Minolta AF 135mm F2.8 A-mount lens review by jrfarrar

reviewer#106 date: Sep-10-2005
sharpness: 5
color: 5
build: 5
distortion: 5
flare control: 5
overall: 5
tested on:
  • film camera:Film camera
  • APS-C: 6MP6 MP; 10MP10 MP; 12MP12 MP; 14MP14 MP; 16MP16 MP; 20MP20 MP; 24MP24 MP
  • full frame: 12MP12 MP; 24MP24 MP; 36MP36 MP; 42MP42 MP; 61MP61 MP
ownership:I have experience with this lens
compared to:
price paid:
fast AF
excellent for portraits
can be found cheap
comment:Small, light fast lens. Used it all the time for portraits on my 650si film body. With the 7D it is basically a 200/2.8. This is just one of those lenses I find myself always wanting to use. I seem to prefer the longer focal lengths and tight cropping and this lens is fantastic for that! Also you can't beat the price, especially if you can find one used. AF is super fast and never hunts.

With all my lenses this one is the first I reviewed. It is clearly my favorite.

rating summary

lens image
  • total reviews: 139
  • sharpness: 4.69
  • color: 4.92
  • build: 4.65
  • distortion: 4.91
  • flare control: 4.44
  • overall: 4.72
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