Minolta AF 135mm F2.8 A-mount lens review by seagr112

reviewer#710 date: Apr-22-2006
sharpness: 4.5
color: 5
build: 5
distortion: 5
flare control: 5
overall: 4.9
tested on:
  • film camera:Film camera
  • APS-C: 6MP6 MP; 10MP10 MP; 12MP12 MP; 14MP14 MP; 16MP16 MP; 20MP20 MP; 24MP24 MP
  • full frame: 12MP12 MP; 24MP24 MP; 36MP36 MP; 42MP42 MP; 61MP61 MP
ownership:I have experience with this lens
compared to:
price paid:
positive:Sharp optical performer
Small and lightweight
Excellent Vintage build
Nice bokeh!
Lens Hood
Quick AF
negative:New resurgence in popularity is raising used price of the lens
Difficult to find
comment:This is, hands down, one of Minolta's sexiest little lenses. I chuckled when I read the "uber sexy" comment by another reviewer, as I can see it's not just me who thinks this.

The 135mm f/2.8 is sharp, fast, well built and unobtrusive, although when attached to a 7D + VC-7D, it's hard to be stealthy! Maybe on a Maxxum 5?

When I used it with my 700si, it was a great portrait lens and provided nice bokeh and color. On the 7D I find fewer uses for it, but it is my 200mm telephoto of choice when required. Mine has the crossed XX's as well.

Good luck finding one, and hopefully pricing will stabilize. I'm seeing them on ebay being bid on for $300+ right now. Ouch!

As an add on, (May 3) on my 7D, I did note a small amount of CA in areas of high contrast when enlarged on the monitor. But hey, it's not an APO lens, and the CA certainly was not distracting in the photo.

rating summary

lens image
  • total reviews: 139
  • sharpness: 4.69
  • color: 4.92
  • build: 4.65
  • distortion: 4.91
  • flare control: 4.44
  • overall: 4.72
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