Other Neewer 32mm F1.6 E-mount lens reviews
reviews found: 3
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sharpness: 4 color: 4 build: 4 distortion: 3 flare control: 4 overall: 3.8 | tested on:
ownership: | I have experience with this lens |
compared to: | nothing |
price paid: | 100 |
positive: | Light and sharp. Good build quality |
negative: | i was warned. it is a manual focus, and my eyesight isn't what it used to be. this one will be on e-bay very shortly. |
comment: | Within expextaction but maybe not the best choice of the money. I'd say it's a good enough lens for the money, but there is noticeable distortion on the edge of image(like cctv lens) comparing to a canon fd 50mm 1.8 lens and even 28mm 2.8. a used ole lens like that only cost about $50 cad and $25 for adapter which u can still use quite a lot other lens. However it's emount and small, great for out going comparing to adapted lens. print stickers | sticker printing | printing services | business printing |
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sharpness: 3.5 color: 5 build: 3 distortion: 4 flare control: 4 overall: 3.9 | tested on:
ownership: | I own this lens |
compared to: | Various small PK-fit or M42 primes on dumb adapters; A-mount lenses (Min 28f2.8, DT30, DT35mm) on LA-EA1; SELP16-50; Lots of A-mount stuff |
price paid: | £20 s/h eBay |
positive: | Fairly small, cheap, and lightweight. Nice focus ring old-fashioned performance (if you like that) Smooth transition bokeh Round-blade iris Fast for such a small lens Very useable wide open in close-up (if you like narrow-DOF close-ups) Little geometric distortion or CA |
negative: | poor quality control reverse-action aperture ring is inaccurately labelled, and with no click is a nuisance Not as slim as it could be. occasional donut bokeh in OOF backgrounds Corners poor below f8, so not the best choice for views & architecture. Not that sharp |
comment: | My Neewer copy was bought s/h on eBay with a known fault, unable to focus beyond two yards or so, and with no obvious screws to dismantle it, needed some fairly brutal hand torque to push the endstop around to regain infinity focus. It has a pretty flat focus plane but is angled forward on the left, obvious when using focus peaking on a grassy view, and close things will be sharper on the right and distant things on the left. Not usually a problem if you compensate, but don't use full aperture at infinity. The Neewer 32mm is a convenient size and shape - longer than the 28mm Meike and the SELP1650, though shorter than the Sigma 30mm f2.8 DN, and not conical like the Meike 28mm. It has a normal focus action and an oddly reversed aperture with no click stop. Checking exposures shows the reason for the lack of clicks - the iris mechanism is non-linear and the actual aperture is way out from the indicated value (f8 is more like f4). Light collection ability fully openis similar to the DT 35mm f1.8 set between f2 and f2.2, so I don't believe the f1.6 claim either. What’s it like optically? Basically, old fashioned, as you’d expect from a cheap low-element medium-angle lens. It isn’t the sharpest lens on the block, even at f8-11, but fully open the central area is quite sharp enough if you nail the focus, as anywhere near wide open the narrow DOF will be the limit. I tend to do a lot of flower close-ups and though this lens won’t match a decent macro for bite, results are usually lovely with a smooth transition to OOF and the smooth bokeh that you tend to get with older lens designs undercompensated for SA. However if you focus close at wide aperture, distant light points can show almost a donut bokeh with some swirl to it that’s not always so pleasant. No real onion rings though like you get from some aspherical lens elements. The SOny 35mm f1.8 DT (on LA-EA1) is quite sharp over the whole visual field fully open - this isn't by a long way. I bought it to