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Posting Images and links -- FAQs

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Post Options Post Options   Quote brettania Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Topic: Posting Images and links -- FAQs
    Posted: 29 February 2008 at 11:25

Pse note that since alpha_in_exile made his post about Flickr, the appearance of that site has been changed but the basic techniques remain the same.

Index of techniques for osting photos hosted on hosting sites:

  • 500px      - here,
  • dropbox    - here,
  • flickr     - here,
  • google     - here,
  • imageshack - here,
  • pbase      - here,
  • picasa     - here,
  • smugmug   - here,
  • zenfolio   - here,

How to post images and embed links

This guide should help those trying to posts pics or links to other websites in the Dyxum forums.

Starting with the “posting box”, there are buttons identified as "1" and "2" in this screen shot.

Button 2 is used for posting URL links. Note that while a URL can be posted in directly, if it is over a certain length a gap will appear which will disrupt the link.

To correctly post a link, press button 2 and you will see a dialog box (below) into which you enter a short descriptive title.

Click on OK and paste or type in the URL (see below)

And then click on OK.

This is what you will then see in the box

Note: I changed the URL to a shorter one -- longer ones may run outside the box itself but can be scrolled).

Posting an image is quite straightforward* and for this use button 1 (some people describe the symbol as being of a tree but it is actually a screen for projecting slides).

Just press the button and paste in the link to your image (this must be from a hosted site such as pBase).

Click on OK and you are there!

It pays to do a preview before finishing your post and you can re-check any links from the preview page.

Just a note:

If you wish to link to a specific post in Dyxum,click on the blue dot (or yellow star) for that post. See it here:


Is getting the right URL in the first place as the method can vary from site to site and depends which browser is used. The normal technique for Firefox and Opera-type browsers is to bring up the pic at the size you want to show it at Dyxum, right click on THE IMAGE and select "Copy Image Address". Just paste the selection into the post box shown directly above.

The following is a description by CTYankee on how to get a URL from Smugmug using IE.

In IE (I'm still on 6 !), I right click on an image, then have to click "Properties" and then copy (select and CTL-C) the URL. Then I can paste that (CTL-V) into the post box. There is a "copy shortcut" option, but at least on smugmug, that doesn't grab the URL of the JPEG, but rather the URL of a smugmug page that shows the JPEG.

So, for instance, if I'm looking at one of my gallery pages:


And I right click on the large photo to the right and "copy shortcut" it gives me:


If I were to use that URL as a picture, it shows up as:

(yes that's supposed to be the "red X")

But if I go to properties and copy the image URL, it's:


Which shows up properly here in IMG tags:

Smugmug is like other sites, offering multiple sizes of each photo you upload. I just click the size I want before copying the image URL rather than alter the URL manually, but it's trivial to change the URL for a different size. The following are URLs for the above photo in Small, Medium, Large and Original sizes:





The following is a description by revdocjim on how to get a URL for a pic from pBase.

As you know, pBase makes three or four different sized versions of every pic you post there. Thus under each picture you can choose "small", "medium", "large" or "original". When I post pictures at 800 pixels by 533 pixels the "large" option is not there.

When you post a link from pBase to Dyxum you have to add a bit to the URL to specify which version of the file you want. For instance, one of my pictures from this morning has the following URL at pbase.


But to post that picture on dyxum, after clicking the tree shaped icon and pasting in the URL, I have to add the following:


Then it will know to display the original sized file.

Interestingly, if you click on the different size options at pbase to view the "medium" or any other size, the URL will change to include

/medium or /small or /original etc. at the end of the URL

If that is the URL you copy then all you need to add when pasting into dyxum is


at the end.

Other sites may have variations on this, but normally have a FAQ section to assist you with finding a forum postable hyperlink.


Edited by stiuskr - 28 March 2016 at 17:53

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Post Options Post Options   Quote Blunderstein Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07 May 2008 at 13:15
On some sites, you can see the pictures if you are logged in, otherwise not. So you might log in, upload your photo, copy the URL and then publish a link which does not work for other people. You need to check the link after logging out, or with a different browser.
Perhaps some kind of warning about this could be included in the FAQ.
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Post Options Post Options   Quote polossatik Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07 May 2008 at 15:00
When using http://imageshack.us/, which is free, you can upload any photo directly, but it's better to create a account so you can remove photo's later if needed.

When uploading you have the option to resize (if not done already).
Most of the time the best resolution to choose is 800x600.
Otherwise simply do not select the resize option.

