Dyxum advertising policy


For members

Dyxum membership is absolutely free. 

Our most visited section (forum) is completely free from commercial ads for members.

Ads that can be seen by our members in our forum are in an effort to support other companies or individuals that are helping a-mount users and we are not receiving any money in return for displaying these ads.

Our forum is using Skimlinks service. This service is "affiliating" links within forum posts without any side-effect for our members or visitors. However, if for any reason you don’t want your clicks to be affiliated you can opt-out by visiting Skimlinks website.

Other parts of dyxum website do contain some adverts from on-line stores (B&H, Amazon) but these do serve more as a handy info about prices and are related to the contents only.


For guest visitors

We do use Google, Amazon and BH advertising services across the website for guest visitors.

Aside the mentioned, Skimlinks service is used in our forum for guest visitors as well.

Advertising on dyxum?

Currently, we have no advertising obligation and we are open for advertising offerings.

Advertised products or services that we may consider must be related to photography.

Contact us for more details.

Dyxum.com - Home of the alpha system photographer
In memory of Cameron Hill - brettania