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TP: Photo Sharing/Hosting Services

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Miranda F View Drop Down
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    Posted: 03 September 2015 at 22:28
Originally posted by Faldrax Faldrax wrote:

The 'easy' way to get that is to use the Insert Hyperlink button to put a link to your main image in Flicker with 'Image' for the screen text.

You mean something like this (but using Joomeo)?

If I have it right, that is!

That's really neat, so thanks.

BTW, the jpg here is a 100% crop from the whole pic in the link, taken with the Sony 55-300mm lens.

Edited by Miranda F - 03 September 2015 at 22:31
Miranda F & Sensorex, Sony A7Rii, A58, Nex-6, Dynax 4, 5, 60, 500si/600si/700si/800si, various Sony & Minolta lenses, several Tamrons, lots of MF primes and *far* too many old film cameras ...

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Post Options Post Options   Quote Pirate Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 22 July 2014 at 20:34

Has Joomeo been mentioned? It's free with plenty of file storage space and it allows for folders to be shared and viewed as a slideshow or you can use individual image links.

For your free account, go to: Joomeo.
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mhtrang View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Quote mhtrang Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 11 January 2012 at 19:07
I just opened up a 500px account, and it seems to be pretty nice for sharing pictures with friends/family.

Like Quietbun, I've thought about making my own site so that I can customize the look of it to suit my needs, but have been too busy/lazy to do that. Anyone else use 500px?
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Jack Goldmaker View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Quote Jack Goldmaker Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 08 September 2011 at 05:26
I've been using Photoshelter which does not advertise the fact that they have a free version. You have to hunt around a bit for it on their site as they want you to buy a subscription. You get one gallery and a free Gig of storage for that. They also copy protect your images so that others cannot steal a copy of the file and it ends up on some disk collection being sold as stock freeware. While I am not a Pro, I am interested in all the workshops it provides to assist in becoming a Pro if one ever decides to. It is set up to SELL your photos to others and, as one improves over time, they need not have to move from one site to another.

You also get a custom URL with your name. Here is my gallery, I am not very proficient at HTML so someone here at Dyxum has helped me to post my first photos. You can see that it puts a Copyright watermark right on the image, which can be your name if you use one of the paid versions etc.

My Photoshelter gallery
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quietbun View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Quote quietbun Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29 June 2010 at 09:50
Steve, You are absolutely right. I spent some time research and found the followings:

Firstly before my project I read some reviews on pro services. And to be honest, I was back out by the fee of those services. The provider I found reasonable is Fine Art America.

Secondly, I agree with the disadvantages you listed. I set it up so if sth goes wrong I have to look for solution either contacting my host service, or fix it myself. Therefore, it's suggested to keep my data back up regularly and the process of restore and set things up is clear in site administration. I did have to restore database and set up my site again once.

Lastly, I did compare Gallery2 and Zenphoto. The reason I pic zenphoto because there are potential third party plug-in for paypal, google checkout ect. Moreover, my host service guy is also providing a free shopping cart service... However, I will have to spend time to learn about the whole business process if i want to set it up and things will be more complicated .

So my plan is to move step by step. Right now my website is just a showcase; and when it comes to selling picture, I would consider different integrations, or just making an account with Fine Are America and link it with my current site .

Edit: spelling and others.

Edited by quietbun - 30 June 2010 at 19:50
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Mark L View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Quote Mark L Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 26 June 2010 at 13:27
Originally posted by ryangeer ryangeer wrote:

Originally posted by pegelli pegelli wrote:

Try photobucket (free and works well) or SmugMug (payed and works even better). Only problem with photobucket is that you give them the right to use any photo's you upload free of charge. SmugMug has no such "fine print"

This must be why I have several images with hundreds of mystery "views"! I started digging into the stats that photobucket provides and found that several images that I've only linked on dyxum are also viewed on mySpace...alot.

I don't know if I am very happy about that.

On one hand, I don't "make a living" with my photography - it's purely for my own enjoyment...so I'm not worried about losing income. And it's even somewhat flattering to know that my images are being viewed unsolicited (so to speak).

But, it would be nice to know exactly who is using them and what they are being used for....which they don't divulge in their stats.

Anyone else know more about this photobucket/mySpace situation?

