
Dyxum blog > Contests

DPC #325 'People'

14 November 2024 - Posted by pegelli, in Contests
DPC Winner - DPC #325 'People'

"drunkard" by digiton

It is a great pleasure to announce the winner of the DPC #325 "People"

Please join us in the above thread to congratulate Ton, aka digiton!


You can check The Dyxum Photo Contest Index to see the list of all DPCs that we had so far (and also see what is cooking).

And the "Hall of Fame" showing all winners since DPC 282 can be found here

DPC #324 'At the beach'

16 October 2024 - Posted by pegelli, in Contests
DPC Winner - DPC #324 'At the beach'

"End Of The Day" by owenn01

It is a great pleasure to announce the winner of the DPC #324 "At the beach"

Please join us in the above thread to congratulate neil, aka owenn01!


You can check The Dyxum Photo Contest Index to see the list of all DPCs that we had so far (and also see what is cooking).

And the "Hall of Fame" showing all winners since DPC 282 can be found here

DPC #323 'Bench'

11 September 2024 - Posted by pegelli, in Contests
DPC Winner - DPC #323 'Bench'

"Bench-Rise" by 4paul

It is a great pleasure to announce the winner of the DPC #323 "Bench"

Please join us in the above thread to congratulate 4paul!


You can check The Dyxum Photo Contest Index to see the list of all DPCs that we had so far (and also see what is cooking).

And the "Hall of Fame" showing all winners since DPC 282 can be found here

DPC #322 'Abstract landscape'

23 July 2024 - Posted by pegelli, in Contests
DPC Winner - DPC #322 'Abstract landscape'

"Dusk at Te Henga" by Wētāpunga

It is a great pleasure to announce the winner of the DPC #322 "Abstract landscape"

Please join us in the above thread to congratulate Wētāpunga!


You can check The Dyxum Photo Contest Index to see the list of all DPCs that we had so far (and also see what is cooking).

And the "Hall of Fame" showing all winners since DPC 282 can be found here

Winner DPC #321

30 May 2024 - Posted by Micholand, in Contests
DPC Winner - DPC #321 'Fruits'

"SUMO CITRUS" by LAbernethy

It is a great pleasure to announce the winner of the DPC #321 "Fruits"

Please join us in the above thread to congratulate LAbernethy!


You can check The Dyxum Photo Contest Index to see the list of all DPCs that we had so far (and also see what is cooking).

And the "Hall of Fame" showing all winners since DPC 282 can be found here

DPC #320 'Streams and rivers'

28 April 2024 - Posted by pegelli, in Contests
DPC Winners - DPC #320 'Streams and Rivers'

"little house on river Drina" by svjetlana

DPC Winner - DPC #320 'Streams and rivers'

"Bride's Veil Falls (Isle of Skye)" by pegelli

It is a great pleasure to announce the ex aequo winners of the DPC #320 "Streams and rivers"

Please join us in the above thread to congratulate svjetlana (aka Svjetlana) and pegelli (aka Pieter)!


You can check The Dyxum Photo Contest Index to see the list of all DPCs that we had so far (and also see what is cooking).

And the "Hall of Fame" showing all winners since DPC 282 can be found here

DPC #319 'Animals in b&w'

19 March 2024 - Posted by pegelli, in Contests
DPC Winner - DPC #319 'Animals in b&w'

"feet" by Dopol

It is a great pleasure to announce the winner of the DPC #319 "Animals in b&w"

Please join us in the above thread to congratulate Dopol (aka Domien)!


You can check The Dyxum Photo Contest Index to see the list of all DPCs that we had so far (and also see what is cooking).

And the "Hall of Fame" showing all winners since DPC 282 can be found here

DPC # 318 'The Best of 2023'

11 February 2024 - Posted by pegelli, in Contests
DPC Winner - DPC #318 'The Best of 2023'

"Tranquil Beauty" by C_N_RED_AGAIN

It is a great pleasure to announce the winner of the DPC #318 "The Best of 2023"

Please join us in the above thread to congratulate C_N_RED_AGAIN (aka Chris)!


You can check The Dyxum Photo Contest Index to see the list of all DPCs that we had so far (and also see what is cooking).

And the "Hall of Fame" showing all winners since DPC 282 can be found here

DPC# 317 'Shapes of nature'

08 January 2024 - Posted by pegelli, in Contests
DPC Winner - DPC #317 'Shapes of nature'

"A single rose can be my garden" by Brandy

It is a great pleasure to announce the winner of the DPC #317 "Shapes of nature"

Please join us in the above thread to congratulate Brandy (aka Peter)!


You can check The Dyxum Photo Contest Index to see the list of all DPCs that we had so far (and also see what is cooking).

And the "Hall of Fame" showing all winners since DPC 282 can be found here

Winner DPC # 316 'Number three'

04 December 2023 - Posted by pegelli, in Contests
DPC Winner - DPC #316 'Number three'

"Three Ibis in flight" by C_N_RED_AGAIN

It is a great pleasure to announce the winner of the DPC #316 "Number three"

Please join us in the above thread to congratulate C_N_RED_AGAIN (aka Chris)!


You can check The Dyxum Photo Contest Index to see the list of all DPCs that we had so far (and also see what is cooking).

And the "Hall of Fame" showing all winners since DPC 282 can be found here
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