at 11:22
nice, I was wondering about the other KM digitals and whether the AS mechanism is the same? thus maybe cheaper to buy one of them and swap over.

may have to see if there is a km parts catalogue to see if anything is interchangeable

::edited spelling mistakes::

Posted By: KAMSA
Date Posted: 06 December 2012 at 11:25
There is

There is a full 512 CF card in My KMDiA200 with film from this mornings snow feast with my dog waiting and also some 2Gig of pictures RAW and jpeg to on my SONY a200 and whlie i'm reading my e-mail and answer in this forum I'm copying and deliting recorded films and series on my SAB Explorer PVR this time so please be paitient, I have the partlist somwhere,....

kind reg.

Sα200, KM5D,KM7D,KMDA200,M5000AF and a lot of SMA/MD/M42 Glass

Posted By: bieomax
Date Posted: 06 December 2012 at 12:07

and you say your retired?

Posted By: KAMSA
Date Posted: 06 December 2012 at 12:20
Originally posted by bieomax bieomax wrote:


and you say your retired?

Yeah kind of the thing is, men wants to mutch! but I'm also glad I'm a man!

kind reg.

Sα200, KM5D,KM7D,KMDA200,M5000AF and a lot of SMA/MD/M42 Glass

Posted By: bieomax
Date Posted: 07 December 2012 at 13:34
a little bit gutted, been trying to get the adjustment program working but, win'7 64bit doesn't like the drivers for the camera when in adjustment mode.

tried with a virtualbox xp, but i think that since win7 isn't recongising the camera in adjustment mode, it wont pass through properly into the virtual xp.

i also attempted to put a dual boot of xp onto the laptop but think i have drive issue with it not been IDE, so wont let me install   

Posted By: KAMSA
Date Posted: 07 December 2012 at 13:45
Originally posted by bieomax bieomax wrote:

a little bit gutted, been trying to get the adjustment program working but, win'7 64bit doesn't like the drivers for the camera when in adjustment mode.

tried with a virtualbox xp, but i think that since win7 isn't recongising the camera in adjustment mode, it wont pass through properly into the virtual xp.

i also attempted to put a dual boot of xp onto the laptop but think i have drive issue with it not been IDE, so wont let me install   

In order to let the ajustment program work properly I strongly recomend you to use a real XP installation, I use XP pro.

Kind reg.

Sα200, KM5D,KM7D,KMDA200,M5000AF and a lot of SMA/MD/M42 Glass

Posted By: bieomax
Date Posted: 07 December 2012 at 23:33
Aye I think I'm going to try and install it properly as a dual boot, which should hopefully sort it

Posted By: KAMSA
Date Posted: 08 December 2012 at 06:18
Originally posted by bieomax bieomax wrote:

Aye I think I'm going to try and install it properly as a dual boot, which should hopefully sort it

That wil scertainly work, good luck!

Kind reg.

Sα200, KM5D,KM7D,KMDA200,M5000AF and a lot of SMA/MD/M42 Glass

Posted By: r_sarvas
Date Posted: 08 December 2012 at 15:51
Originally posted by KAMSA KAMSA wrote:

In order to let the ajustment program work properly I strongly recomend you to use a real XP installation, I use XP pro.

I agree. The drivers seem to be written for Windows 2000 and also just happens to work with XP (and not very well at that). You might eventually be able to get away with using the adjustment program on XP under some sort of emulation with enough tweaking, but I think it will be faster to just do a XP install (any version should do for this) on physical hardware.

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