My Photobucket account is private, and as far as I can tell it only gets used when the linked images are viewed on Dyxum or another forum where I occasionally post photos. My PB stats don't seem to indicate any other unusual activity. I don't think anyone but me can actually view the images on PB, so I guess that's why they don't appear anywhere else.

I have the free PB account -- simply because I don't need anything larger.

It is, of course, quite separate from my own website, which is used to promote wedding and other work. It's an html site that I created myself using Dreamweaver, and it is hosted elsewhere. I don't use my website for hotlinking photos simply because that uses up web space and bandwidth that I am paying for and really need for other purposes.

The Photobucket clause about usage states: By displaying or publishing ("posting") any Content on or through the Photobucket Services, you hereby grant to Photobucket and other users a non-exclusive, fully paid and royalty-free, worldwide, limited license to use, modify, delete from, add to, publicly perform, publicly display, reproduce and translate such Content, including without limitation distributing part or all of the Site in any media formats through any media channels, except Content marked "private" will not be distributed outside the Photobucket Services. So I am assuming that they don't distribute private photos outside PB, and although I guess they may have done so within PB, I am not aware of it.

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Steve-S View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Quote Steve-S Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 26 June 2010 at 05:53
Quietbun has given us a nice "roll-your-own" alternative, here. Kudos, a nice-looking site, and many thanks for the write-up!

I'd like to ask a few questions, make a few comments...

Originally posted by quietbun quietbun wrote:

... My Demand:
   I want more control for my pictures gallery, content... ect. This is something I don't have from flickr or facebook album.

Had you compared the "premium" or "pro-oriented" services? In particular, you cited flickr and facebook, which seem so be aimed for a "lowest-common-denominator" sort of site: minimal demands on the photographer setting up the site. I wonder if you found (or would have found) controls & customization at the higher-end sites to be superior...?

Also, did you look at other roll-your-own options, e.g. Coppermine, Gallery2, etc...

Originally posted by quietbun quietbun wrote:

The advantages are:
+ My own website with the look and feel I can control. I can add-on plug-ins, change theme. They have more plug-ins/themes than what I need at this point.
+ I can integrate my web app with the wordpress account. This requires a plug-ins.
+ From the host service, I get unlimited space, free MySQL database, free email,...They also provide pretty nice CPanel to administrate your host and content.
+ Fairly cheap.

The disadvantages are:
+ People don't know about my website unless I bring it to them. This is a plus of community of flickr or facebook.

One other advantage to the SmugMug/Zenfolio side of things: they have pre-existing relationships & special deals with various vendors and suppliers. In particular, if you plan to SELL from the site, they have e-commerce infrastructure and accounts in place. Other things include business-cards and the whole panoply of photo-products (calendars, books, greeting-cards, etc).

Another DISadvantage for the roll-your-own: if anything breaks, you have to fix it; this includes the discovery of security vulnerabilities &c.

- Steve S.
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alpha_in_exile View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Quote alpha_in_exile Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 26 June 2010 at 02:07
Just a note on Zenfolio. Had some feedback from customers that the ordering process is too complicated. I sort of fixed this, by cutting down on the number of options presented. (Who wouldn't want the option to turn off color correction? : )

Grandmothers, some of whom aren't very web-savvy, can be testy about such things. I was told they want to get straight to the prints-ordering page (Zenfolio has an overview page that offers submenus to prints, frames, gallery wraps, keychains [separate from prints], mugs & stationery, etc.).

I wonder whether SmugMug is more technophobe-friendly?
-- Matt
A7RM4, Min 24/2.8, Min 50/1.4, FE 24/1.4 GM, FE 50/1.2 GM, FE 135/1.8 GM, FE 70-200/2.8 GM II
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quietbun View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Quote quietbun Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 26 June 2010 at 01:29
Hi Steve,

Thanks for the bump, I was just about to write something about my small recent web project. Here we go:

Firstly, this is the result of my project: http://chuongddh.com

My Demand:
   I want more control for my pictures gallery, content... ect. This is something I don't have from flickr or facebook album.

Ok Here are the required pieces for my project:
+ A domain - I bought my chuongddh.com domain for $10.56/year from goddady.com. They may have discount; different domain extensions have different prices (domain.info is cheapest I think).
+ A host - I bought a host plan from Bluehost.com at discount $3.9 month for 24 months (regular price $7/month). They have good review and number of services.
     Note: Bluehost.com provides a free domain if you use their service. Because, I used that free domain for different purpose, I paid extra to goddady.com
+ A web application - I use free php web application Zenphoto from zenphoto.org for it. You can use any other web app like Wordpress, Jalbum...