Once uploaded you can go to the My Images page and click the little (i) button next to the picture (top button), that will give you a popup with a number of possible way's to link, one is the "direct link" like http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/8133/pict5443bh8.jpg
which then can be used here using the picture button when posting.

There is also "forum" code directly available with the needed IMG tags, but this box gives by default also a direct link to you profile where you can see all your public photos - which you might not want. If you unclick "include details" button then it only gives the needed IMG tag which you can copy directly in your post.

Edited by brettania - 07 May 2008 at 16:21
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Post Options Post Options   Quote alpha_in_exile Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07 May 2008 at 16:38
Posting images from Flickr is a bit different from other image hosting sites, if only because Flickr does not immediately present you with links for each, differently-sized version of your image. So, here's how to go about it with Flickr.

After you log into your account, find the photo you want, and click on it to get to the editing page. On the editing page, along the top of the image, you will see the following row of buttons:

Click on the above-circled button ("All Sizes"), which will give you a page with size options on the top. The new page will look like this:

This is the important part: you MUST choose the size you want to use, BEFORE copying the link. If you don't, you'll just end up with whatever size Flickr automatically chose. So choose the size you want (Small, Medium, Large, etc.)* from the options at the top of the photo (the pixel dimensions are noted beneath each size designation, as you can see in the image above). I have circled "Medium" above, because the "Large" size in this case would be 1024 pixels wide, too wide for many screens to display without scrolling.

The page will reload (annoying, I know) with the size you have chosen. Scroll down, and underneath the photo you will find these options:

Choose the option that the arrow points to, "Grab the photo's URL." Clicking once will select the entire URL. Press CTRL+C to copy the link, or go to the Edit menu in your browser and select Copy, or left-click on the highlighted URL & select Copy from the pop-up menu.

Then go to your Dyxum page, and in the message editor click on the circled button (looks like a picture of a tree):

In the pop-up dialog box that opens...

...just paste the URL link (CTRL+V or left-click & choose Paste, or Edit menu & choose Paste), and click "OK." The forum editor will automatically generate the code for your post, which will look like "[ img]http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2259/2473767320_be2b15ccb6_o.jpg[/img ]" only without the spaces I put in the brackets.

That's all there is to it. You can click Preview Post if you want to make sure you images will load (highly recommended, BTW). Then, when all is in order, click Post Reply or Create New Post or whatever, and you're done.
*Note: Flickr (the free account) will automatically resize any image with any side longer than 1024 pixels -- the image will be reduced so that the longest size is no longer than 1024 px. Usually, the "Large" size option will be the one with one side of 1024 px. However, if you choose to upload an image of only 800 px on the longest size, then the pic will remain at 800 px. Since Flickr's "Medium" size is automatically limited to a longest side of 500 px, which in my opinion is too small, instead of uploading fullsize files, it is my habit to resize to either 640 px or 800 px on the longest side before uploading. That way, Flickr's "Large" size will be just about perfect for posting on Dyxum.

Edited by alpha_in_exile - 10 July 2008 at 19:32
-- Matt
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Post Options Post Options   Quote alpha_in_exile Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07 May 2008 at 17:37
**Alternative way of posting photos, from any hosting site**

My own preference is to post using the BBcode (Bulletin Board code). The BBcode for inserting an image is to type "img" between brackets, followed by the full link for the photo including the http:// prefix, followed by "/img" in brackets.

Looks like this:

Which produces this:

The BBcode is exactly the same as what clicking on the tree-pic button does, only by typing "img... /img" you omit the pop-up box business. Since most browsers block pop-ups by default, it becomes irritating after awhile to have to allow pop-ups for each site that works the way this forum does. BBcode is just simpler.

Edited by alpha_in_exile - 16 June 2008 at 19:28
-- Matt
A7RM4, Min 24/2.8, Min 50/1.4, FE 24/1.4 GM, FE 50/1.2 GM, FE 135/1.8 GM, FE 70-200/2.8 GM II
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Post Options Post Options   Quote brettania Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 05 June 2008 at 15:31
This duplicates info provided by revdocjim in the OP of the thread.

pBase is another site where to get the correct hotlinking URL for a photo, you must first specify a size.

Look at a shot by aarif by cutting and posting this URL -- http://www.pbase.com/aarif/image/97055309

If you select "Original" in the sizing options this produces a URL of

Copy that URL from the URL box in your browser and add .jpg at the end after pasting the link into the Dyxum dialog box.

This produces a hotlinked image with a full URL of

Thanks to aarif for permission to use his shot.

