Dyxum privacy policy

We respect your privacy whenever you visit dyxum.com.

Personal information you may enter when registering this website will not be used outside dyxum.com. We do not sell any personal information you may enter in your membership profile to any other party.

Personal data you may enter in your profile are visible to other members of dyxum.com. You have the option to show or hide your email address from other dyxum members.  

We rarely contact our registered members via email and we try to communicate through personal messaging system within our website.


Cookie Privacy Notice

Various sections of our website requires the use of cookies in order to function correctly or give better browsing experience. The following cookies are set by our website.

ASPSESSION - This cookie allows the service to remember selections and preferences that you've already made or information that you've already given.

dyxumforumsID - This is a temporary cookie used to associate your browser with your forum session

dyxumforumsLID - This cookie holds Members Login settings and is also used for auto login to the forum

dyxumforumlVisit - This cookie holds the date and time of your last visit to the forum in order to notify which Topics and Posts are new since your last visit.

dyxumforumfID - This cookie is used for Private Forums that require a password in order to login.

dyxumforumpID - This is a security cookie set when voting in Forum Polls.

dyxumforumMobileView - This Cookie is set if you turn off the Mobile View when visiting the forum using a Mobile Browser.

dyxumfrmLO - This cookie is used for storing column layout mode in our forum

dyxumLensAdvSearch - Used in our lens database to store lens database search type

dyxumCookieConsent_dismissed - Used for EU Cookie law consent


Currently, we are using following advertising, analitics or social services that may use cookies or collect visitor browsing data and their cookie and privacy policies apply:

Dyxum.com - Home of the alpha system photographer
In memory of Cameron Hill - brettania