Total cost is: about $4.9/month

The advantages are:
+ My own website with the look and feel I can control. I can add-on plug-ins, change theme. They have more plug-ins/themes than what I need at this point.
+ I can integrate my web app with the wordpress account. This requires a plug-ins.
+ From the host service, I get unlimited space, free MySQL database, free email,...They also provide pretty nice CPanel to administrate your host and content.
+ Fairly cheap.

The disadvantages are:
+ People don't know about my website unless I bring it to them. This is a plus of community of flickr or facebook.

So how difficult is it? I can say it fairly easy, I spent zero time for coding. It may be tricky a bit when I mapped the host with domain; I have to do this because I bought domain elsewhere (not required if I use Bluehost domain). However as long as I followed the instructions, things went smoothly.

Bun Do

Edited by quietbun - 26 June 2010 at 01:34
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Steve-S View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Quote Steve-S Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 26 June 2010 at 00:59

This TP has been quiescent for about about a year, now. I'm hoping folks will step up with some newer, up-to-date opinions. Or, maybe things haven't much changed...? However, it deserves a bump to get it to the eyeballs of newer members (I note Bretannia bumped it back in '08 for that reason).

There's also this thread (which is a bit newer, and which points here, so I thought I might return the favor... ;-) .

The impression I get from these threads is:
- For friends-and-family sharing, and for primarily-web-based uses, a great many of the free sites will work fine; note that full, ultra-high-res images may exceed max file-size and/or quickly exceed total-storage limits, however.
- Beware of Flickr, DeviantART (and quite a few others!), claiming nearly-unlimited rights (or at least a broad right which needs to be more limited for IP reasons) for distribution/use of members' images. If this isn't a worry for you, these are good choices for access to the user-communities there. They can also be effective advertising/drivers to your "real" website.
- The choice of "pro" users, and users who just prefer "pro-like" presentation, seem to be the paid options from SmugMug and Zenfolio; nobody has anything bad to say about either one. These may not be the best choices for friends-and-family folks, due to a bit more overhead setting up. While the Smuggies seem a bit more numerous (in these threads), we cannot conclude it's "preferred" because there are just too few data-points for either one...

Me, I'm off to look at SmugMug & Zenfolio in greater depth...

- Steve S.
edit: various, for typo's and for content

Edited by Steve-S - 26 June 2010 at 01:23
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Alpha2008 View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Quote Alpha2008 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 25 August 2009 at 00:06
I had used Google's Picassa for about half a year. It's a decent service/application, but since I received almost no comments, I switched to Flickr earlier today. So far I like what I see. Lots of customization features, but still quite convenient .

Talking about Flickr, are there any groups made up of Dxyum members?

Edited by Alpha2008 - 25 August 2009 at 01:04
Alpha 300 SAL1870 SAL16105 My Pictures now new on Flickr
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Pupator View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Quote Pupator Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 22 August 2009 at 20:01
Smugmug had a major feature update last night/this morning. We can now have "nice" URLs.

For example. If you'd asked for a link to this gallery yesterday I'd have given you this:

Today I can give you this:
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ryangeer View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Quote ryangeer Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 21 August 2009 at 07:39
Originally posted by pegelli pegelli wrote:

Try photobucket (free and works well) or SmugMug (payed and works even better). Only problem with photobucket is that you give them the right to use any photo's you upload free of charge. SmugMug has no such "fine print"

This must be why I have several images with hundreds of mystery "views"! I started digging into the stats that photobucket provides and found that several images that I've only linked on dyxum are also viewed on mySpace...alot.

I don't know if I am very happy about that.

On one hand, I don't "make a living" with my photography - it's purely for my own enjoyment...so I'm not worried about losing income. And it's even somewhat flattering to know that my images are being viewed unsolicited (so to speak).

But, it would be nice to know exactly who is using them and what they are being used for....which they don't divulge in their stats.

Anyone else know more about this photobucket/mySpace situation?
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lomitamike View Drop Down
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testing hosting site and SAL 18-250

Edited by lomitamike - 21 August 2009 at 07:26
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