Edited by brettania - 13 December 2008 at 21:46

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Post Options Post Options   Quote brettania Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 16 June 2008 at 17:12
Originally posted by mipr mipr wrote:

Dear Dyxumers,

Recently I noticed that some of you have problems posting photos hosted on Picasa Web Albums. At first it seems that Picasa does not allow so-called hot-linking, however it turns out that it is perfectly possible. Here is a short introduction how to do this. I hope that you will find it useful.

To show the image you need a link to it (please note that this is not the same as the link to the web page hosting the image). How to get this link? If you use Firefox then it is fairly simple: display the image (i.e. you should be in the "photo view" and not "album view") then right-click on it and select "Copy image address" (or something similar). This will copy link to the image to the clipboard. If you use IE, then it is slightly more problematic: right-click on the image and select "Properties". Triple-click on the address - this will select it all - then copy it to the clipboard. There is also an alternative approach, which works both in Firefox and IE: to the right of the photo you have a link called "Download photo" - just copy this link (right-click on it and there should an option to do this - "copy link address" or "Copy Shortcut" or something similar).

Now, having the link you can paste it inside IMG tags, but to make it work two slight modifications are required. Let's see it on an example: here we have a link to the photo on RosieA100's Picasa web album (thank your Rosie very much indeed) as copied from the "download" link:


The first modification is to remove everything after and including the question mark (marked in red above) - the link must end in ".jpg". But that's not all - we have to change the path a bit to indicate the size of the photo. For this we have to add the part marked in green:


According to Picasa web page allowable sizes are following: 32, 48, 64, 72, 144, 160, 200, 288, 320, 400, 512, 576, 640, 720, 800. Just use the size that suits your needs. Please note that these sizes mean "number of pixels the longer side of the shot" i.e. height for vertical shots and width for horizontal ones.

Now a few examples to check how it works:

Size 144:

Size 400:

Size 800:

I hope that you will find this instruction helpful/useful.

Happy shooting,

Edited by brettania - 16 June 2008 at 17:12
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Post Options Post Options   Quote back alley Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 02 October 2008 at 01:32
apologies if this is posted in the wrong place...

i cannot seem to add an active link to my signature and cannot find a 'how to' for it.

can someone assist?

many thanks,
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Post Options Post Options   Quote brettania Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 02 October 2008 at 05:27
Use the same format that you see above in illustration #4.

It would go something like this...

{URL=http://..........]My Flickr album[/URL] but with a square bracket to start.

and just to show that works...

Your album.

Edited by brettania - 02 October 2008 at 05:32
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Post Options Post Options   Quote back alley Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 02 October 2008 at 06:54

for some reason i kept getting a no permission message even with the correct format.
i tried it a few more times tonight and it finally worked.

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Post Options Post Options   Quote cigar Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 02 October 2008 at 07:05
For those who use their own hosting I thought I'd give the BB Code for posting thumbnails for large images and panoramas. Resize the image in photoshop and rename it then post this UBB Code replacing the ( and ) with [ and ]:


That gives this:

Edited by cigar - 02 October 2008 at 07:10
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Post Options Post Options   Quote brettania Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 18 October 2008 at 02:26
Originally posted by chthoniid chthoniid wrote:

Okay, for Zenfolio you start by looking at the albums in display or preview mode. You need to be logged in.
*Right click the picture you want to link to.
     *This brings up a dropdown menu
          *Click the "display link" command
*This will give you 8 file sizes to choose from- the smallest is a 60x60 sized image
You need to choose the option that is about 800px across. Copy that link to your clipboard e.g. http://chthoniid.zenfolio.com/img/v3/p53574144-4.jpg

Then insert into Dyxum's display using menu or BB-codes.

Edited by brettania - 25 January 2009 at 00:13
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Post Options Post Options   Quote bms44974 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 20 October 2008 at 21:47
using Webshots share utility:


WebShots Link utility limits the size to 600px (a little too small by my way of thinking, but it's free ). The link is also active so that clicking on the image in the Dyxum post sends you to the WebShots page where you have the option to view it full-size. I'd prefer an 800px post in Dyxum, so I'm looking for a different hosting site. Please let me know if you have had a good experience with some other free site.

Edited by bms44974 - 06 November 2008 at 21:44
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Post Options Post Options   Quote Vidgamer Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 10 January 2009 at 23:09
I found Cigar's post most helpful. Flickr wants you to include a link-back to their website, when you post a photo. Using Cigar's method, I was able to do this:


You can get the two addresses that you need from the box labeled "Copy and paste this HTML into your webpage" that is displayed at the bottom of the Flickr page that appears after you have selected your photo size. (See earlier message in this thread for other recommendations about working with Flickr.)

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