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Posted: 03 November 2013 at 22:45 |
My brother Karl and My Big Adventure in Echo Canyon!  So, I hear that every picture tells a story! Does it? Here's the rest of story behind my post, 5318 in Echo Canyon My brother, Karl, and I drove up Parley's Canyon on our way to Echo Canyon. Our goal was the rest area on the west bound side of I-80. To do that (legally) you have to drive to the Castlerock exit and go back in the west bound direction. Somehow we managed to miss that exit and drove two exits further to Wahsatch were we finally turned around. We had driven half way to Big Wonderful Wyoming!  At the rest area we had a good hike to the top of the hill overlooking the canyon and the Union Pacific overland route. This is the UP main line and is also the original grade of the transcontinental railroad (though it was a single track back then). We then hiked down the hill to a fence with barbed wire intended to keep livestock and wild life away from the freeway. Obviously, we were to not the first here and the barbed wire had been cut and the fence pulled up on the bottom. So, little brother Karl went over and "old man Dazet" under! :-) we hiked down to an over look were we had a good camera angle of the grade and I set up my tripod and camera and we waited -- and waited. Damn, no milk today (traffic). Karl was getting antsy. I told him we would at least get a snapshot of the two of us there. That's this photo. Afterwards, Karl started hiking back up and climbed over the fence. I waited a little longer but was noticing Karl tapping his foot up on the hill (the fool). So I packed up my gear climbed the gentle slope to the fence, rolled myself under and started climbing up to Karl. I glanced down the grade and saw a headlight in the distance -- goodness, gracious, golly-gosh (only I didn't say goodness, gracious, golly-gosh)! I scrambled back down the hill to the fence and was at least able to get the snap in my previous post! :-) Oh well, better luck next time! At least we did not suffer any Indian, Rattlesnake, Badger, Moose, or Black Bear attacks! Was I imaging smoke signals over that red rock ridge? Regards, Kelly
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Posted: 03 November 2013 at 23:11 |
AudioDoc wrote:
UP 5318 in Echo Canyon, Utah. |
Awesome shot, Kelly.
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Posted: 04 November 2013 at 06:23 |
AudioDoc wrote:
My brother Karl and My Big Adventure in Echo Canyon! | Great story, thanks for sharing that! And the photo 5318 is a great result too. I like it how the tracks "flow" into the lower left corner.
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Posted: 04 November 2013 at 14:25 |
Thank you Mathieu and Michele! It was frustrating not to get the shot from where I had my gear set up, but on the other hand it was really fun! I don't think non-railfans would understand. I bet Mathieu could tell us some really good stories about his train-chasing adventures. And it is so beautiful up there, and I love the mountain air. I imagine the hardships of all those workers laying rail in this canyon in the 1860s -- such as hostile local natives, bears, moose, badgers, and rattlesnakes!
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Posted: 04 November 2013 at 14:38 |
As usual I'm behind in commenting! Michele, that's a very pretty diesel locomotive. The colors remind me of some of the old DB diesels! Matheiu, these last two photos are terrific! Love the lighting of "Sweet Winter Light" as well as the patterns, lines and composition of the signal tower and yard. The winter scene is just gorgeous! Lots of depth created by the foreground fence posts, the trees, and the leaning telegraph poles fading into the fog! I bet this one would make a great print -- I'm thinking you could sell this one for sure! Regards, Kelly
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Posted: 04 November 2013 at 15:34 |
AudioDoc wrote:
I don't think non-railfans would understand. I bet Mathieu could tell us some really good stories about his train-chasing adventures. And it is so beautiful up there, and I love the mountain air. | Oh, you bet I could. That's a classic situation that's happened to me so many times... You wait for a while (sometimes hours), decide to go home or somewhere else, and then a train sneaks up on you. Having a radio scanner helps a lot, but even then you can get screwed, haha!
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Posted: 04 November 2013 at 15:37 |
Here's a shot from yesterday. Just a trio of yard engines working their butt off.  Sony SLT-A65V, Sigma 10-20 f/3.5 SSM, f/8.0, 10 mm, ISO 400, 1/800
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Posted: 04 November 2013 at 17:09 |
Super Hogs! Love it!  I like the object in the corner. What is it? A grade crossing gate or some kind of signal? You weren't trespassing were you?  It must be cold up there now, in the "Great White North" eh? Its coming here. It snowed a bit yesterday morning and we might get more today!
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Posted: 04 November 2013 at 17:21 |
magicman841 wrote:
AudioDoc wrote:
I don't think non-railfans would understand. I bet Mathieu could tell us some really good stories about his train-chasing adventures. And it is so beautiful up there, and I love the mountain air. |
Oh, you bet I could. That's a classic situation that's happened to me so many times... You wait for a while (sometimes hours), decide to go home or somewhere else, and then a train sneaks up on you. Having a radio scanner helps a lot, but even then you can get screwed, haha! | Exactly. And when I'm by myself I can be patient and wait. But I guess this is generally the case with photography -- always harder to concentrate and take the necessary time to get the shot right, when you are with company. Yes my scanner helps sometimes -- occasionally catch some chatter, but most often they appear with no radio announcement. Maybe I'm just not skilled enough with using it. My brother suggested starting a log book to get a better idea of what comes through and when. I guess I could also use exif info from the photo of others to fill in my log book -- i.e. James Belmont.  The Overland Route has some 40+ trains a day. From my experience so far the peak hours are early morning and late afternoon.
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Posted: 04 November 2013 at 18:55 |
Alpha Eyes group
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Posted: 04 November 2013 at 19:17 |
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Posted: 04 November 2013 at 19:32 |
She's a beauty, Michele! She reminds me of a Prussian T3 with a larger water tank. Very nice photo! Where is this? In a mountainous location for sure!
Hans Brinkel
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Posted: 04 November 2013 at 19:41 |
Nice picture Michel..brockenbahnhof??
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Posted: 04 November 2013 at 20:53 |
Love the red balancing weights on the drivers. Very nice touch!