try out a small native E-mount prime for convenience, having got a bit browned off with the SEL1650 (which is sharp, it just operates like a compact). I have several MF primes I can adapt with converters, but a short native mount lens has benefits. Ergonomically the lens is good in parts, with a nice focus ring a reasonable distance from the camera body, but the aperture ring is thin, close to the lens and the lack of a click stop is irritating as you can’t count the clicks and have to take it away from your face to check the aperture (or, given how inaccurate the markings are, just guess). It’s cheap (even new), a convenient size, and the ability to get some seriously thin DOF on close-ups with smooth OOF transitions, even with a standard-angle lens is useful. It focuses very close for a non-macro, maybe six inches from the front, and doesn’t get hideously soft in the process. Suffers some flare, oddly worse at medium aperture than wide open, so use your hand to shield the sun. In due course I hope to post some comparison pics with the Cosina 28mm f2.8 pk-mount, Pentacon 50mm f1.8 M42 on Pixco FL reducer, the DT 35mm f1.8 on LA-EA1, and maybe a few others. I can tell you right now that the Pixco reducer does widen the FL as expected, doesn’t gain you much light gathering power and does soften the sides and corners badly, and that none of the MF lenses are as sharp as the Sony DT, but some are much smaller; especially the Cosina and Miranda PK-mount ones which are quite dinky and my old-fashioned favourites, with proper click-stop aperture and smooth long-travel focus ring labelled in feet & metres. It’s just a pity you can’t get better than f2.8 at 28-35mm in the dinky PK-fit range. |
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sharpness: 3.5 color: 5 build: 4 distortion: 5 flare control: 4 overall: 4.3 | tested on:
ownership: | I used to own this lens |
compared to: | Canon EF 28 F1.8 USM Sigma 28 F1.8 HS & EX DG Minolta MD & AF 28 F2 Sony FE 28 F2 Canon EF 28 F2.8 IS USM Minolta/Sony AF 28 F2.8 Neewer 28 F2.8 Sigma 30 F1.4 DC DN C & EX DC Sigma 30 F2.8 DN Art Sony DT 30 F2.8 Macro SAM Zeiss Touit 32 F1.8 Neewer 35 F1.2 Rokinon 35 F1.2 Fotasy 35 F1.6 APS-C & Mini Kaxinda 35 F1.7 Sony E 35 F1.8 OSS Sony DT 35 F1.8 SAM Minolta MD 35 F1.8 Minolta AF 35 F2 Rokinon AF FE 35 F2.8 Minolta MC 35 F2.8 Vivitar 35 F2.8 Minolta Rokkor 40 F1.7 Konica AR 40 F1.8 Canon EF 40 F2.8 STM Pentax-M 40 F2.8 Pentax-DA 40 F2.8 XS Pentax-FA 43 F1.9 Limited |
price paid: | 50 USD (new) |
positive: | Size and price Bright 49 mm filter thread |
negative: | Alignment problem Inaccurate aperture scale markings Stiff focus |
comment: | I first saw this lens being sold on eBay and Amazon under the Veledge brand name. It is now also being sold under the Neewer and Mcoplus brands. I purchased a Neewer branded copy from the same seller I've bought most of my Neewer lenses from. It is a bit longer than the Kaxinda/Meike/Neewer 28 F2.8 pancake lens but several mm shorter than the Rokinon AF FE 35 F2.8. The body is styled like the Neewer 35 F1.2. "MADE IN CHINA" The image quality is much better than the $35 mini C-mount Fotasy 35 F1.6 and somewhat better than the Kaxinda 35 F1.7, but nowhere near as good as the $45 E-mount Fotasy 35 F1.6 APS-C (3516E) or the Zeiss Touit 1.8/32. There seems to be a alignment problem with this copy with a directional glow wide-open. If the alignment was corrected this would be a decent lens. Unbranded front and rear caps were included. Just like the 35 F1.2 there are three lobes on the front of the focusing barrel that seem to be for a optional bayonet hood. The filter threads and hood bayonet do not rotate but do extended with focus. |
reviews found: 3
rating summary

- total reviews: 3
- sharpness: 3.67
- color: 4.67
- build: 3.67
- distortion: 4.00
- flare control: 4.00
- overall: 4.00
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